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Star Fox Zero & Guard - Review Thread





Wish more people would follow this mantra rather than try and figure out an equation to tell if reviews are legitimate or not.

It's hard to say that though.

It's a full priced game which makes it rather expensive. I'd rather a demo be released (unless there is one?) to try before laying down that money for a game you're not sure of.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
There can be other aspects that add value. Being lenghtier also doesn't mean bloat. But rehashing two decade old concepts with shitty controls isn't the way to keep modern standards. This should have at best been a downloadable title. If they do blatant rehashes with clearly no budget, then they should at least place them where they belong - alongside the likes of Pacman CE and others.

Heh, as someone with next to no expendable money these days, I can't disagree with the fact this game could've been cheaper. But that's something separate from the game itself though in my opinion. A good game's a good game, just like a good movie's a good movie no matter if you paid $20 bucks to see it in a fancy theater or streamed it on Netflix.

If fact, I think we could either see it as "the game should've been cheaper considering the content" or "the game should've had more stuff to justify the price" (which is in part why Starfox Guard is included). I'd go with the former personally.


Wish more people would follow this mantra rather than try and figure out an equation to tell if reviews are legitimate or not.

Yeah, but I don't want to discredit reviews either. There's a value in reading a lot of them to figure out where you might stand, since it is a $60 dollar purchase. There's also good and bad reviews that are pretty poorly written and don't seem to have a lot of good analysis behind them. However, why waste the time complaining about a specific review when you can go read a wide diverse range of reviews and get a good idea of where you'll fall? And even then you might end up with a different feeling than you'd expect.

We get these threads and people wonder, "how in the world could anyone dislike this game!" and then a lot of those people go on to be detractors of the game in the future. I remember being this way when I was younger, especially with Twilight Princess. Embarassing, for sure. That was probably the turning point, for me.
I never considered Kid Icarus Uprising a pure rail-shooter, in a sense.

The thing is, only 1/3 of the game is on-rails, which is during the air battles. The other 2/3 is on-foot where the game plays like a third person action game. Almost all of the bosses are fought there and even the game's multiplayer modes are completely based on its mechanics.


There can be other aspects that add value. Being lenghtier also doesn't mean bloat. But rehashing two decade old concepts with shitty controls certainly isn't the way to keep modern standards. This should have at best been a downloadable title. If they do blatant rehashes with clearly no budget, then they should at least place them where they belong - alongside the likes of Pacman CE and others for a low price.

If the game were longer it'd ruin your ability to memorize it. The entire point of these games isn't your first run or your tenth run, it's your seventieth run where you're finally hitting everything absolutely perfectly with a sense of Zen-like emptiness. Your reflexes do all the work as your brain goes silent and there's nothing but HIT+4 HIT+7 HIT+5.

A Star Fox game long enough that you can't beat it in one sitting makes that impossible.
It's hard to say that though.

It's a full priced game which makes it rather expensive. I'd rather a demo be released (unless there is one?) to try before laying down that money for a game you're not sure of.
I'm not saying people are dumb for reading reviews or wanting a demo. More that they try and explain which ones are valid seemingly based on what they want to be hearing.

Yeah, but I don't want to discredit reviews either. There's a value in reading a lot of them to figure out where you might stand, since it is a $60 dollar purchase. There's also good and bad reviews that are pretty poorly written and don't seem to have a lot of good analysis behind them. However, why waste the time complaining about a specific review when you can go read a wide diverse range of reviews and get a good idea of where you'll fall? And even then you might end up with a different feeling than you'd expect.

We get these threads and people wonder, "how in the world could anyone dislike this game!" and then a lot of those people go on to be detractors of the game in the future. I remember being this way when I was younger, especially with Twilight Princess. Embarassing, for sure.
Agree, 100%.


Has it? I'm sure I'm missing some stuff but here's a list of some high quality Star Fox-style rail shooters with their release dates.

Star Fox - 1993
Panzer Dragoon - 1995
Panzer Dragoon Zwei - 1996
Star Fox 64 - 1997
Rez - 2002
Panzer Dragoon Orta - 2003
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - 2010
Child of Eden - 2011
Kid Icarus 3DS - 2012

This particular sub-genre isn't exactly overflowing with new releases these days.
The next big one is going to be the third port of Rez over the years, which is pretty telling.
I'm surprised that Guard is generally getting better scores than Zero. It doesn't look fun at all to me, whereas Zero is what I want in a Star Fox game.


These scores seem to average around 7-7.8. That is what I figured would happen. If there was serious problems with this game six-eight months ago then I think Nintendo is happy they got it to this point.
Maybe that's not the best way to word it, but ultimately what I'd like is to have a bigger game. Presentation values, more levels, more interesting levels.

It's not that the Rail Shooter hasn't been done well recently, it's more that Star Fox just doesn't seem that interesting compared to its predecessor. What I should have said is that Star Fox fails to bring Star Fox into 2016. It feels real dated. As others have pointed out, there's a lot of rail shooters that have done interesting things in the time since 64. Zero doesn't do any of that.

Even if you dig the controls, I honestly don't think they bring a whole lot to the experience.

