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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The future:


these weak pieces of shit don't cut it here :(

Also I stuck my arm through it at the store. nothing happens :(


sealed with a kiss
I see shows like that as "good" in that they entertained me, not qualitywise. Is that what you're talking about? Obviously a show like Yami isnt made with high production values as far as I can tell, but it is stupidly fun to watch. In a way I enjoy it more than much better crafted shows.

I suppose you're right. even I have "standards" though not many. Pretty much I just don't watch something if its boring. It can insult my intelligence, have awful art, and be written like a fifth grader, but Ill watch it if its fun.

It's not that we shouldn't be critical, but that shouldn't be an excuse to deceive yourself or prevent yourself from enjoying something.


It's nothing to do with their collaborative nature. Games are not art -- they are games. Is basketball art?

Video games are not sports. A video of a basketball game can indeed be art. The interactive nature of video games does not invalidate or negate the visual or audio natures.
Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi 09
More frills!
So we get Snow White, the Seven Dwarves, indoor pool and almost drowning. At least we get some Ringo backstory so yay for more building them characters up. I don't really have any confidence that this show will actually conclude anything expect maybe a not real love confession and even that is doubtful.


sealed with a kiss
Isn't the point of that thing to be a safer alternative to whirring fan blades? Its notl ikely to cause fear unless someone fears technology itself.

The point of the Dyson fan is to charge customers lots of money for something that isn't as effective as conventional fans, but looks cool.

Andrew J.

It's nothing to do with their collaborative nature. Games are not art -- they are games. Is basketball art?

Oh, fuck. Were you actually serious when you said that games aren't art? I thought you were just teasing us.

Look, you are on a video game forum. You are going to be torn apart while dragging the thread through pages of off-topic discussion. Learn to read the fucking room.


A Good Citizen
Movies are not art -- they are movies. What are you trying to pull here pizzaroll?
I wouldn't consider an interactive movie art, just for clarification.

Oh, fuck. Were you actually serious when you said that games aren't art? I thought you were just teasing us.

Look, you are on a video game forum. You are going to be torn apart while dragging the thread through pages of off-topic discussion. Learn to read the fucking room.
Why do you seem angry? Too many bad Suda games?

I can like games without considering them art, shockingly. I'm not trying to berate games here.


On the subject of art, what about interactive art? That's actually... art. I don't think anyone argues that it isn't. So is that different from interactive mediums being considered art? Food for thought.

Are Choose Your Own Adventure novels not art?

I played a ton of them as a kid. They're definitely not art. :p


Wow so apparently I missed all the good arguments today.

Anyway I approve Suda51's pervertedness despite him being a horrible gaming director, not that he directs much anyway. Grasshopper games are fundamentally pieces of shit on multiple levels but the experience as a whole still makes me love the company.

As for the staff thing as a whole, I definitely want to say that preconceptions of staff will influence a person's bias towards a show. There's nothing wrong with that as long as the person is aware of said bias. There is no such thing as neutral analysis.

Yes, he very much is.

Ao is better from the get-go but he's much closer in tone towards end-game, episode 45 and on, Renton. People seem to forget how much the character progressed near the end. That's why I didn't like New State(Episode 51) that much as it seemed to regress Renton's character development.

If art requires auteurs then I guess filmmaking isn't art, either.

I'm having flashbacks to the Mass Effect 3 thread. Oh god. Anyway my opinion on it is that films aren't in of themselves art but it's rather the intent behind the production that determines that distinction. I wouldn't call Transformer 3 art just as much as I wouldn't call Call of Duty art. When your intent behind a product is to produce money then it's just a product. You could say it's commercial art but I would say that's fundamentally different than something that is meant to primarily express the artist's vision. Art in of itself is a very subjective term anyway.


A Good Citizen
Are Choose Your Own Adventure novels not art?
No :(

On the subject of art, what about interactive art? That's actually... art. I don't think anyone argues that it isn't. So is that different from interactive mediums being considered art? Food for thought.
This is where it gets tricky. I should probably think about it more, but it doesn't really make for as interesting discussions so I... don't think about it often.


sealed with a kiss
That too! Talk like Novid.

But that's how children learn :(

At least thats how I learned what NOT to do.

Stick finger in fan blades. OUCH! *note to self dont do that anymore

That's how children used to learn about the world.
Todays kids are deprived.

Stick your finger in, OUCH, where did my finger go? is more what would happen.


I bet he'd spank his future kids as well.


The Light of El Cantare
Stick your finger in, OUCH, where did my finger go? is more what would happen.


I bet he'd spank his future kids as well.

Be sure to learn from cajun's example, I want you to be a good dad to my child.


On the subject of art, what about interactive art? That's actually... art. I don't think anyone argues that it isn't. So is that different from interactive mediums being considered art? Food for thought.

My view is that if the creator of something intended for it to be art, it's art. I've never seen a good reason to claim otherwise except pointless snobbery.

I played a ton of them as a kid. They're definitely not art. :p

Dinosaur Island is a masterpiece!

I don't see any problem with considering them art. They're mostly just bad art.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
So I make art everyday in the bathroom? Cool I should try and sell it. If someone can get paid for a urinal then I can definitely get paid for something a little extra after all.
A big long dung would look better on a wall than most post-modernist art.


A Good Citizen
So I make art everyday in the bathroom? Cool I should try and sell it. If someone can get paid for a urinal then I can definitely get paid for something a little extra after all.
Shit as art has been discussed before...
It would depend on how the shit is presented. If it's just a piece of shit on a pedestal, then any meaning others derive is being imbued, not inherent to the piece of shit itself. That piece of shit is not, then, art, for as I said earlier, literally every piece of stimulus you'll ever come in contact with has the potential to elicit cognition, memory, emotion, etc. That's just how the mind works. What separates art is that it communicates something unto itself. If, on the other hand, it were a particularly shot picture of a piece of shit, or a poem or essay ABOUT shit, then whether or not it's art would depend on the way that its construction would communicate to the percipient. A dry, scientific analysis of the composition of the poop would probably not be art (though art could make use of such a thing), but a thoughtful, personal essay on that piece of shit contextualizing its place in a person's life would be. At that point, one would then get into critical questions of quality, which involves a whole OTHER layer of complexity and cognition on the part of the percipient, balancing objective qualities of the shit itself.
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