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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Have you watched Another?

That show has some serious Corpse Party vibes going on.

was that the horror/moe show of last season? Might check it out.

That football show of this season 3

Huh. they got together a (temp) team surprisingly fast. Usually stuff like this would take a good few eps. That ending was pretty great though.

Fun show.
Holy shit.

That's not something people actually do, right? Somebody just did that as a joke, right?

Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A 4 - Hmm, interesting. So, for the most part, this episode continues to be a fairly close adaptation of the manga... except, they added a few things. Yeah, there are some new bits here. They also tossed in a scene or two from the main Saki manga, most notably that bath scene with Nodoka, Yuki, and the girl from Kazekoshi. Oh, that laundry room scene with Kyoutarou and Saki was new -- that's not from the Saki manga, and the Achiga manga doesn't have Kiyosumi scenes in it.

So, this episode served as both a partial continuation of the main Saki series, showing a few bits of what the Kiyosumi team is doing at the finals, after the end of the original Saki anime, and also continues Achiga's story. However, it's all done in Achiga-hen's artstyle, which certainly is somewhat different from Saki's (different artist; recall Ritz draws Saki herself, while Achiga is drawn by the artist who did Bamboo Blade), as you can tell when you compare the characters in each version.

Also, finally, we got to see a bit of an actual mahjong match in Achiga-hen! It's been too long, and this one was short, but at least it was something... nice to see Kuro winning, and some of the imagery, like the stuff with the dragons, was pretty cool stuff. :) It is unfortunate that the next three rounds were entirely skipped over, and all we saw of Shizuno's round was her winning hand, though. I know that in Saki's regional tournament's first round a lot was skipped over, but not quite that much. It's really unfortunate how much they have to rush this series in order to fit it into 12-13 episodes. :(

Apart from that, though, it was a good episode. The mahjong was fun, the characters great, and it was nice to see more of some of the rival teams, too; yeah, we'll be seeing more of those two teams in the near future, for sure. :) Both of those teams are entertaining groups of characters, with some good personalities, such as the tomboy girl, that girl wrapped in the sheet,
the one who can see several turns into the future during matches
, and more.

Oh, and yeah, the episode had a bit more fanservice than the previous episodes, as well, with that bath scene from the main manga I mentioned (amusing scene, too), and some more Shizuno fanservice than the previous eps had as well. I don't think that having more fanservice makes it a better episode of course, just saying that it was there. On another note, the older woman, the Achiga coach's coach when she was a member of that corporate team, makes another appearance too.

Overall, good episode. This show isn't quite as good as the original Saki series, because of the rushed pace, reduced amount of mahjong so far, and slightly less great cast (I mean, Achiga's great, just not quite AS great), but even so, it's a pretty good series, and a fine sequel on most fronts. But yeah, this IS a sequel, for sure -- watch this, but watch the first Saki anime first. From this episode on, people who haven't seen the original series will definitely be confused.

Been watching stuff all day. Got some questions.

What's the deal with Saki Side A? It looks to be ahead of the original manga. Is it supposed to be an alternate timeline kind of thing, or is it really just ahead of the original manga? And how is that going to work if it is?

Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A is not quite ahead of the Saki manga. Well, the Achiga manga is ahead of the Saki manga, but as the Achiga anime hasn't caught up to where the manga currently is quite yet, it's not. The Saki manga is currently in the quarterfinals, the Achiga anime in the semifinals. As for the Achiga manga, the anime hasn't caught up to that either yet, though at the rate it's going, it will before the end of the series; the Achiga manga chapters are good length, but it's a montly series, and is only through 9 chapters so far. Hopefully Ritz is writing ahead.

On that note though, What will happen for the final match? Will the Achiga anime cover the final, even though we don't know exactly what happens in the quarter and semi finals on the other side because the main series has seen so many delays and short chapters over the past year that it's progressed really slowly? We'll see soon, something will have to give... I don't know what it'll be. For instance, who'll be the other team in the final on the B-side
, along with, presumably, Kiyosumi? We don't know right now. Everyone's expecting the A-side teams to be Achiga and Teru's school (Senriyama, was it?), of course.

Oh, Saki Achiga-hen's anime is past the ending of the original Saki anime, yes. It got past the Saki anime's ending mid episode three. This anime is mostly a spinoff, but it's also a sequel.

Saki 4


It's on like Donkey Kong! I'm curious as to what the end game is supposed to be, since they give time to
Saki and co
. One would guess that the
two schools have to match up against each other
, but I'm not sure if that's supposed to set up a new series or serve as a way to conclude both. I'll be happy for the ride (and the CRAZY Mahjong skills).
Yeah, things are getting more exciting, aren't they... :)

As I say earlier in this post, though, I'm really wondering what direction this is going to go in too, and where exactly it'll stop. I have no idea right now exactly how far this series will go... it'll definitely be interesting to see.


Hyouka 2

I don't wanna say this show is boring, but this show is boring. So very pretty though. Dem eyes.

