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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The Light of El Cantare
I'm capable of figuring out how I want to post, thanks. Are you getting defensive because people are making jabs at Precure fans? I don't think anybody was being serious.

The fact that the jab was toward something that I like was merely coincidental. Saying "x show is shit" is just an expression of opinion, but when it morphs into "you like x show so you have shit taste and could never possibly appreciate y", it becomes less acceptable. Unless I'm misinterpreting, you expressed assent to hosanna's previous statement that I had taken issue with, but if you weren't serious, I apologize. Hosanna didn't relent from his initial statement after I pressed him on it, so I assumed (possibly incorrectly) that he was being serious and, by extension, you. I'm sure that I've been guilty of this sort of attack in the past so I have no right to bring it up with anyone else, but it's something that I do consciously try to avoid.

I hoped my sarcasm would come across - I certainly don't hold anything against Precure fans, I was just annoyed at Envelope's responses and wanted to make a sharp retort back. Forgive me if I offended you; I am feeling a bit on edge today due to real-life pressures, and that probably came across more than I intended.

Confirmation: I dun goofd. Everything's fine.

And pizzaroll, since I apparently responded to a fake attack with a real one, I'm fine owning up to it. I do find your general posting style too abrasive for me to feel comfortable conversing, but I respect your right to post whatever you want here and I regret causing this misunderstanding.


sealed with a kiss
One Piece 10

To get back into the spirit of things, I rewatched this episode, since it's been a while.

Quite frankly,
I'd be rooting for Kuro all the way if there was any chance he could do anything other than be eventually defeated by Luffy and Co. simply because of how irritating the "good guys" are. Luffy in particular is the worse, Nami is ok, I can put up with the usual shounen tropes she uses, Zoro is a bro, Usopp really sucks right now.

Sure, this is an introduction arc for Ussop, not just an arc about Kuro, but Oda can't even make Ussop likeable at all, and the kids on his "team" are just even worse than the kids from Eureka 7. Perhaps I should say it isn't so much Ussop himself I dislike, but the way he's been handled. There's nothing wrong with playing pirates and telling stories even if everyone including Ussop thinks there is, and if Oda took this down the route of having Ussop gain more confidence in himself it could be good, but so far it's gone in a completely different direction. I guess Ussop's trait of being a perpetual liar who really doesn't mean it was supposed to give him depth as a character, but it falls flat on its face when it's both pushed too far and not far enough. Too far, as in everyone just thinks of him as the boy who cried wolf, and not far enough in that Ussop isn't properly self aware of it.


In a parallel world, girls in hot pants and leather that represent Envelope, Pierrot, Hosanna, and pizzaroll are fighting CGI battles.


Kids On The Slope 05


Yeah that's totally not exploitable.

Pretty nice episode. It was sort of lacking in the jazz this week but it was good to see the story between Kaoru and
his mother
. And Sentarou is such a bro. It kind of irks me that even after so long, Kaoru still feels a bit hesitant to consider him a true 'friend' when around others. He's a really good character and a great foil to Kaoru. The scene between
Sentarou, Jun, and Yurika in the practice
was painfully awkward to watch. :( I'm wondering where the show will take that whole thing next.

Tsuritama 05

Man I love this show.

Really great episode. I love the progression that Yuki is making so far. Even while his little nervous face still pops up every now and then, I like that he's gaining confidence with the help of everyone around him. The whole last 10 minutes of the show had me grinning like a fool. The character interaction were really nice to watch and the fishing was... actually kind of fun to watch!
Tsuritama 05

Rock fish!
Damn, what a good episode. I really liked seeing Yuki's progression through the episode. I'm actually glad he's getting growth through the series which makes him a much more likable protag. The fishing is still fun to watch and the characters especially the captain are pretty awesome.


sealed with a kiss
I hoped my sarcasm would come across - I certainly don't hold anything against Precure fans, I was just annoyed at Envelope's responses and wanted to make a sharp retort back. Forgive me if I offended you; I am feeling a bit on edge today due to real-life pressures, and that probably came across more than I intended.

Alright, so I should completely ignore the fact Bebop isn't perfect because the truth annoys you?

I like Bebop and don't go around insulting people who do like it, nor do I call it shit just to piss off fans. And that's not exclusive to Bebop, of course, I don't see the point in antagonizing people past a friendly level. While you and a few others take every practically every opportunity to spout off about how bad Precure is far too frequently, and even if the intention is not meanspirited, it certainly comes across that way with comments like the ones you've made.
One Piece 10

To get back into the spirit of things, I rewatched this episode, since it's been a while.

