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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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I assumed that Lovecraft's works were considered important, though I guess that's not the same thing as being considered classic literature. >_>

It's usually considered a classic of that particular genre (horror) moreso than lit-lit (insert air quotations at your will) in general. I don't think there's any problem with calling it a classic in general, though.*

*personally i wouldn't but that's just me


Hyouka 2

I am disappointed by this week's episode like last week's. Why would KyoAni pick this up for adaptation? If this is a character-driven show, then the mysteries are taking up too much screentime. Is it just going to be lame MC guy solving mysteries every week? All that went down this episode was:

Mayaka: Derp.
Satoshi Derp.
Eru: Derp and [something relevant to the solution of the mystery].
Houtarou: stfu every1, my apathetic energy-conserving ass has got this mystery on lockdown.

I want to like this show but it doesn't want me to.

Edit: I can't stop listening to that OP. Favorite part of the show.

Edit2: Oh, Hyouka is going to have 24-episodes? For some reason that gives me hope. This show has to pick up eventually. It's going to get better. It has to.


( ≖‿≖)
Nyaruko haters crew.




Hyouka 2

Edit2: Oh, Hyouka is going to have 24-episodes? For some reason that gives me hope. This show has to pick up eventually. It's going to get better. It has to.

I thought it was 21 episodes, or some weird number like that.

Also word on the grapevine is that Hyouka is one of those WYSIWYG series.
I thought it was 21 episodes, or some weird number like that.

Also word on the grapevine is that Hyouka is one of those WYSIWYG series.

Yes, it's 21 episodes. And having done some research into the novels, it does appear that people who aren't happy with the show now probably won't ever be happy with it.


Also word on the grapevine is that Hyouka is one of those WYSIWYG series.

My understanding is that the show is composed of a bunch of bigger mysteries and there is one major arc, the namesake one.

Yes, it's 21 episodes. And having done some research into the novels, it does appear that people who aren't happy with the show now probably won't ever be happy with it.

You gotta be fucking me. We're going to have elementary level mysteries for 21 episodes? What the fuck. This shit could be going towards another season of Haruhi.
great stuff!

Mari-tan, isn't that? Pretty sure I've seen it before.

I won't forget you, we're Saki bros.

I think Jexihus often doesn't pay attention what I'm saying because we disagree on so much...

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia 1

Yuuko is such an asshole

I liked this repeating thing they did with 2 different perspectives

I quite agree with the spoilered part, it was a clever way of introducing Yuuko.

Only a few share your opinion. I didn't like it. It felt cheap.

The first episode is entirely skippable.

=It's a good episode, but it's probably not a great first episode because it doesn't really introduce the characters, so if you don't know them it probably doesn't entirely make sense...


I thought it was 21 episodes, or some weird number like that.

Also word on the grapevine is that Hyouka is one of those WYSIWYG series.

Yes, it's 21 episodes. And having done some research into the novels, it does appear that people who aren't happy with the show now probably won't ever be happy with it.

Well, at least I caught it while it's currently airing. I'll be less inclined to drop it that way.
Ginga e Kickoff 3

Wow the Furuya's were amazing, Kota was pretty epic and their actual combination. Pure unadulturated soccer is actually pretty interesting.

Gah the team fell apart again!


Living in the shadow of Amaz
=It's a good episode, but it's probably not a great first episode because it doesn't really introduce the characters, so if you don't know them it probably doesn't entirely make sense...

That's not the problem. My complaint is that you basically rewach the first half of the episode in the second. It's lazy.


When is the next season of SnO and Hidamari out? Fall?

Thoraxes has returned!

And he has indulged in the adventure of our time!
Grad school and being a travelling composer are happy fun times, yay! Last week I had three concerts with my music in it and a reading/recording session.


Kills Photobucket
Adolescence of Utena

Ikuhara obviously felt that it was not necessary to ground any part of this production in visual realism, unlike the TV series.

The series always danced around whether Utena and Anthy's relationship was romantic and/or sexual, right up to the end. The movie just goes for it.

Yeah, Utena s a whole is billed as a show about lesbians, but the TV series really is more ambiguous about it. The focus is much more about their friendship, and romantic feelings are left more to the viewer to decide.

Movie Anthy > TV Anthy.

Word, personality Anthy was great.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Hey Brazil, concluded Black Lagoon today.

So, about how many episodes do you want to strike down tomorrow of Code Geass?

Depends on how much time you have. I'm free the entire day due to the holiday, so I can watch episodes until my vision starts blurring.


Depends on how much time you have. I'm free the entire day due to the holiday, so I can watch episodes until my vision starts blurring.

Hah, Okay.

I'm free from about 9 am Central to 1 or 2 am probably, but a break from 2 pm to 3:30pm for the single class I have that day.


Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage 12 (Ep. END)


Okay, I'm going to cut straight to the gist. The start of this finale surprised me with what seems like
Rock's decision to accept and even absorb some of the energy from Roanapur. He not only requests that Balalaika completely crush Yukio's clan, in order for her to have no more purpose/binds to the darkness she has taken to; but also shoots a gun to help "conclude" Balalaika's final meeting in Japan.

Now, this is showing that Rock has taken some things to mind since his kidnapping in the first episode of the series.

