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Star Wars DVD: Partial Packaging + More new shots

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LinesInTheSand said:
You guys are pathetic.
These guys would seem pretty tame, I bet, if you tried an actual Star Wars board. You would find an entertaining clash between intense, narrow-minded purists and those who will swallow whatever shit Lucas shoves down their throats.


LinesInTheSand said:
You guys are pathetic.

Then how pathetic is George Lucas for making ridiculous changes to timeless classics that no one wants to see altered in the first place?
DarthWufei said:
Ah, forgot about that:: http://koti.mbnet.fi/dukeirot/ep3/HanSoloVersusGreedo2004.wmv

Got it from the MF boards.

Can somebody post a comparasion clip of the Special Edition version? I can tell they made Han jump, but to me it looks like Greeo's shot is closer than it was in the first redo of the scene. And that's good, because Greedo was off by like 2 feet in the SE version, which was just retarded considering how close he was to Han.


"And it doesn't improve the mood or themes of the series either, so why not complain about unnecessary changes?"

I agree it doesn't do improve or screw up anything, so why get all up in fucking arms. If it was me I wouldn't have changed anything about the series other than the special effects mistakes, ie. the squares behind the ships and planets, and the lightsaber jumps, but you know what it's not up to me. If Lucas wants to pay some guy to photoshop Haydens head over the old guys, then so be it, he has the mony to do it. The movies content and ideas are not changed one iota by any of the changes he's done. Get over it or start watching Star Trek, but stop this stupid freaking whining over nothing.
I understand Lucas' desire to make his films "better", but I'll never understand why he refuses to allow his fans to see the original versions. It's as if he's embarassed by them.

Whatever. I've got the original trilogy on Laserdisc, and I'll burn them onto DVD soon enough. No need to purchase this.


Hollywood Square
ManaByte said:
He is. That was always his excuse for doing the SE's.

Fine. Then we all are in agreeance. He must be destroyed. For our children's sake.

... won't anybody think of the children?
ManaByte said:
Basically the Emperor/Hayden are 100% real, they added new music and score to parts (most likely the Imperial March to A New Hope as John Williams has said he wanted to add it in 1997, but didn't get the chance), they "messed" with the Han/Greedo scene (not sure exactly how yet), and other changes that are "PLENTIFUL".

That sucks about the music ... I always liked how Imperial March didn't show up until the second film. It made Empire just feel that much "darker."

Oh well, Lucas is a hack.


Gold Member
Oh yea, they are also apparently replacing the stoned Yoda puppet in Episode I with the CG one from Episode II for a future re-release. They aren't touching the original Yoda puppet as they tried to make the CG one look as close to that one as possible.
JackFrost2012 said:
That sucks about the music ... I always liked how Imperial March didn't show up until the second film. It made Empire just feel that much "darker."

Oh well, Lucas is a hack.

Shit, I was just about to say the same thing. That takes away some of the greatness of ESB.
ManaByte said:
He is. That was always his excuse for doing the SE's.

I thought it was something about him being limited by the technology at the time, so it never represented what he actually envisioned for the trilogy, or some shit. Oh, well.

I posted this on the old boards, but might as well post it again. There are MANY subtle changes to the movies that are almost never talked about. Lots of shots are edited to cut out violence, for teh kiddies, I suppose. This is a good video:


Yeah, it's subtle, but still. Go frame-by-frame to really catch everything.


Gold Member
Error Macro said:
Shit, I was just about to say the same thing. That takes away some of the greatness of ESB.

The Imperial March is used in all three prequels (although it's pretty well hidden in I), and with a series that is meant to be watched I, II, III, IV, V, VI it's strange to have one movie out of six to not have a theme used in all five others.


hyperbolically metafictive
are there widely available dvd bootlegs of something resembling the original theatrical releases? i'm not even a big star wars fan, let alone a purist, but i would like to see the movies again without incongruous and anachronistic cg intrusions. if lucas wants to revise endlessly that's his problem, but i don't see why he needs to suppress the original versions. well, there's always vhs.



And you just know that he'll keep changing the trilogy FOREVER UNTIL HE FUCKING DIES.


Gold Member
heavy liquid said:
I thought it was something about him being limited by the technology at the time, so it never represented what he actually envisioned for the trilogy, or some shit. Oh, well.

I posted this on the old boards, but might as well post it again. There are MANY subtle changes to the movies that are almost never talked about. Lot's of shots are edited to cut out violence, for teh kiddies, I suppose. This is a good video:


Not to mention the fact that they completely re-recorded every single line Beru spoke, and most Stormtroopers lines from Mos Eisley, for the first home video release. That is about 16-18 years before the special editions.

If you can ever watch a print of Star Wars from 1977-1979 (there are a bunch still floating around, I watched a 16mm one about three months ago) you'll see a different Star Wars than you remember even from the Definitive LD editions.

In fact, the rough cut of Star Wars is very different. It includes about 30-40% different footage and is more "documentary" style:


Gold Member
drohne said:
are there widely available dvd bootlegs of something resembling the original theatrical releases? i'm not even a big star wars fan, let alone a purist, but i would like to see the movies again without incongruous and anachronistic cg intrusions. if lucas wants to revise endlessly that's his problem, but i don't see why he needs to suppress the original versions. well, there's always vhs.

You can get bootlegs from the LD releases. However if you want the exact same movie that people saw in theaters in 1977, the only way is to track down and get your hands on a 16mm or 35mm print of the film due to the changes Lucas has been doing since the release.

35mm prints are super, super, rare and it usually takes an act of God to get your hands on one. However, 16mm prints are slightly easier to come by as those usually went to privately-owned theaters in the late 70's and weren't tracked as well as the 35mm prints. However, those prints are usually in worse shape.

