-_-rip ghibli avatar
I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.Mysterious Girlfriend X 1 - I haven't read this manga, and based on this anime's description I did not have high hopes to say the least.
However, I gave it a try, in part because of the good reviews it'd gotten here, and... yeah, it was actually good. Weird, but good. It was entertaining, the MC and girl were weird but likeable... (seriously, he tasted her drool? That makes him weird.) it was good. The plot doesn't make much sense of course, but that's the whole idea. This episode was strange, but good.
Oh, the art's pretty simple; it works, but it's not exactly the most detailed stuff. It's good enough I guess. Overall, this could be decently good for a ridiculous, fanservicey anime. At least it has a somewhat unique concept, it's not just entirely by the book generic. And yeah, it was entertaining in part because of that.
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 1 - After all of the poor reviews I was somewhat worried for this, because I like the manga, but it did end up being good. The art is indeed not as good as the manga's, sadly; the manga backgrounds are particularly high quality, but here they're not above average. It's too bad, and does hurt the series some.
Apart from that, though, the episode was good. This episode introduces us to the four main characters; most of them don't have much introduction yet, apart from Yuuko the ghost of course, but as I've read the manga I had no problem. I would think that someone who hasn't would be okay too, though; it says enough to get the basics, like that Yuuko is a ghost, the guy can see ghosts, and that the other girl can't see ghosts, and the other characters (the other living girl, most notably) will be introduced more later.
So, this episode starts in the clubroom, then goes to investigate an incident with a mysterious dumbwaiter, and then finishes with a search on a nearby hillside for a gravestone supposedly of Yuuko's. It's all solid stuff, and amusing. The series hasn't really gotten to much of the serious side of the plot yet, but it is a series that mixes serious and comic elements, so that's okay; it'll get to the serious side eventually, for sure.
Oh, and the beginning, where first you see it as the "can't see ghosts" girl would see it, and then with Yuuko in view, was pretty funny. Her antics as she tried, and failed, to get her to be noticed was amusing stuff.
So yeah, overall, Tasogare was good. It's not great, and could have been better for sure, but it was okay to good, at least.
That's a doubleplusgood recommendation to make.I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.
Then I realized you used "good" 12 times.
Dear good man, crack open thesaurus.
I would certainly expect there to be a whole lot less wasted time, yes.Keep in mind that Chihayafuru had the similar "flash back" set up before the main "build the team" arc. I expect having 1 cour to cover a lot of material will mean less time wasted at least!
Now they are, but most of the first episode was set before Saki began, that was my point... and if it goes as far as the manga has gotten, it'll get past the end of the Saki anime too.They start high school the same time that Saki meets Nodaka, I presume. So... it's all happening at the same time, I presume.
You just have to accept that the girls are simultaneously girls, and the guns those girls are holding, and not think about it too much. That's just how it is in Upotte...That's not the impression I got when FNC was fantasizing about the teacher holding her grip and looking down her sights.
...one day I will stop this.
sigh...i just remembered about someone i missed.
Rin>>>loli-Rin>>Irisviel>>Ilya=loli-Ilya>>>>>Sakura>F/SN Rider>Maiya>Saber>>>>loli-Sakura>>>>Rin's mother>>>>>Gráinne>>>>>>>Sola-Ui
Tasogare starts out that way, and never entirely loses the comedy element, but expect more drama elements to be added in over time.On Sankarea and Tasogare:
It is ironic that Sankarea, which is pretty light hearted and gag-filled, got a rather serious adaptation, while Tasgoare, which was always heavy on the drama, spent its first episode dicking around with antics.
Angel Beats > Kanon 2002 > Kanon 2006 > Air > Clannad, for me. Haven't watched Clannad AS.Personally Clannad AS > Kanon 2006 > Clannad + OVAs >> AIR
Clannad AS weaved a much more mature and nuanced story than any other of Keys works.Plus it's one of the few anime to make me cry like a baby
Music direction-wise, I'd say your list is right though.