Quite frankly,
I'd be rooting for Kuro all the way if there was any chance he could do anything other than be eventually defeated by Luffy and Co. simply because of how irritating the "good guys" are. Luffy in particular is the worse, Nami is ok, I can put up with the usual shounen tropes she uses, Zoro is a bro, Usopp really sucks right now.

Sure, this is an introduction arc for Ussop, not just an arc about Kuro, but Oda can't even make Ussop likeable at all, and the kids on his "team" are just even worse than the kids from Eureka 7. Perhaps I should say it isn't so much Ussop himself I dislike, but the way he's been handled. There's nothing wrong with playing pirates and telling stories even if everyone including Ussop thinks there is, and if Oda took this down the route of having Ussop gain more confidence in himself it could be good, but so far it's gone in a completely different direction. I guess Ussop's trait of being a perpetual liar who really doesn't mean it was supposed to give him depth as a character, but it falls flat on its face when it's both pushed too far and not far enough. Too far, as in everyone just thinks of him as the boy who cried wolf, and not far enough in that Ussop isn't properly self aware of it.

Fortunately, the kids don't really show up ever again after the arc is over.

And I agree, Usopp wasn't handled the best in the beginning. It is nice that he gets MUCH better, but imo he is merely tolerable where I have asked you to watch and doesn't get super likeable until later.


The Light of El Cantare
Kids on the Slope 05:


Isn't it ideal for your lover to also be your best friend?

Kaoru experiences
the pain of friendzoning
. It was pretty clear from
Ritsuko's body language after the kiss in the last episode
that this would be the result, but still,
poor guy
. I don't want to see
Sentarou lose in love either
, but he's totally setting himself up for it anyway.

This episode was mostly
Kaoru moping around and then learning how to bro it up with Sentarou again
. Apparently Kaoru is the practical type, finding that
when someone you want to avoid won't stop leaving you alone
, you just make the best of it.

Kaoru meeting his mother
didn't seem to have any real relation to the other concurrent plot threads at first, but I think that it's important for the audience to see
how Kaoru handles forgiveness and how he allows people back into his heart who have hurt him
. I know that his situation with
Ritsuko and his mother aren't analogous (unless you look at it in a really twisted Freudian light)
, but the fact that he had enough maturity
to accept his mother again
(with a little help from Sentarou) seems to have been the thing to give him the strength to
return to relative normalcy with Ritsuko

Also, because I didn't quite catch this,
where was Kaoru's mother working that made him suddenly not want to reunite with her? It kind of looked like a hostess club or something else seedy and sexual in nature.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Sakamichi no Apollon 5

Still arguably the source of some of the best 20 minutes I have every week. The directing in this is so perfect. It just... Flows. You don't even realize it.
Sengoku Collection 06
Spoilers: Everyone dies from fan death.
Ugh, average. It was one of the better episodes of Sengoku Collection but a pretty predictable one. Gennai wasn't a terrible character, the drama was pretty low-key and things just happened.
Alright, so I should completely ignore the fact Bebop isn't perfect because the truth annoys you?

I like Bebop and don't go around insulting people who do like it, nor do I call it shit just to piss off fans. And that's not exclusive to Bebop, of course, I don't see the point in antagonizing people past a friendly level. While you and a few others take every practically every opportunity to spout off about how bad Precure is far too frequently, and even if the intention is not meanspirited, it certainly comes across that way with comments like the ones you've made.

What? When have I talked about how bad Precure is, aside from my earlier sarcastic comment? I haven't seen a single episode of any Precure show, so I can't judge it one way or the other and generally refrain from doing so. The only time I can recall talking about Precure earlier in these threads is saying that the positive impressions of Smile make me somewhat interested in checking it out sometime for its comedic potential, which is very far from the impression you seem to have of me.

I certainly don't think Bebop is perfect and would be happy to engage in a discussion about its flaws, though I would need to rewatch it before doing so to refresh my memory. I don't feel that the general tone of your comments up to now about it has invited such a discussion, however.


sealed with a kiss
What? When have I talked about how bad Precure is, aside from my earlier sarcastic comment? I haven't seen a single episode of any Precure show, so I can't judge it one way or the other and generally refrain from doing so. The only time I can recall talking about Precure earlier in these threads is saying that the positive impressions of Smile make me somewhat interested in checking it out sometime for its comedic potential, which is very far from the impression you seem to have of me.

