It's probably just me, but I've developed a more cynical attitude towards these ship sales as Star Citizen's development goes on (and on and on...). I can't deny that it's still an ingenious funding concept and that these concepts are enough to spark the imagination of sci fi fans (it certainly did for me). Or that this might become the ultimate spacegame at some point, although it will have to share that title with Elite for me. It wasn't for nothing that I contemplated buying a Carrack LTI at the end of last year. Back then I imagined how I could get into the ship with a couple of friends (the seamlessness of first person gameplay and multi crew is a great driver for the imagination ^^), go on an exploration trip through the game's universe, land on planets, use the rover to explore them and enjoy the undiscovered sights.
Now, whenever I see concept for some grand exploration ship or the passenger airline spacecraft, I have to wonder when it will get implemented - will it be available in the "1.0" PU release (whenever that is)? Will it be fun at all? Will it in any way live up to the expectation these concept articles are creating? All those youtube videos of people showing off the ships in the hangars or sometimes even just the concept art and static renders and speculating what game mechanics will revolve around them - I kind of get sad seeing them now, whereas I enjoyed them previously.
Unless the game mechanic development for these ships and features is considerable further than CIG is letting on, from the outside it's all speculative at this point. What's the place of a Cutlass or the Constellation Taurus/Andromeda/Aquilla etc. in the metagame? We don't know, because it's all subject to change. If not in the ship's concept phase, then changes in the balancing phase might considerably change the value of these ships. I guess I'm afraid that a multi crew ship from a 300$+ backing package with an exciting narration of exploration and adventure around it, may turn out to be little more than a means to grind for the even bigger ships or - even worse - may turn out to be casual cannon fodder for less peaceful players. Or that something like the passenger airlines - if they get implemented at all for the PU "1.0" release - turn out to be more like Elite's currently implemented missions. Accept one from a list of missions displayed in the spaceport, load your passenger ship with 372 passengers - with the added hassle of hushing all the correctly animated passengers into their seats, take off, make a bee-line for the target destination, chase them out of your spacecraft, collect the payout, repeat. Courier missions in their most basic implementation then.
It's a typical case of unrealistic expections and impatience on my part vs. the reality of game development, I guesss. But I wish I was seeing larger strides on what I personally suspect will eventually be the game's groundwork rather than ultra detailed ship concepts and variations. The groundwork for me being the PU with a narrow set of it's most basic traveling/death/reviving/credit earning and ship control mechanics. If it's those expensive concept sales that'll eventually allow them to lay down the groundwork and perfect it, all more power to them. Without seeing (parts of) the PU at least in a basic working order though, the actual usefulness of many of these ships is too specualtive for me. The closest we got to seeing a bit of the PU was the Gamescom Arena Commander 2.0 demo.