Of course those things are different, yes.Well, in that case, every text about getting old or having some terminal disease would be completely nihilistic... but we know that's not the case.![]()
So is Baka Test good or what
I watched an episode and liked what I saw, but let's hear AnimeGAF's opinion
You just need to get used to it.there's plenty of words i'd use to describe kanon but cute sure as hell isn't one of them
Yeah, Ayu's great.~uguu
Don't skip episodes of Noir, it's a great show...I don't like skipping episodes though...this is really boring though...
that's more like it!
I think in my case it also helps that I saw that version first, and before 2006 released, so that was what I first think of when I think of the series... but yeah.Well yeah Kanon 2006 in general looks better, but Toei Kanon is an acquired taste that you can truly appreciate after being repulsed and desensitised it forsomea long time.
Agreed about Bakatest, but C3 was awful, don't watch.Bakatest veered off course in the second season as a comedy, but the first season was servicable, C³ was uhm... uhm... er... schizophrenic in terms of jumping between everyone being psychotic and blatant trashy fanservice although it was consistant.
Other than the shows themselves being average there isn't much for reason to feel disdain towards the studio.
Hey, it's not the whole episode twice. It's a segment of the episode that runs twice, but different -- and much funnier, thanks to Yuuko being visible -- the second time. I thought it worked pretty well as a mechanism to introducing her to the audience.Tasogare Otome x Amnesia - 01
Drool, Zombies and now Ghosts I think that's a broad spectrum covered now.
Although I did not appreciate watching the same episode twice in the same single episode holy shit! I thought Devil May Cry 4 was bad.
Definitely expect more drama in the future, yes.Dusk Maiden of Amnesia 01 Wasn't half bad! There's a big shovel of generic dumped on top of something that has potential. Hopefully there's less derp and more mystery in future episodes. I like how they repeated the scenes showing the ghost. It looks pretty too. I have a feeling it will turn into a mess but I'll be there to watch it happen at least
Sort of. Today, there's a separate country of Macedonia, but there's also a Greek province called Macedonia. In classical Greek times, the Greeks would not really have considered the Macedonians to be Greek -- those inferior northern barbarians, you know, they were no match for the real Greeks... but the Macedonians sort of considered themselves to be Greek, and then conquered Greece later on, so yeah... at that point they sort of merged. But overall, they've always been closely related but slightly different.Macedonia was a part of Greece, is it not?![]()
Every time Tsubaki drinks her drool or Urabe drinks his they experience a the sensation the the other has. For example if Tusbaki is aroused and Urabe drinks his drool she feels aroused. Or if Urabe gropes her own boobs and Tusbaki drinks her drool he feels that sensation of actually feeling her boobs. But it even goes deeper then that if Urabe is wearing a skimpy outfit under a coat or something Tusbaki will somehow fell the sensation of actually seeing that skimpy outfit. Oh Urabe is like a wizard with scissors and is able to cut things into any shape quickly and usually does this when she gets flustered and keeps the scissors in her underwear at all times
... Well huh, it gets even weirder. That's good, given that weird is the primary thing the series has to make it interesting...Here are more Girlfriend X spoilers if anyone is interested.
at the end of one day Urabe gives Tsubaki her drool and he has a nosebleed. She then throws him a pair of her panties and reveals that she did not wear any panties for the entire day and he then puts her panties in his pocket. Urabe sleeps naked. The drool bond also extends to another girl (who has a boyfriend) so there are three kids sharing droll among each other.
But STDs don't exist in anime and manga, 99.99% of the time, so no.This story will end with all three contracting HIV.
What, not that I seem to have liked Tasogare more than most people here?I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.
I never write with a thesarus, I don't like them... but you're right, I should try to vary word choice more than I do there.Then I realized you used "good" 12 times.
Dear good man, crack open thesaurus.
I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.
Then I realized you used "good" 12 times.
Dear good man, crack open thesaurus.
Me too, Inga. Me too.
That would cut down my anime view schedule to a very slim margin indeed.
I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.
Then I realized you used "good" 12 times.
Dear good man, crack open thesaurus.
I eagerly await seeing what good bookisms* ABF can come up with.