I certainly don't think Bebop is perfect and would be happy to engage in a discussion about its flaws, though I would need to rewatch it before doing so to refresh my memory. I don't feel that the general tone of your comments up to now about it has invited such a discussion, however.

I apologize, you are not one of the usual crowd of people making fun of Precure, my comment directed towards you was unwarranted.

Hmph. :<

I still think there's something I like that you dislike... if it's not precure I can't remember what it is, though. :p


Kids on the Slope 05:

Also, because I didn't quite catch this,
where was Kaoru's mother working that made him suddenly not want to reunite with her? It kind of looked like a hostess club or something else seedy and sexual in nature.

I was wondering about this myself actually. This week's episode was pretty great though, lots of heartache all around.


Mardock Scramble: The First Compression

Also, there are so many CG cars. They wouldn't even look good in Burnout Paradise! The film should have been much more humble about their ugly vehicles rather than flaunt them.

I know people in this forum that would probably enjoy this film.
For them I say, go for it. For everyone else (and for myself), it's largely a waste of time.

Umm...Why are some of those CG cars headed for a collision?

Why is this a big deal at all?

And they have a poll there with other names

No, Bodacious Space Pirates is a fine name.

Yes, anyone who likes Precure couldn't ever possibly hold Cowboy Bebop in high regard.

This is an incorrect and odd correlation.

That reminds me, I should start Eiken.

Well, you know how people tell a child not to pull the table down with the big heavy vase on it because it can hurt them? Well Eiken is like that vase. Or maybe you could compare it to sticking a metal knife into an electrical socket.


Apollon 5

Finally, we have bromance! It was a given, considering T&B's success.

The train sequence was pretty heartbreaking. Great episode and cant wait for the next one.


Well, I'm not really sure how they're handling the relationship stuff now, since it's mostly been about the guys hanging out. I mean, Kaname has a triangle that was hinted at in S1 but has totally disappeared in S2 and the Shun/Mary triangle thing has mostly been an after thought, outside of that present episode.

Speaking of the cats, I think this was the first time that a "girl" was represented by a cat in the series. I could be wrong, but it was very prominent in this episode.
I don't think they've really changed the formula at all. Much of those relationship episodes barring Mary were one offs iirc so I would imagine 'second halves' of those one offs will occur in this season. Kaname's triangle or square if you include his mom will most likely appear again in a later episode like how Yuki's relationship did in this episode. I feel that one will reach some sort of progression with the childhood friend that ends wistfully. The Shun/Mary triangle might go somewhere next episode (it is the 'main' romance thing in this series). Shun definitely needs his own thing though. Maybe another episode reminiscing about the past or something centric to his own activities apart from the others. He barely even adds to the triangle as is. Even Kaname has added more spice to Mary than Shun has!

I'm not certain if she was the first. I feel like one of the odd female characters from the first season might of had one.

Accel World 5:

Freaking magic pixel man. Should of gone for the kill instead of the time out.

The fight between Haru and Taku was okay I guess. Not so much fighting than just Taku building meter by taking jab jab jab chain combos from Haru and then super punishing. And it ends off with a trade super from both in Haru's favour. The beginning of it was alright with some exchanges. I wish it was a more involved battle but at least it ended in quick fashion without dragging its feet too much. Haru suddenly getting his power up after crying on senpai's virutal chest. Yeah. Oh also the first ever flying avatar. Golly.

The pre-fight popoff was pretty good from Taku though. "I bet you enjoyed touching Chiyu while thinking about me!" Damn. Haru's could of been better. So generic. Of course despite all that they settle their differences by fightan and decide that they're equals because one of them is better in the real world and the other the virtual one. Somehow their fight also wakes up kuroyuki. So much for a coma. She also shows off her avatar form which looks pretty cool I guess. Declaring war on everybody officially was good too. If nothing else this series is at least moving at a fairly brisk pace. I hope the later fights are move involved. Funny that we get cut off right when she tells Haru her name. The author insert character: so bad, so good.

The music continues to be pretty good. The two mintjam pieces this episode were hype. I'm beginning to wonder if Onoken and mintjam are collabing on some pieces. There was one sequence which I think was a Onoken - > mintjam transition which was so sick. I'm also curious as to which tracks Hiroyuki Oshima has done. The tune when Haru was crying on Kuroyuki I like but it doesn't seem to fit too well with the scene. It reminded me of Breath of Fire 2's Memories. Gives me the same kind of feeling. I wish that I could mute the VA and sound effects and just listen to the music sometimes.

