InfiniteNine said:
Sorry, I already promised someone my firstborn a while ago.InfiniteNine said:Madoka and Bakemonogatari BD Boxsets in the US Aniplex! I'll give you Dresden's first born!
Even if they get the 'good stuff' it wouldn't sell. The market just isn't there right now.jman2050 said:Isn't it basically a big catch-22 where US companies can't get a lot of the good stuff because it's too expensive and unprofitable so they have to go for the mediocre-to-terrible stuff which, predictably, doesn't sell at all thus keeping the anime market unhealthy and unprofitable for the actual good stuff?
Which is stupid. I'm sure that's what happened with K-On! and I'm betting that the franchise is pretty much irrelevant now.duckroll said:Bakemono is pretty much doomed unless Aniplex brings it to the US themselves (which they probably will in the future). The show is such a massive hit in Japan that there is no way Aniplex would license it out for a logical fee. Certainly not a profitable one.
firehawk12 said:Which is stupid. I'm sure that's what happened with K-On! and I'm betting that the franchise is pretty much irrelevant now.
Eh, whenever K-On! aired, that shit was all over the blogs and forums and whatnot so I can see why someone would have thought they could make money off it. And maybe they could have - if they didn't hold it until K-On!! finished and split it up into 4 volumes.jman2050 said:Who the hell thought K-On! would have any selling power in the US in the first place?
firehawk12 said:Which is stupid. I'm sure that's what happened with K-On! and I'm betting that the franchise is pretty much irrelevant now.
Maybe selling X amount of copies at 200 bucks a pop is better than selling Y amount of copies at 30-40 bucks a pop (where X is <<<<<< Y). I don't understand that logic, but apparently American nerds are willing to shell out that cash so maybe they aren't wrong.
Branduil said:LOL I need a gif of Cleo deflecting arrows.
That's because it was Glass Fleet and Umasou.Solune said:Since you posted Sex Hair Kaoru, Umasou, and those numerous Glass Fleet gifs =p
Aw, and I was going to suggest this pose too.InfiniteNine said:
jman2050 said:Isn't it basically a big catch-22 where US companies can't get a lot of the good stuff because it's too expensive and unprofitable so they have to go for the mediocre-to-terrible stuff which, predictably, doesn't sell at all thus keeping the anime market unhealthy and unprofitable for the actual good stuff?
Which makes no sense, because they're just losing out on sales. Unless they're one of the companies that don't care about fansubs. :lolduckroll said:Not really stupid from Aniplex's perspective. They're making gangbusters with the property in Japan. Other regions can take it or leave it. Makes no difference to them.
I'm glad the smaller companies exist, because god knows Aria is the niche-ist of niche shows.duckroll said:No, this is not the case at all. FUNimation gets tons of good stuff which is also expensive AND profitable. The shows which get passed over because they're too expensive and unprofitable are really irrelevant in terms of widening the appeal of anime. They're actually the stuff which only otaku would care about, and most of those happen to be pirates who don't buy anything.
The actual big mainstream stuff are all licensed.![]()
firehawk12 said:Which makes no sense, because they're just losing out on sales. Unless they're one of the companies that don't care about fansubs. :lol
Really now? I suppose it's better than danbooru where 90% of them are showing their boobs or panties.Articalys said:Hayate no Gotoku is probably one of the better sources for maid reference poses, actually.
InfiniteNine said:Really now? I suppose it's better than danbooru where 90% of them are showing their boobs or panties.
Geneijin said:Advance apologizes for the image spam.
I just assume that they'd make more money by selling it to more than just the reference copy nerds.duckroll said:I don't get what you're saying. Aniplex has no reason to license out a series for cheap to a US company just for that company to get a few sales and then pay them some royalties. If they can't license it for big bucks, they can very well release the box-set themselves sometime down the line for a higher price, and the very few otakus who would buy it anyway would still buy it and Aniplex gets 100% of the money instead.
firehawk12 said:I just assume that they'd make more money by selling it to more than just the reference copy nerds.
Just being honest here, but probably the only way I'd pay 200+ bucks for Bakemono is if they subbed the commentaries and I can't imagine they'd go that extra mile.
Hitokage said:Let's not get carried away here.
Needs some makeup.
Hm, but you aren't a combat maid though. I think maid poses would be better like your last two pictures. Like Maria's pose at the end:InfiniteNine said:Here you go Geneijin! Fighting pose!
Does Wolverine have a villain whoduckroll said:Everyone watching Glass Fleet should watch Wolverine after that. Seems like you guys would enjoy it, judging from these gifs...
Branduil said:Does Wolverine have a villain whowas molested by his foster father, slept with his foster mother, killed both of them, and now has a creepy relationship with a young boy while marrying the daughter of the space pope?
I wouldn't be surprised if it did. The little I saw of it was pants-on-head retarded.Branduil said:Does Wolverine have a villain whowas molested by his foster father, slept with his foster mother, killed both of them, and now has a creepy relationship with a young boy while marrying the daughter of the space pope?
Yusss! At least you can feel good about making someone watch Hanasaku Iroha!Geneijin said:That's because it was Glass Fleet and Umasou.
InfiniteClare, I'm in!Hitokage said:You should carry around a claymore.
Hellsing321 said:I wouldn't be surprised if it did. The little I saw of it was pants-on-head retarded.
Hah, is that the consolation? I suppose I understand the boutique model. I buy HBO box sets after all... it just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.duckroll said:It doesn't have to be 200 bucks. Durarara is in 3 sets for 50 bucks each. Baccano's blu-ray complete box set will be 60 bucks. I imagine for Bakemono they'll probably release it in two sets for 50 bucks each. Pricey for a short series, but not R2 pricey.
Is this from Wolverine?duckroll said:You should have kept watching. It got so bad it was good. Lulz.
Maybe later!Geneijin said:Hm, but you aren't a combat maid though. I think maid poses would be better like your last two pictures. Like Maria's pose at the end:
Do you think they'll let me bring a sword on a plane?Hitokage said:You should carry around a claymore.
Dresden said:Is this from Wolverine?
duckroll said:~snip
Ave Maria.Articalys said:Hayate no Gotoku is probably one of the better sources for maid reference poses, actually.
Wait, you haven't watched it already? Well, at least you are now if so.Solune said:Yusss! At least you can feel good about making someone watch Hanasaku Iroha!
SoreMachi!Geneijin said:Ave Maria.
Couldn't think of another anime with maids.
I'm still waiting on your Kaiji thread because most people aren't talking about it. Please make this thread soon!Jexhius said:I think you just did.
I'll be throwing up my Kaiji thread after I watch the first episode. Admittedly there isn't much in their but I still feel that it deserves it's own thread.
jman2050 said:I imagined InfiniteNine as this pasty nerdy looking white guy, I don't know what to think anymore.
'Greatness'InfiniteNine said:Time to watch Kaiji! I can feel the greatness already!
No I have but it's always nice to have sex hair archived somewhere. But I'm sure you get others than myself to watch shows based on gifs alone. Look at Umasou. I'm not touching Glass Fleet within a 10 ft pole though.Geneijin said:Wait, you haven't watched it already? Well, at least you are now if so.
The whole episode got me so hungry for yakitori and some beer.Hazaro said:'Greatness'