I've already moved back to the vanilla WA playlist. The Bespin maps are cool, but Sabotage is balanced pretty poorly on 3 of the 4 maps; I still get Administrators Palace and overwhelming amount of the time, and it's simply impossible for the Rebels to blow up B unless the teams are incredibly mismatched skill or player-wise. I've played 93 rounds of Sabotage, at least 60 of those rounds have been on AP, and I've seen the Rebels blow up B four times. Four. Cloud City is almost always in the Imperials favor as well, half the time A is the clusterfuck, and if it does get blown up the Imperials can almost always stop the Extraction. I've seen CFC go both ways but I've seen that map so little it's hard to say, and I've seen Sabotage on Labs exactly once.
Other than that they did what I was afraid of and nerfed the walker health way too much Bespin, since the nerf it's super rare to see the walker live past the second phase. I think I've only seen it once when I was on a ridiculous team that crushed the Rebels (that game as the Rebels we got the walker down to 10 health at the end of the first phase...). Turning Point has always been trash IMO, and Fighter Squadron to 400 is way too long, and the lack of NPC units with the increased playercount bums me out personally and completely turns me off the mode.
Drop Zone and Blast are both fine, and again I really like the actual maps for thr most part, but Sabotage has too many balance issues on most of the maps and since that's the mode every other time it becomes a problem. Shock Grenades are total horseshit and they need to dramatically cut down on the time it takes to mash out of it, but I see it rarely enough that it's not a practical issue. Disruptor is super OP though and needs a need along with Bacta Bomb, using those two things has dramatically raised my K/D lol. Disruptor doesn't seem to be a huge factor though in the 20v20 modes, don't see it much there.
Hero Hunt wins still elude me though, any time I get on to try any given lobby always has one super hardcore dude who just wrecks everyone else. Best part is when at the start of a new round it gives them the first hero spawn -_-. Short of some sort of glitch or getting a completely full lobby together of people boosting it I don't think I'm gonna get any wins, much less 10.