Also that is one classy ED. I fail to see the problem.
I realize that might be a problem in itself.

Bodacious non-platonic Pirates 17

I was promised yuri and that's exactly what I got. Too bad the remaing 99% of the episode was pretty boring.

Why are there two Usagi clones?

Accel World 3-4

Now that was some premium grade wish fulfillment right there. It's almost commendable. Almost.

I chuckle whenever the infamous bathroom makes an appearance. Thanks guys.


Phi Brain S2 4

Time to put this on hold and wait for enough episodes to watch back to back.
So now everyone of those assholes
knew Kaito?
That feels a bit... unreasonable to accept for me.


The Light of El Cantare
Sailor Moon R 81:



That wasn't so bad for a
episode, I suppose. I really question the Senshi's implicit trust in
a grade-schooler's grasp on the consequences of time travel
, and furthermore I really question the wisdom of
going to a future where their enemies were apparently strong enough to destroy lunar civilization when those same enemies are easily getting their asses kicked in the present
, but when
you really want to save your mother
logic can get fucked, I suppose.

The villains for this episode get my seal of approval just for looking like Kunzite. Sailor Moon needs more dudes in general, but at least they never fail to be fabulous when they are present in the show.

lol @ Jupiter
getting in that revenge attack before Usagi's Moon Princess Halation
. They kind of
attacked her and nobody else in the first fight
, so fair is fair.


Unexpectedly menacing Mamoru.

Sailor Moon R 82:


Don't worry, I still believe you're a planet even if scientists don't.

needs a good interior decorator desperately.
Rooms of mist and Greco-Roman columns
are so last epoch.

I think that for the first time in the series, I was legitimately creeped out by something. The
area of space-time that Chibiusa wound up in after being separated from the others
was pretty disturbing, and the MotW's flesh melting off of her bones during her transformation made it even worse. It looked like my mental image of the Forest of Suicides from Inferno or something.

Last thirty seconds of the episode was just what I expected.
Chibiusa dun goofd with the time travel and Crystal Tokyo is already destroyed


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Ginga e Kickoff 03

This cartoon is so good. The football actually looks like football. Maybe a case of lowered expectations but goddamn I love it.

Have some Erika:
Ginga e Kickoff!! 3

It's pretty clear that they're investing this series' small (I assume) budget in the stuff that really matters: football animation.

The scenes in which the characters are just talking are as simple as they can be, but the action makes it all worth it. It's a complete different experience from something like Tsubasa. The characters are actually playing the match, and not having minutes-long instrospective conversations with themselves after each step.

I wonder when they'll have a full team and finally enter some kind of tournament arc.
It feels weird to me how this show is all about aping Barcelona's style. I'm an old geezer.


Subete no aware
Ginga e Kickoff 03

This cartoon is so good. The football actually looks like football. Maybe a case of lowered expectations but goddamn I love it.

Have some Erika:
It feels weird to me how this show is all about aping Barcelona's style. I'm an old geezer.
Forget Erika, Kobayashi is the better girl boy.


Sailor Moon S 98

Wow this was almost on par with the cake shop episode and were it not for the presence of Uranus and Neptune it might have exceeded it.. The racing mooks with oversized wenches to start felt like a nice callback to earlier times and it was nice to see Usagi doing her own thing again but man, there was some lazy animation when the guy fell off his bike and Kaorinite being hit by the tiara. Definitely a step down from the previous episode although little could have matched how wonderful 97 was.
:lol @ Haruka's cologne giving away her identify

Tuxedo Mask never stood a chance. said:

wtfff said:


Legend of the Galactic Heroes 04

Ah, the good old-fashioned bitch-slap. We certainly don't see enough of it nowadays.

Annerose :( Also Kircheis :'( Poor prince, you surely have to put up with a lot. You deserve more.

Being a future-space Prussian involves suffering.


That's not something people actually do, right? Somebody just did that as a joke, right?


Of course it's not a joke. Being an otaku, in the classic meaning of the word, means to be obsessed with one thing. That's what obsession looks like. Beautiful, isn't it?


[AKB 48] - 1

I felt that everything after the amazing opening was kind of a let down, although the final scene was pretty stupid.

Also, Statelight haven't improved their CG at all. At all.

Word, personality Anthy was great.

I don't think I can support girls with personalities. That never goes well.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Myth of the Interstellar Champions 05
Bitch-slaps are the panty shots of yesteryear.
Even in Space Rome, the Caesar has to be stabbed. I was cheering when the girls knifed him with the silverware. What a douchebag.


Koutetsushin Jeeg 7-8

Well, the preview for 8 at the end of 7 sure was misleading. Very cool though. Tsubaki's going throught some changes and I think the original Jeeg might be appearing soon!
Even with some offensive CG at times, this show has wonderful execution.

Watching this reminded me how I briefly entertained the notion only watching good anime in May before realizing I'd end up behind on a majority of the shows I'm currently watching this season.
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