Either way, you'd have to pay through the nose to own one. :(
ManaByte said:
If you can ever watch a print of Star Wars from 1977-1979 (there are a bunch still floating around, I watched a 16mm one about three months ago) you'll see a different Star Wars than you remember even from the Definitive LD editions.

Wow. Yeah, I knew that even the LD's were changed from the original release, but not to that extent. I'm not even a big Star Wars fan or anything, but if the original 1977 version were to be released, I wouldn't hesitate to drop some serious cash for it. I'm sure Lucas would make a mint (not that he needs it) from it. Have you ever seen any DVD's of the original print floating around?

EDIT: You answered my question. :(


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Well, people tried to prove it fake by saying it was just a photoshop job of them slapping his head on Sebastian Shaw's, which is true. That's all ILM is doing in that scene <<<

When ILM started doing digital compositing, that's literally what they were doing. They used Photoshop in conjunction with a batch-processing plug-in. The last big Photoshop compositing show was Terminator 2.
ManaByte said:
The Imperial March is used in all three prequels (although it's pretty well hidden in I), and with a series that is meant to be watched I, II, III, IV, V, VI it's strange to have one movie out of six to not have a theme used in all five others.

"Meant to be," sure. But ideally it's watched IV, V, VI, and we all just pretend the prequels didn't ever happen. O:)


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>George Lucas, oh man, you just keep topping yourself..... this is like some bad dream.<<<

I'm beginning to think Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a documentary.
The discs look like this:



Queen of Denmark
If I was George Lucas, I would give Episode III a 20-minute long Jar Jar Binks monolouge, a scene in which Princess Leia gives birth to Luke Skywalker, and the final twist of the series: Darth Vader removes his helmet to show that he is Han Solo.

The series can't get any worse, and at least that would be hilarious to watch. I would have a hell of a lot more respect for Lucas than I do now.
thank god for starwars, my life has been all about starwars since i first saw the trilogi back in 84 and now its soon coming to DVD :)

i am in heaven!

but DAMN lucas why the hell did he put anakin from EPII and EPIII in that ROTJ shot!!


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Turns out the core of the Death Star is empowered by George Lucas' dismembered head which, upon site, utters in reverse "to see the real movie you must kill me, George Lucas"...
ShadowRed said:
How do you figure? Both Yoda and Obi Wan died as old men. Anakin died when he was younger. I see no problem ith the change. I really don't think it's neccesary, but it's not going to change the movie. The same go for the Han not shooting first and Luke screaming when he falls from the ledge. All you bitches can whine about nothing and curse Lucas all you want. Get a life and give up Star Wars or realize that a few minor changes doesn't alter the mood and themes of the series.



Fortunatly, having the Definitive Collection laserdiscs mean I don't have to give a shit about any of this. Whew!

Of course, I have to flip the discs five times per film...

Seth C said:
Only living beings have the Force. If he actually DIES as a young man, he shouldn't be able to use the Force as Vader.

I was agreeing with the fact that it's funny how stupid SW geeks get upset over issues like this. Way to prove my point.


Console Market Analyst
Lucas apologists can kiss my ass. The man has lost his mind. I wouldn't be surprised if he's shuffling through the halls at ILM with tissue boxes on his feet.

Now that the one film of his I did enjoy, THX-1138, is getting an "Insecuirty on parade" facelift, there's nothing left for him to soil. That is, unless hovercars appear in the American Graffiti Director's Vision Series.


Console Market Analyst
DJ Demon J said:
I was agreeing with the fact that it's funny how stupid SW geeks get upset over issues like this. Way to prove my point.

You don't have to be a Star Wars fan (I hate the films), to recognize Lucas is an ass.

Spielberg's ET changes were just as baffling, but at least he had the sense and respect for fans to offer an unaltered original version.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
You know, it just occured to me: George Lucas is alot like Nintendo. They both made some really great titles when they were younger, but now they just keep 'updating' them to turn another buck. I'm amazed he hasn't gotten Lucasfilm to rehash the SNES Star Wars titles for the GBA, although that is something I'd like to play...


Queen of Denmark
tedtropy said:
You know, it just occured to me: George Lucas is alot like Nintendo. They both made some really great titles when they were younger, but now they just keep 'updating' them to turn another buck.
Yeah, but Lucas generally wrecks (according to most people) his updates, whereas Nintendo generally maintains their quality (the GBA ports of the Mario games are pretty spot-on) or even makes them geniunely better (I'll take Zero Mission over the original Metroid any day of the week). </nintendo nerd mode>


Console Market Analyst
DJ Demon J said:
Goreomody, how many times have you seen the Star Wars films? Have you seen the new ones?

I've seen the original trilogy a couple of times. I found them "okay" as a kid. Growing up, I was more a diehard Indiana Jones fan. I guess that series is my Star Wars. :)

Saw the Special Editions in the theater(during a triple feature), at the request of a little cousin of mine. I was bored to tears. I never realized Luke was such a whiny little shit. I found the additions and changes pointless, and did pick up on the Greedo alteration. A thirtysomething fan dressed up as a Jedi kept touching my ear with his toy lightsaber. I broke it before the end of Empire.

Saw Phantom Menace in the theater, opening day. My date forced me. On my way out, I told people waiting in line to lower their expectations. I was booed.

Attack of the Clones I saw on HBO, with friends who are talented with the riffs, and several bottles of Merlot. It's probably the best Star Wars experience of my life, laughing through a buzz at the zingers we were throwing, but Lucas gets no credit.

I refuse to see Episode 3 in any form, theatrical, video, or cable.
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