The Blu-Rays for the series are great! Subtitles look a bit strange, but they're still better than the ugly yellow ones that some companies still use. The ones on the Rebellion import look pretty great, though.
The first two movies just retell the series. I saw them when they were in theaters here and thought they were neat. You can watch them if you want, but it's not necessary. I think the second movie adds this cool new scene with Homura in a graveyard.
That Idol girl was pretty good. I don't root for her , but when i was playing card games my main strategy was also to keep my opponnent "card-free" as possible so i can relate.
I also don't mind psychological warfare.
In short aside from the fact that "that" girl is still looking for a way to marry her brother , it was quite alright.
Heh, I shoudl've said that I am german and have of course the german version. We had the same problem, but it was approached differently.
I think the Translator didn't know what gender Kino was or wanted to be msileading, he just referred to her completely as a "he", which was later very arkward.
But as I said, that wasn't the problem. I can totally understand, that this is not working out so easy in a translation. But the writing itself was horrible. Could be part to german translation, but I doubt that translation would've butchered the stories that much.
The Blu-Rays for the series are great! Subtitles look a bit strange, but they're still better than the ugly yellow ones that some companies still use. The ones on the Rebellion import look pretty great, though.
The first two movies just retell the series. I saw them when they were in theaters here and thought they were neat. You can watch them if you want, but it's not necessary. I think the second movie adds this cool new scene with Homura in a graveyard.
Here's a wiki list of a good portion of light novels. Most are original series, but there appear to be a few adaptations so you will have to check out individual articles. Take note for all you Chaika fans, that's a LN too!
Here's a wiki list of a good portion of light novels. Most are original series, but there appear to be a few adaptations so you will have to check out individual articles. Take note for all you Chaika fans, that's a LN too!
Here's a wiki list of a good portion of light novels. Most are original series, but there appear to be a few adaptations so you will have to check out individual articles. Take note for all you Chaika fans, that's a LN too!
Heh, I shoudl've said that I am german and have of course the german version. We had the same problem, but it was approached differently.
I think the Translator didn't know what gender Kino was or wanted to be msileading, he just referred to her completely as a "he", which was later very arkward.
But as I said, that wasn't the problem. I can totally understand, that this is not working out so easy in a translation. But the writing itself was horrible. Could be part to german translation, but I doubt that translation would've butchered the stories that much.
I will have to take your world for it, but I am sure having a terrible translation wouldn't help enjoy the series. I would only assume the original Japanese LNs flow much better than the other translations.
This was just the first list to come to mind. The TV Tropes may work even better than some wiki article.
And just what is the defining line between a light novel and a regular novel? Is it simply having the illustrated pages or something more? I know page length is not the issue after seeing how thick those Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere LNs are.
This was just the first list to come to mind. The TV Tropes may work even better than some wiki article.
And just what is the defining line between a light novel and a regular novel? Is it simply having the illustrated pages or something more? I know page length is not the issue after seeing how thick those Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere LNs are.
The line between Light novels and regular novel is getting blurier the more you look this point it's just a matter of pedigree from the author and the audience the book is intended² for.
Light novels are supposed to be easier to read ..but "supposed" as some of those can become quite insane. Regular book also don't have illustrations in between the chapter ( or during them ) something the line novels often use.
Giant Killing is SO good, it cover its sport from every angle with balance and credibility, it has fantastic character development, a nice narrative pace and a great style. I'm hooked to it.
And just what is the defining line between a light novel and a regular novel? Is it simply having the illustrated pages or something more? I know page length is not the issue after seeing how thick those Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere LNs are.
And just what is the defining line between a light novel and a regular novel? Is it simply having the illustrated pages or something more? I know page length is not the issue after seeing how thick those Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere LNs are.
And just what is the defining line between a light novel and a regular novel? Is it simply having the illustrated pages or something more? I know page length is not the issue after seeing how thick those Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere LNs are.
Too bad she is weak as hell too , well she isn't but that was the main heroine she was against..she had no chance.
Main heroine , cna you please decide what you want ? All this talk of being unworthy is meaningless ! Just enjoy the crazy and think of a wish what you're crushing everyone else dreams ? WHO CARES! aren't they crushing your potential dream too ? STEP YOUR GAME UP LITTLE GIRL.
Madoka finally finds something to wish for. And what a wish.
Great show. Quite the ride with lots of twists and turns. It gets dark at times and really sad too. It's the first 1 cour show I've watched that have managed to invoke such strong emotions of sadness. Interesting visuals with the monsters, and the music is fitting. Liked both the choral/classical sounding music and the more house/techno stuff. Oh, and that OP is such a lie. Haha.
hahaha, I enjoyed reading your fast reviews. Glad you enjoyed it, such a great series. I think it its mostly responsible of me watching anime at full force nowadays.
That reminds me I need to watch Rebellion. I plan to do it once I rewatch the whole series in Blu-Ray.
First 2 movies are recaps of the series with small changes in animation such as making backgrounds feel livelier. The script is the same as the series and I think the series is paced better but I watched them because I love Madoka. They're not worth watching if you want something new but if you want to see the same story told with slightly better animation it might be worth it to check them out.
Also, you're starting Girls Und Panzer? That's a fun anime too. The upcoming OVA shows one of the battles skipped during the series and it should be coming out soon. Add that on my to watch list for summer season.
Rushed? Did we even watch the same episode? I thought they kind of went a bit slow considering we arent even at any official round match up yet, and the episode only showed another match of battle boards and tons of analyzing.
I didn't even bother to watch the sequel, Melodies because I looked up what happens in it and from what I read,
Renji and Chihiro barely show up in it. Like, they're there, but apparently they have no significance to the story any more.
