Subete no aware
Now you stalk each other at conferences and try to trip each other up by asking impossible questions in an effort to embarrass each other in public.Steroyd said:I thought it was sweet and endearing.
Now what?
Now you stalk each other at conferences and try to trip each other up by asking impossible questions in an effort to embarrass each other in public.Steroyd said:I thought it was sweet and endearing.
Now what?
flawfuls said:And here you go.
This... terrifies me...
[B]K-ON!! 17[/B]
Very good episode. Part of it reminds me on how precious practice space for bands really is, and the other part was just some great character development from Yui of all people. Good stuff, very heartwarming. :3
firehawk12 said:And this is when a pair of sunglasses drops down onto the thread and someone says "deal with it".
It shouldn't be expected of anyone unless they want to. I wouldn't mind more discussion, but when I'm writing my episode impressions, I have to ask myself if I really want to write something more fitting as a blog post than a forum post that will intrude the thread more than enlighten. Besides, I lack the savvy the terminology to pinpoint my criticisms in an easier fashion.7Th said:I'm not asking for "academic discussion"; I'm asking for at least this:
"The loli-scientist and clumsy robot scene in Nichijou 2 was fucking boring because it dragged a very simple and elementary joke for too long yet provided no extra character insight or interesting visuals to actually justify its extension. They wasted too much time making the loli-scientist give absolutely unfunny, non-sensical answers to the complaints of the robot girl and then they wasted even more time showing the characters SLOWLY eating pastry and drinking milk in the most straightforwardly shot scene possible as if showing them eating pastry and eating milk was, by itself, something genuinely fun or interesting."
...instead of this:
"The loli-scientist and clumsy robot scenes in Nichijou are fucking boring." said:This... terrifies me...
Something that is meant to draw in a particular audience.Uchip said:wtf is pander bait
Aigis said:[img]
(magically slides onto?)[/QUOTE]
This happens too often with Kanno OSTs as well.Hitokage said:The real sin of the Infinite Ryvius score is that the best track was omitted from all three soundtrack albums.
firehawk12 said:Something that is meant to draw in a particular audience.
I think it's more feminists who talk about anime. :lolHitokage said:Feminism is what gave us Utena, so I'll hear no complaints about feminists in anime.
Hitokage said:Feminism is what gave us Utena, so I'll hear no complaints about feminists in anime.
That too.DrForester said:I thought drugs gave us Utena...
icarus-daedelus said:Do you remember anything else about it? Because I'm finding the show to be fairly unremarkable on the whole, tbh. :/
Not like there haven't been any other sinners. Fantastic Children didn't release the best arrangement of Voyage without the vocals, and Glass Fleet didn't include the song that plays during the ballroom scene in its 2-disc OST. And I guess Tenten's theme in Naruto before someone brings that up.Hitokage said:The real sin of the Infinite Ryvius score is that the best track was omitted from all three soundtrack albums. said:This happens too often with Kanno OSTs as well.
Which track did they omit?
Must resist punchline...icarus-daedelus said:Feminists on drugs.
icarus-daedelus said:Do you remember anything else about it? Because I'm finding the show to be fairly unremarkable on the whole, tbh. :/
hosannainexcelsis said:It's all about reading from the text instead of into the text. Schools of literary analysis which start from an agenda - be it feminism, Marxism, whatever - and read that into everything annoy me. But literary analysis which takes apart the text and carefully examines the meaning of each word and how they fit with each other can be very enjoyable.
Branduil said:Really? You must introduce me to these other sci-fi anime with themes taken from Lord of the Flies.
There's also Jyu-ou-sei, but don't watch it.flawfuls said:Uninhabited Planet Survive!
Well not in in the same way as Infinite Ryvius, but it's an island survival story.
The bigger offenders are omitted tracks not found in the OST but stuffed into drama CDs or a seiyuu song-collection album personally.Hitokage said:
Speaking of omitted tracks:
So what pairs won?Geneijin said:
Yeah... all the Nichijou hate makes just as much sense as the degree of K-On love here does... that is, it doesn't make sense.Cowie said:I'm a little baffled by all the Nichijou negativity.
I think you people are just afraid of this show.
Bah, the robot and child scientist scenes are pretty good. I think they've all been funny, and they make each one weird and unexpected in some way, which is great.7Th said:I'm not asking for "academic discussion"; I'm asking for at least this:
"The loli-scientist and clumsy robot scene in Nichijou 2 was fucking boring because it dragged a very simple and elementary joke for too long yet provided no extra character insight or interesting visuals to actually justify its extension. They wasted too much time making the loli-scientist give absolutely unfunny, non-sensical answers to the complaints of the robot girl and then they wasted even more time showing the characters SLOWLY eating pastry and drinking milk in the most straightforwardly shot scene possible as if showing them eating pastry and eating milk was, by itself, something genuinely fun or interesting."
...instead of this:
"The loli-scientist and clumsy robot scenes in Nichijou are fucking boring."
