New to the franchise so I'm not hampered by expectations!
I'm new too. It's still a hilarious fail of a servant.
New to the franchise so I'm not hampered by expectations!
But she looks hot in a suit!
Assassin sucks but nobody likes Saber.
Fate/Zero 13
Now I see why people were dying to see 14 as that's a hell of a way to leave folk hanging. Really enjoyed the sunset scene with Rider & Waver as well, both in the dialogue and how the lighting slowly shifted.
Most importantly,
Rider > Archer > Lancer > Berserker > Assassin > Caster > Saber
We'll see how that changes in the second season.
Assassin sucks but nobody likes Saber.
For a second you gave me a heart attack thinking it was a series artbox.
Most importantly,
Rider > Archer > Lancer > Berserker > Assassin > Caster > Saber
Saber's greatest contribution to F/Z so far is getting verbally stripped naked by a Greek king.
I have a feeling Saber will rise quickly in peoples ranks once somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing is able to control her. She has been holding back. Not to mentionshe's injured by a magic wound
I don't think there's anyone who's Greek in F/Z.![]()
So have the kids annoyed you in Eureka 7.they never really bothered me
I have a feeling Saber will rise quickly in peoples ranks once somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing is able to control her. She has been holding back. Not to mentionshe's injured by a magic wound
Macedonia was a part of Greece, is it not?![]()
For me it's,
Rider = Berserker > Archer > Caster > Saber = Lancer > Assassin
They only pissed me off in the final arc. I found them annoying throughout the series and think it would be better served if they didn't exist or maybe if there was only one of them.
So cajunator have the kids annoyed you in Eureka 7.they never really bothered me
Macedonia was a part of Greece, is it not?![]()
They only pissed me off in the final arc. I found them annoying throughout the series and think it would be better served if they didn't exist or maybe if there was only one of them.
Rider has had his crowning moment of awesome. Caster is done and I can see Lancer on his way out. That leaves Archer, Berserker, and Saber who haven't had a chance to really let loose. Saber will have her moment I'm sure. F/Z Identity spoiler:So in the end Saber probably won't be near the top of favorite Servants.I know who Berserker is though and he will almost definitely top her in awesome
Macedonia was a part of Greece, is it not?![]()
For some reason they just never bothered me. Have you read the first three chapters of the AO mango that have been released or are you watching the animu with a blank state?
But did people at the time identify themselves as "greeks" or as people of their own city-states?
Fuck this for making me want to watch Un-Go. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's a detective show that has a shota in a panda hoodie.
ugh, i'll be dropping this if it's only 12 eps
Looks like Medaka Box is 6 volumes on DVD/BD. 12 episodes total.
you're making it sound better than it probably isFuck this for making me want to watch Un-Go. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's a detective show that has a shota in a panda hoodie.
Plus, right now I have a nice wallscroll of Saber covering up a very large hole in the wall in the hallway. It was placed there by my roommates head. the hole in the wall I mean, not the poster! That was placed by myself.
ugh, i'll be dropping this if it's only 12 eps
I haven't watched much more of E7 past what I saw yesterday so I cant comment on the kids yet.
What are your thoughts on the OP/ED and the sound track in general?
Did you smash your roommate's head in for dissing Saber?![]()
The OP visuals are great, I'm not a big fan of the song though.... the ED is pure class.
Fuck this for making me want to watch Un-Go. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's a detective show that has a shota in a panda hoodie who is actually a woman with huge boobs who can force people to speak the truth with demon-magic.
It sounds leagues better than the one used for AO. I'm kinda shocked how bad it sounds in the PV.
This is basically Anime: The Anime.
stop making me want to watch this!Fixed.Oh and there's also a robot AI loli, and the show ends with a crazy mid-air action battle between two characters, animated by both Yoshimichi Kameda and Yutaka Nakamura.
Well, music is often more a matter of personal taste... I haven't heard the AO music yet, though.
The song they use in the PV is the same song used as the OP.
Fixed.Oh and there's also a robot AI loli, and the show ends with a crazy mid-air action battle between two characters, animated by both Yoshimichi Kameda and Yutaka Nakamura.
wow this was really well done
Don't do this to me, man. This is a recent BONES show we're talking about here, your Jedi mind tricks don't work on me.
I dunno, that doesn't sound very good, but then, neither did the original...
Why does Crunchyroll keep deviating from their predicted schedule for announcements? Then again, none of you care about Medaka Box anyway, so I guess it doesn't make a difference.
Eureka Seven OPs are pretty good. Then again I'm partial to FLOW and J-Pop in general. The only one that raised my eyebrows is the 4th OP but that's because it's a somewhat butchered 'Amazing Grace'.
The problem I have with this OP is how bad the lead singer's voice is. It's so bland and he tries much harder than what he's actually capable of.
The direction and animation of the first OP was good, I just didn't like the music.
Guys, keep in mind this is the guy who doesn't like Cowboy Bebop because he thinks the first episode sucks.![]()
Also, the newer E7AO trailer has actual BGM music, which is not bad at all:
We'll see. In the first Heroman PV:
They had that song and it never played throughout the series. I was waiting forever for it to play but it never did.