*trying to play off the concept of a said bookism, so hopefully I've altered the term correctly
at least it's better than eikenUpotte is pretty much the worst thing ive ever watched
that is all
Upotte is pretty much the worst thing ive ever watched
that is all
I don't always read your posts ABF, but something about this one caught my eye.
Then I realized you used "good" 12 times.
Dear good man, crack open thesaurus.
at least it's better than eiken
at least it's better than eiken
Upotte is pretty much the worst thing ive ever watched
that is all
What about the Fate/Kaleid series characters? I assume you haven't read that manga? (It had an anime announcement, right?)
Angel Beats > Kanon 2002 > Kanon 2006 > Air > Clannad, for me. Haven't watched Clannad AS.
Bakatest as a franchise is sometimes good, and sometimes bad. The good parts can be pretty funny, but the bad parts can be quite tryingly dull... still, worth watching overall. At least, S1 certainly is; the last OVA and S2 aren't as good as the first season, sadly. Way too much not very good drama!
Don't skip episodes of Noir, it's a great show...
Upotte is pretty much the worst thing ive ever watched
that is all
at least it's better than eiken
at least it's better than eiken
Nadia - 01
It's nice to see the very first cartoon love.
And the first episode was a perfect mix of character introduction and action.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island in the midst of black seas of infinity and it was not meant that we should voyage far. Some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality that we shall either go mad from the relevation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents.
So, there was some confusion about that Ro-Kyu-Bu alarm clock a while back. But what if you wanted an alarm clock that was a bit more... manly?
Aw, thats a shame that you already know that song will be used.
Probably one of the best uses of an existing song ever in a TV anime.
So many gif's already... I guess i'll do one of the ending
Glorious show indeed.
lafiel, when did you start watching MLP? I thought you hated it.
that's just fantasy. This is real life.
Cthulhu chuuuuu~~~~
T minus 10 seconds before Cajunator explodes after seeing this.
Truly, there are terrible primal arcana of earth which had better be left unknown and unevoked; dread secrets which have nothing to do with man, and which man may learn only in exchange for peace and sanity; cryptic truths which make the knower evermore an alien among his kind, and cause him to walk alone on earth.
Out of all of the reasons to avoid watching Nyaruko, I'm surprised that the one that matters the most to me is my own personal lack of knowledge of Lovecraft lore. I shouldn't care, but I do.
Maybe the solution is not watching moe garbage then!
My Little Loli Cthulu Can't Be This Cute!! 01
Man, that trainride home on Mondays is going to be one of the most painful waiting games of the week. It's almost too much [REDACTED] for even my heart, and i'm a trained professional in these things.
Being animegaf is suffering.
Don't leave...
Un-Go 01:
I'm walking right into duckroll's trap but at least I'm fully aware that I'm doing so. I finally get to witness the unholy union of BONES and newtaminA, and it's pretty much everything I would expect from a washed-up studio doing a show for a desperate and misguided animation block.
The one thing that really stood out at me was the incredibly abhorrent character design. Long faces and spiky chins abound. The protagonist is Seto Kaiba, and his partner is a purple palette swap of Wonderweiss (that super-strong autistic Arrancar kid) from Bleach that sports panda jammies and worryingly-yellow sclera. Inga apparently suffers from a serious liver disease. Oh, and. Yeah...said kid can transform into a flirtatious panda-faced titty monster that can geass people into telling the truth
The first episode served little purpose other than to reinforce the fact that incorporating fantasy elements into detective stories is almost impossible. Kaiba what's-his-face is hailed as some kind of great detective even though his method seems to be doing a little junior police cadet-level investigation and then resorting straight towhen things get the slightest bit difficult. It makes stuff like Kamisama no Memochou and Gosick look like they were written by Dashiell Hammett.using Inga to get the suspect to cough up the truth
The murder mystery seemed solely designed to force the important point of exposition that, which felt backwards and generally awkward as they could have easily established this at the beginning and then could have used the murder as further commentary uponJapan is war-ravaged for whatever reason. If I can muster the willpower to watch more, I certainly hope that the writing isn't as clumsy in future episodes.the political realities and pitfalls of a destroyed Japan
As I said in my reply to that, I don't use a thesaurus, ever... I feel like I should be able to think of a word myself, and not just look one up, you know?