Not that it really matters, since Memories had a perfectly satisfying conclusion to their relationship (one of the sweetest things I've ever seen when it comes to romance anime) and it's not retconned or anything, so thank goodness.
I didn't really mean aging when I asked how it held up; sometimes anime I liked when I was younger I don't like nearly as much now. That's all I meant, really; if impressions here are still positive, I'll probably like it again when I rewatch it. I should look into the Blu-Rays at some point.
Rushed? Did we even watch the same episode? I thought they kind of went a bit slow considering we arent even at any official round match up yet, and the episode only showed another match of battle boards and tons of analyzing.
I don't think this episode was rushed either , in fact they are going at the same pace pretty much every episode.
I won't argue that it can be boring for some. But that was 200% world building
Heh I've read a lot of discussions about ef and if there is one thing I learned is that you can tell a lot about what a person enjoys depending on what part of Memories they prefer.
The anime version of Chihiro's arc is MUCH better than in the VN which is something you don't see very often in adaptions. There are a few scenes which exhilarate and make the whole experience much more enjoyable. Although if you disliked it that much I don't think it would make a difference.
I didn't even bother to watch the sequel, Melodies because I looked up what happens in it and from what I read,
Renji and Chihiro barely show up in it. Like, they're there, but apparently they have no significance to the story any more.
Not that it really matters, since Memories had a perfectly satisfying conclusion to their relationship (one of the sweetest things I've ever seen when it comes to romance anime) and it's not retconned or anything, so thank goodness.
I'd recommend Melodies to anyone who enjoyed even one half of Memories. Melodies is much more darker in tone and much more controversial(it really cranks the melodrama up to 11) but some really prefer the more emotional story.
The episode that spawned a million fanarts. I approve of it too. The relationship between those two seemed to be one of mutual respect and its not a far reach to see why this happened. I think it was a beautiful little detail in the story and a fitting way for that episode to end.
And here we go! Starting another Kyoto Animation show.
The show is beautifully animated. Like really, really well done. The show has a very intriguing premise and I like all the characters introduced so far. Oreiki seems to have some mad deductive skills. I look forward to seeing how his character progresses with Eru. He seems quite enamored with her. I thought it was amusing when he handed his application for the Classics Club over to her with like this look on his face of "Why did I just do that?"
I am really looking forward to seeing more of this show.
Seeing how you enjoy slower paced stuff, you might like Hyouka, but be warned the mystery stuff itself is quite mundane. I mean ridiculously simple dumb things. The show explores the characters and teir progression and thats the more interesting part of it, though the show doesnt really let them shine until the latter half of the series. The main fault I would put on this show is it presented potentially interesting characters with a mind numbing situation half the time and it didnt really give them much to do. The festival arc becomes a much more lively and intriguing part and thats where the show finally found its legs. Chitanda is a cute drunk and Misaki is best girl. Irisu is cool too. Mayaka is a dumb bitch.
No Game No Life Episode 2 HOLY SHIT, this episode, like the first episode was interesting and all, interesting characters and learning about stuff, but this episode truly delivered, im officially hooked.
How come nobody told me about this sooner?
Guys if you want to get non lewdgaf people to watch this ngnl show you'll have to do better than "apart from the blatant fan service where naked girls show up on the loser protag's doorstep and 12 year old cameltoes are flashed on screen for your enjoyment it's actually good and non fan servicey I sweeeaaaarrr"
Nobody really cares about the fanservice content. Its just there. The focus is on what the show is saying about gamers and NEETs and just having fun with itself.
Yea the artstyle is awful, the filter is annoying.
It's just that the lead MC is a professional conman cheating his way through a fantasy world full of cheaters. Like everybody is cheating in the fantasy world. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say the MC is legitimately insane.
It's really not like Mondaji at all. It's much better for one.
Oh, and one final thing I forgot to mention about No Game No Life that's a sign of when it was created - the main character is a complete NEET who can't deal with social situations. Just more pandering to the audience by reflecting a more powerful version of themselves back at them.
Its a sign of social changes within Japan that anime reflects the current situation and what Otakus see themselves like. Marketing anime requires people who will buy it and like it or not thats how those people are. Its not gonna sustain itself but for now its selling merchandise.
Someone has to take source material and adapt it into a semi bleievable story in such a way that it makes sense and is enjoyable. An untalented editor or director could just as easily screw up a story like this with lack of experience. that it is such a fun series is testament to them doing it right.
The show even jokes about the NEET term. They don't appear to have job or go to school either.
Demographic questions aside, the number of "NEET"/Hikikomori" protaganists in anime has increased in recent years, even the guy at the start of Chaika says he hasn't been in work for ages. Creators obviously feel that it's useful to have characters with this trait, for whatever reason, and given the state of the global economy combines with Japan's own problems I imagine that's a safe bet for them to make.
Again its just reflecting what otaku are like in Japan in order to make anime more identifiable to them. The ideal is like my job, wherE I work a full time amount of hours, but due to scheduling I also have a week off where I can literally live the life of a NEET if I choose to.
Chaika, you mean the show with the colour-coded collect 'em all loli's, the pet dragon loli, and the 'we're not blood related' brother-sister incest jokes?
As much as I enjoy these shows, I'm not going to let them pass on the shit they pull. I even think No Game No Life is pretty good and it would be a lot better without certain questionable elements.
Chaika is wonderful. theyre trying hard to sell figurines to me and I definitely want some.
I dont think Chaikas characters are lolis agewise and especially not the latest chaika. Hard to say. Fredrica is probably the closest to that but shes adorable so who gives a shit.