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Racist Far Cry 4
Watch Dogs
Lollies in my Western titles

GAF is on a roll.



An example of lollies in those beach episodes of anime.


Tragic victim of fan death
You know it! :p

Haven't seen you around here for awhile (have been absent myself somewhat), how have you been?

Work has been consuming my life. It's not that I particularly work at home, though I do! I'm just tired when I come home so I end up crashing or talking with some of my HS/college friends on skype. I do enjoy my work though!

How have you been yourself?
Chaika - 06

Two chaikas .... unnecessary



I don't want 2 chaikas , i want a lot of chaika i want a green chaika , a blue chaika , a black chaika i want all the color in the spectrum, bring it on !!

I have no problem with this since that concil is too busy arguing whose got the biggest ..where is a shiroe to clean up this concil and put competent people in charge ?

Link Man

Nanana 6

Is this a jab at Ping Pong?

So yeah,
pretty sure Juugo stole it in the night and mailed it in the morning.
You're slipping, Tensai.


Fairy Musketeers 13-15

One Town of the Week in the Salamandra episode, and two that moved the story along. The message of the Salamandra one was pretty simple. Gods are supposed to be metaphors. Also the debut of Red's frying pan weaponry. The other two are more interesting. Gretel really is too cute to not come around to the good guys' side eventually (she's even alongside them in the ED), and she almost would've had Hansel not attacked when he did.

The show's really pushing the Ringo/Hamelin ship, though Ringo's still trying to look out for Souta. The mental maze was alright, but the key thing I took away from the episode was that there's yet another enemy besides the Lycans who are strong enough to not be defeated in one episode. Recurring antagonists, I like that. Randagio and Hansel/Gretel are sympathetic, so having some menacing villains to balance them out is worthwhile. Looking forward to getting some backstory on Rose.

I'd make a joke about "what big eyes you have", but that ship has sailed.


Nanana 6

Is this a jab at Ping Pong?

So yeah,
pretty sure Juugo stole it in the night and mailed it in the morning.
You're slipping, Tensai.

I find Tensai really annoying. She is always trying to get up in Juugo business. Even hacked his phone.

Link Man

Bunny Cafe 6


An old man in pigtails? That's...odd.
...Sorry, MikeHattsu.

This is the season of crepes, it seems. madp should be happy.

Ah, so Cocoa believes
Tippy talking is ventriloquism
. That makes sense.




Is...is Anko coming on to Tippy?
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