Let me take the time to use this post to illustrate an important point.
The person responsible for the show being described above me is also writing Eureka Seven AO.
He isn't the doing the series composition. It's sad to see that he worked on Nadesico, though.Let me take the time to use this post to illustrate an important point.
The person responsible for the show being described above me is also writing Eureka Seven AO.
I watched Blood: The Last Vampire, frostbyte. It was okay, Blood-C had better fight sequences. I wasn't expecting it to be that short, but that's probably for the best since the visuals were giving me a headache.
He isn't the doing the series composition. It's sad to see that he worked on Nadesico, though.
He isn't the doing the series composition. It's sad to see that he worked on Nadesico, though.
I'm not saying that Nadesico wasn't good. Un-Go looks and sounds like tripe.Why is that sad? Nadesico was excellent.
Blood-C was over-the-top, but that one fight, in particular, during the last episode was very satisfying. Blood+ was by far more of an extension of the film than Blood-C.I felt Blood:TLV had less but more powerfully directed fights in general. It makes more of an impact than the generic Monster of the Week Blood-C fights, no matter how large in scale they were. Blood-C's fights come off as over-the-top with gratuitous use of gore, pandering to fans of violence. Blood:TLV's limited encounters draw out the suspense efficiently and uses blood as shock value only when necessary.
It indeed is short. No arguments there and that's why I think further installments to flesh out the world portrayed in the original with the same team would have potentially produced brilliant results. Blood+ and Blood-C are disappointing alternate universe spinoffs at best.
I think it was the blur filter that was used at times.What gave you a headache about the visuals? I thought they were pretty impressive for that time and a prime example of sakuga.
Why is that sad? Nadesico was excellent.
Shou Aikawa worked on some really good shows - original FMA, Oh Edo Rocket - but lately he's shown himself to have gone insane.
Shou Aikawa worked on some really good shows - original FMA, Oh Edo Rocket - but lately he's shown himself to have gone insane.
Nyarko-san 1
The only way to escape it is to be eaten first!
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
looks like duckrolls hypemachine has claimed yet another victimLet me take the time to use this post to illustrate an important point.
The person responsible for the show being described above me is also writing Eureka Seven AO.
Shou Aikawa worked on some really good shows - original FMA, Oh Edo Rocket - but lately he's shown himself to have gone insane.
The nineties were veritably a recondite epoch.Mysterious Girlfriend X 01
In spite of the premise I somehow wasn't expecting this to be such unabashed and classy smut. Attention to detail is astounding. Just small little details like desks being filled with books and curtains and individual pages blowing in the wind can really help establish a scene as being more lackadaisical. You get this very meticulously crafted setting that helps alleviate some of the absurdity of the ideas presented, and the unusual art style helps to sell the show as being different and "mysterious".
Mysterious Girlfriend X 01
In spite of the premise I somehow wasn't expecting this to be such unabashed and classy smut. Attention to detail is astounding. Just small little details like desks being filled with books and curtains and individual pages blowing in the wind can really help establish a scene as being more lackadaisical. You get this very meticulously crafted setting that helps alleviate some of the absurdity of the ideas presented, and the unusual art style helps to sell the show as being different and "mysterious".
So.... gonna start Fate Stay Night VN... anything I needa look out for?
I think you should be more worried that the person doing the series composition has either never worked in the industry before, or for one reason or another refuses to use his actual name on the project.![]()
So.... gonna start Fate Stay Night VN... anything I needa look out for?
Haha I just started it last night too.
Finished up the prologue earlier and it seems pretty fun so far.
I think I'd much rather play this than to go through the DEEN anime and after catching up on Fate/Zero I've been having a big interest in the Type Moon universe.
So.... gonna start Fate Stay Night VN... anything I needa look out for?
A flowchart can save you time, otherwise there's not much to look out for, the VN forces you to go through the routes in a set order.