Okay, that's a more reasonable explanation, fair enough. I think it might have been better if they had actually gone for the more 'episodic' approach Miyamoto hinted at back when the game was first revealed. That being said, aside from aiming indepedent from where you're moving your ship (which is already what this game does) I honestly struggle to think of what interesting things other rail shooters do that would actually not really be suited so much for Star Fox. I mean, I loved Kid Icarus Uprising, but its on-rails sections were actually the lesser portion of the game and were hyper-linear to a fault, the real meat was the ground combat.

Honestly, there is merit to the idea of just having Star Fox decouple from the on-rail thing and be entirely a space shooter - Star Fox 2 would've done well with that had it been released, though people loathed Command even thought I thought it was actually pretty fun. A non-rails Star Fox that really committed to the idea probably fill the void that Rogue Squadron 2 left.

That being said, I'd totally take another Assault with redone ground controls. It was way better than people give it credit for, its multiplayer was incredible.

L Thammy

Honestly, there is merit to the idea of just having Star Fox decouple from the on-rail thing and be entirely a space shooter - Star Fox 2 would've done well with that had it been released, though people loathed Command even thought I thought it was actually pretty fun. A non-rails Star Fox that really committed to the idea probably fill the void that Rogue Squadron 2 left.

There are always FreeSpace 2 mods.

El Odio

Close to 75ish which is what I expected to be honest. Still looking forward to Friday.

One can only wonder though what this game would have scored like before the big delay last year.


all reviews mention motion controls......can they not be turned off? I thought you could

but I knew that feature alone was going to murder some scores. The whole second screen ordeal kills any game for me on the WiiU when forced to look at the pad for actual game play and not information. I still want this game though.....its fucking Star Fox


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Polygon just isn't a site I take seriously for reviews. It's a lot of reactionary click bait pandering disguised as righteousness and final-word-authority. Just looking at past Platinum reviews, a 6 for Wonderful 101 because the reviewer was frustrated with the controls. Yes, the controls take a lot of getting used to, but once they clicked for me, the game turned from a confusing experience into one of my favorite games of all time. Did the reviewer go back and replay any of the old levels that he had first tried when the controls were still raw and disorienting? Try something different? Try to *learn*? Or, if the controls really never clicked with him, why not write something more thoughtful than simply "it frustrated me, so I don't like it"? Yeah, I've just never been impressed with their writing staff.

As far as Platinum's involvement with Star Fox goes, is there a definitive word on how much of an impact they had on the development? Were they like script doctors, brought in to provide some action polish, or did they actively develop whole levels and boss attles?
Not saying I agree with Polygon but "Yeah the controls suck but after a couple of hours and replaying earlier levels a bunch I got used to then" doesn't sound that great either


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Isn't this very unprofessional. I mean it's his job to review the game is it not? Quite childish to throw your hands up and refuse to do it.

It's Arthur Gies, the undisputed worst person working in the games industry. This is mild for him.


To be fair even back then when star fox was new there were better shooter. I mean if you have played Galaxy Force II you see the game has aged better than the first star fox. And Panzer Dragoon Zwei and the first Sin and Punishment were incredible compared to 64
Galaxy Force II is awful so the original star fox must be the worst game ever for that to be accurate


Isn't this very unprofessional. I mean it's his job to review the game is it not? Quite childish to throw your hands up and refuse to do it.

Wow I agree this is bullshit. It is totally unprofessional that he did that and it is even more unprofessional and a dick move that he actually made an article about it.

What a pos journalist. It is his job, it is childish and I truly doubt the game is so bad as he says from the reviews. He is basically doing some stunt to call the game a piece of crap and that is not only unprofessional, but disrespectful and not cool at all.

Don't like it don't play it, don't review it, this stunt is bullshit.

mf luder

all reviews mention motion controls......can they not be turned off? I thought you could

but I knew that feature alone was going to murder some scores. The whole second screen ordeal kills any game for me on the WiiU when forced to look at the pad for actual game play and not information. I still want this game though.....its fucking Star Fox

You can just switch the display to the tv.


lmao the Donald gif

So to people who have played both, how do the gyro controls compare to Splatoon's? Is it just as simple and natural or is it more complicated?


$60 for a sub 5hr game, you gotta be having a laugh. It's pretty clear at this point that Nintendo is done with the WiiU.

Hmm...well I paid full retail for Sin and Punishment 2 even though it only lasted me 6 hours, and I didn't regret it.

On the other hand SP2 had a much better pedigree/reception than this game. I think I'll wait a little while and give Star Fox Zero a rent.


It's Arthur Gies, the undisputed worst person working in the games industry. This is mild for him.
Arthur Gies is nowhere near the worst person working in the games industry. The worst he has done is write some stupid shit, which is peanuts compared to fiascoes like what happened at Crytek UK.


On Gies Review:

Some people will probably react to the game like this. Some of his points are spot on with my impressions. At the same time, the game is maybe 3 hours long at most. Just beat the game.

I don't think him not beating it invalidates his opinion, but it sure does read funny.


That's not even a controversial opinion.

Nah, Kuchera is terrible too, but they guy that called us all idiots for rejecting Microsofts DRM is the worst.

Kuchera was like the whole spearhead of that movement! I think Sony Too™ is directly attributable to him.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Kuchera was like the whole spearhead of that movement! I think Sony Too™ is directly attributable to him.

Really, I seem to remember a tweet from Gies that is referenced here a lot. Either way they are both awful and today they again reminded us just how terrible Polygon is.
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