Me watching the show.


tsuritama 5

This was probably my favorite episode of the show so far. All the characters were likable the whole way through, Yuki's getting more confident in himself, and like a few others have mentioned we're probably going to get more development on Akira's side in the near future.
Sakamichi no Apollon 05

Oh, the BL is outstanding!
Well that was a really good episode. The potential love web outstanding, I felt that this episode was much more heartwarming than previous. The whole train scene at the end was one of the absolute best.
Accel World 5:

The fight between Haru and Taku was okay I guess. Not so much fighting than just Taku building meter by taking jab jab jab chain combos from Haru and then super punishing. And it ends off with a trade super from both in Haru's favour. The beginning of it was alright with some exchanges. I wish it was a more involved battle but at least it ended in quick fashion without dragging its feet too much. Haru suddenly getting his power up after crying on senpai's virutal chest. Yeah. Oh also the first ever flying avatar. Golly.

The pre-fight popoff was pretty good from Taku though. "I bet you enjoyed touching Chiyu while thinking about me!" Damn. Haru's could of been better. So generic. Of course despite all that they settle their differences by fightan and decide that they're equals because one of them is better in the real world and the other the virtual one. Somehow their fight also wakes up kuroyuki. So much for a coma. She also shows off her avatar form which looks pretty cool I guess. Declaring war on everybody officially was good too. If nothing else this series is at least moving at a fairly brisk pace. I hope the later fights are move involved. Funny that we get cut off right when she tells Haru her name. The author insert character: so bad, so good.
That's like Comas 101, broseph. Melodramatic exposition and conflict are the number one doctor recommended cures.
Freaking magic pixel man. Should of gone for the kill instead of the time out.
Taco's been playing too much Street Fighter X Tekken.


Just out of interest; have you ever watched any of the older Lupin material (sans Cagliostro)?

I will admit that I have not watched any other Lupin material, including Cagliostro. Except for this, I guess.

From everything I've heard and seen, I can tell that this show is a lot heavier and more psychological than Lupin tends to be. I can enjoy well-done caper stuff too (from this series, episode 1 feels closest to what I expect classic Lupin to be, and that's still my favorite so far). But I'm liking the show a lot on its own merits, and it's been interesting watching its messed-up take on all the franchise's characters.

This season being awesome is just generally true, though. It'd still be a great season even if Mine Fujiko wasn't airing.


The Light of El Cantare
This is an incorrect and odd correlation.

I was only making the statement to draw attention to the fact that my username is a Bebop reference while sporting a Precure avatar, but............things spiraled horribly out of control after a misunderstanding. I really hope that pizzaroll and hosanna saw my apologies.

Avatar change time, I came dangerously close to coming off as a sensitive fanboy today and Cure March needs to rest a while.
Upotte - 5.

Little late to the Upotte train but god damn. This show really is climax of imagination.
Weird though that they went with 5.56mm variant of Sako RK95 as there was very limited amount of those manufactured. Original RK95 used 7.62mm bullet like its little brother RK62. great gun though! Used it in Finnish army during conscript service.
What, the real Sako isn't a crazy nutcase? I guess that's more good than bad...

Israelis are ~*God's Chosen People*~
That could be the reason, sure... :)

Blame the Finnish heathen for her misguidance!
Whatever the case for Galil, yes, this clearly must be true.

And yet Negima never stopped being shit. :(

Yeah, if anything it got worse near the end.

Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA *1,920+*5,538=*7,458 (GoHands)
2012/04/25 *1,920
2012/04/25 *5,538

Seitokai Yakuin Domo *1,592+*4,595=*6,187 (6) (Go Hands)

Sold better than the TV series.

I think GOHANDS focusing on stuff like Mardock Scramble and K are the reasons we haven't got a second season, also maybe source material could be a factor...

Huh, so sales are consistently okay. Hopefully that leads to more.


One Piece 11

An episode I didn't dislike! Though all the scenes with Luffy apart from the very end were bad.

But luffy barely even says or does anything that episode he has like under minute of screen time, the episode is all ussop.

How can a characters scenes be bad when he doesn't have any outside of being in some group shots?
But luffy barely even says or does anything that episode he has like under minute of screen time, the episode is all ussop.

How can a characters scene be bad when he doesn't have any outside of being in some group shots?

I guess if they just dislike the character. Which speaking of, have we ever even had a one piece character poll, feels like ages since any series did it.
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