We're only halfway through, the episodes are an hour each, and the source material it's based on (novels) ended about a year before the first episode released. I'm sure they have a plan!shintoki said:Decided to catch up on Gundam Unicorn. Isn't it supposed to be a 6 OVA series? I'm confused at how they are planning to wrap it up.
Just wanted to say, I love your posts./XX/ said:Anything, anywhere anytime.
It's funny because it assumes true love exists?doomed1 said:K-ON!! 18
Romeo and Juliet arcs are my favorite. Shakespeare's greatest comedy!![]()
firehawk12 said:Now you stalk each other at conferences and try to trip each other up by asking impossible questions in an effort to embarrass each other in public.
I would guess it depends on what you want to achieve with your posts more than anything else?shintoki said:Odd question, but what would be considered a good post then? In terms of length and quality. Not directed towards anymore, since I've been thinking a bit about how to improve my own.
Delicious buns are delicious.Steroyd said:Or I post a gif of head turd and run away.
I can't read the staff credits so I wouldn't know. I'm sure someone will compile a list eventually :loltiff said:So what pairs won?
Be clear and concise as you can be.shintoki said:Odd question, but what would be considered a good post then? In terms of length and quality. Not directed towards anymore, since I've been thinking a bit about how to improve my own.
No, it's because everyone's just GODDAMNED FUCKING MORON. And I refuse to believe that Shakespeare wouldn't have noticed. Nihil novi sub soli (plus all the great dirty jokes), I got the impression that Shakespeare was making fun of his source material more than he was taking from it.firehawk12 said:It's funny because it assumes true love exists?![]()
Right click-save asSteroyd said:Or I post a gif of head turd and run away.
But that's where the tragedy comes from... and the dirty jokes were meant to please the plebes watching for the cheap (yet better, by modern standards) seats.doomed1 said:No, it's because everyone's just GODDAMNED FUCKING MORON. And I refuse to believe that Shakespeare wouldn't have noticed. Nihil novi sub soli (plus all the great dirty jokes), I got the impression that Shakespeare was making fun of his source material more than he was taking from it.
But that's a different discussion for a different thread...
I'll agree with you there. Romeo meets Juliet and suddenly they get married the next morning? Come on. A shallow relationship like that is doomed to failure before it even begins.doomed1 said:K-ON!! 18
Romeo and Juliet arcs are my favorite. Shakespeare's greatest comedy!![]()
JKTrix said:Also: how Wandering Son should have ended
Just...the other way around.
icarus-daedelus said:So, been watching some more Infinite Ryvius lately, and I've decided that the creators, whomever they may be, are not completely incompetent at matching music to the tone of a particular scene; they're just bad at doing this with nontraditional soundtrack music, as in the light trip-hop/hip-hop that pervades most of the series and tends to step all over whatever mood they're trying to achieve in a given scene.
There are scenes here and there where classical instruments (the de facto choice for scoring film and television) are used in a traditional manner to support the scene they're in, such as the sad violins at the beginning of episode 19, which work in exactly the way you'd expect. Typical, but effective.
I think the main counter example that comes to mind for me when using music fer young'uns in an effective, nontraditional way is the drum 'n' bass score to Boogiepop Phantom, where it reinforces the fractured setup of the narrative and the dark tone of the series.
Translation: the music in Infinite Ryvius is hella annoying and cringeworthy.
icarus-daedelus said:I'm at episode 19 or 20, and so farnope. They take the focus off of it *eventually* but it's still annoying as hell for the majority of what I've seen.
There's a point at which tragedy becomes farce, and R&J definitely crossed that line. I made a direct comparison to A Mid Summer Night's Dream and my VERY traditionalist Shakespeare prof thought the idea was a piece of fridge brilliance. Really, the play has more in common with Much Ado About Nothing and The Merchant of Venice than Macbeth and Othello.firehawk12 said:But that's where the tragedy comes from... and the dirty jokes were meant to please the plebes watching for the cheap (yet better, by modern standards) seats.
I'll wait until I can read the VN then.InfiniteNine said:Steins;Gate Episode 02:
Kinda wishing they would go slower with this. They are skipping over some very detailed information outlined in the VN, and this is going to make it pretty confusing to those who haven't read the game. This isn't exactly bad, but it's kinda sad to see all that work that went into the story get glossed over. It was genuinely interesting with real explanations and theories for time travel and stuff.
is that Gintama?flawfuls said:Pssht that's boring. It should have had this kind of ending.
Ratrat said:is that Gintama?
It's pretty confusing when they are skipping and rushing through a lot of content. The story for the most part is drama with some comedy bits thrown in between the everyday stuff.Halycon said:Steins;Gate: I'm not sure what this series is trying to do. Is it a comedy, or a drama, or what. Shit makes no sense.
At least I knew what Eden was about after the first episode: Johnnies
That isn't concept work for the anime it's artwork for the VN.Halycon said:I was very disappointed at how the art turned out considering the official work I found while making the banner.
It's like Lain all over again.