A scene is done after the
brief shootings showing Rock being handed a gun by Balalaika. I take this to be symbolic of his newfound "villainy" as Balalaika names it. He tells her that he doesn't like to hold guns or things in general. Rock then passes the small gun back to Balalaika, who with a smirk and a passive toss throws it out the window into a garden pond.

This personifies his acknowledgement of the new space he has inhabited over the past year, but lack of (open) indulgence in it.

Balalaika's easy nature with the situation is understanding of Rock's stance, which is now no longer static as it has been for the majority of the series. Whether she does this knowing full well that he will come around to bigger extremes or not, is never explained. It can be observed by her words in the beginning few minutes, however, that the former is a very viable option.

For an ending execution for Rock's growth that I do not favor, the narrative did have some thought put into the destination (in terms of the anime's development) that I appreciate.

Next comes ol' Yukio,
she halts Rock and Revy during their escapade from the shooting scene and kidnaps poor Rock. She forces him by gunpoint to lead her and Big Boy Gin to Balalaika, even though Hotel Moscow has called off all attacks. This is reality, which she has hidden all these years is now a part of her resolve and she must see it to the end. Rock tries to talk her out of it, but she's not taking any of that, just like in "The Dark Tower."

Here it is: On the docks of Tokyo, not too different from the seaside of Roanapur. You can hear the seagulls making a ruckus, the sound of a blow horn. At this
height of the Tokyo Arc, Roanapur and Tokyo have set themselves in similarity by close proximity of the link that connects one place to another "water".
Lol Okay, bullshit symbolism aside, the
is a perfect place to start up a climax to the end-game of this series as the major beginning events began on the
It seems to work for me.

Gin and Revy "dance", Rock speaks to Yukio and of her flawed decision that resulted from going to extreme measures in a way that only showed even more her weakness towards darkness. Rock informs her that she could have easily put down her weapons and fled the situation, but she forced her way further into the shadows, fooling herself into believing it was what was best for her. She responds with dreams of the normal life that she has considered impossible, even up to this point. Supposedly, Rock's talking to Yukio is what distracted Gin and made Revy the survivor of the duel. In defeat and shame, Yukio puts Gin's blade to her throat and...well, you know the rest.


Well, that's that, folks. The impressions you love to skip are now over! I initially jumped in this series expecting lots of breakneck action. This front was delivered at times, but to a lesser degree than expectations. The characters were what really made up most of the first half of this series.

When I first started "Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage", I said I wanted at least one of two things from it. I requested "great action" or "great characterization and growth" in order to fully appreciate the experience that had been laid out for me. By the end I can say characterization won out. The fighting was more mixed in variety with this half, which I appreciate. It hosted different weapons and faced characters behind them then did the first half. However, I rarely found emotion behind the action (well not counting the
last three episodes
or what I'd consider "great" action in the physical sense.

Characterization for most was a different story. We get some more time with Benny who speaks on behalf of himself in the Asian underworld and for Rock. They touched on this in the first series, but it is done stronger in the second half. Dutch unfortunately doesn't get much time to flesh, but this is made up with Balalaika. Balalaika's past to me was really neat and I wish a whole episode was dedicated to it rather than some minutes. Her transformation from a doe-eyed girl looking up towards her
military family
to declaring the name "boss" in Webster's would have been a treat.
Revy doesn't get as much past filled in as I would have liked. She does, however, have neat interactions with Rock, which range from older sister to true friend. As for Rock, I've said it in past statements. I have better grasp of the
Tokyo Arc's
point for the character, but I did not like it for the most part. How they put the curtains on it is worthy of some praise, but I still would've liked it sooner.

Overall, not a bad show, in fact, in introducing and showing off and introducing most characters and side characters throughout the story, it's pretty darn good. The landscape of the environments are set out nicely and give definition to Rock's situation and the world as a whole. The visuals for the most part did their job, not much more. Most of the transitions were also pretty standard, yet again, the points come across regardless. In other words, the characters made the underworld that they were in and I felt some of the interactions within and outside the world really connect (while others didn't). In equivalence, Black Lagoon threw me in the back of a shady van and hit the pedal. There were bumps along the way, but I came out alright, even had fun hanging with the new company a bit.


Depends on how much time you have. I'm free the entire day due to the holiday, so I can watch episodes until my vision starts blurring.

Hey man, we could communicate through episodes by instant messaging.

You should hop in the AnimeGAF IRC so we can type immediate reactions. It worked great for Madpierrot and Envelope. It'll work for us!
Kimi to Boku 2 ep 5

Ah the third year should be back again, although he looks like one of the twins, he was pretty cool. I did like the actual plot and that climax moment was pretty heartwarming. Whats taking so long for this to get a disc based release.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Ginga e Kickoff!! 3

It's pretty clear that they're investing this series' small (I assume) budget in the stuff that really matters: football animation.

The scenes in which the characters are just talking are as simple as they can be, but the action makes it all worth it. It's a complete different experience from something like Tsubasa. The characters are actually playing the match, and not having minutes-long instrospective conversations with themselves after each step.

I wonder when they'll have a full team and finally enter some kind of tournament arc.

Hey man, we could communicate through episodes by instant messaging.

You should hop in the AnimeGAF IRC so we can type immediate reactions. It worked great for Madpierrot and Envelope. It'll work for us!

Sure thing.
Tsogare Otome Amnesia1-3

Holy crap, yuko is sexy, adorable, and soft?

Niiya got some quality delusion. He should join the akibarangers.

Sister is cute as well.
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