DJ Demon J
Somehow I find it hard to believe you, Goreomedy.
DJ Demon J said:Somehow I find it hard to believe you, Goreomedy.
evil ways said:Star Wars, you are dead to me.
Goreomedy said:I refuse to see Episode 3 in any form, theatrical, video, or cable.
Goreomedy said:I wondered what the motivation of your question was. Did you have that reply typed out, and ready to be pasted before I even responded?
Tell me, oh cynical one, what is hard to believe?
DJ Demon J said:I just find it hard to believe that, being such a fan of Indy Jones that you are, that you feel Lucas is "such an ass", and that you're really not a SW fan that is getting pissed over stupid shit like Greedo firing first. Who the fuck cares? It's Lucas' creation, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Goreomedy said:I consider Indy to be Spielberg's baby.
I will give Lucas props for one thing, pertaining to the Jones series. He killed a script that would have paved the way for Kevin Costner to play Indy's brother in part 4.
Why do I care about Lucas's treatment of his own franchise, if I'm not a rabid Star Wars fan?
mattx5 said:Why the fuck do you need to replace a wise, old Anakin ghost with a fucking rosy, baby faced Hayden? (btw, I have nothing against the prequels or Hayden) TALK ABOUT KILLING THE ENTIRE FUCKING MOOD!
BojTrek said:I cannot accept the Greedo shooting first... it does change the whole "Han has changed his ways" at the end of A New Hope. A rebel who decided to become a team member...
I hope they change the Jabba in A New Hope... it is just plain-old BAD...
The scream I don't care about...
The Emperor change is cool, I always hated the bug-eyed freak...
I don't like the Hayden change because... aw fuck it...
I give in, I will buy them all... FUCK!!
The Bookerman said:I'll accept everything EXCEPT that goddamn Anakin fix. I understand that Lucas wants to show that Anakin died in episode 3 and Vader's redemption brings back Anakin... but frankly I think seeing Anakin as an old man watchin his son looks ten times better. The Father and Son relationship feels stronger this way.
Heh, truer words have never been spoken.BuddyChrist83 said:man, being a star wars fan feels just like being a sega fan
DJ Demon J said:Why are you so concerned over the SW film changes, if you "hate the films"?
That is how the covers should really look.The Bookerman said:The discs look like this:
Doc Savage said:I can understand them using Hayden as the new spirit. I mean if Anakin truly dies and is brought back to life on the darkside then his spirit would be that of the age when he died. So his spirit shouldn't age at all because it is a a spirit. i think it adds to the whole tortured aspect of Vader/Anakin having a mechanical body that is keeping him alive and trapping his spirit within.
The Bookerman said:Sure but seeing your dad's spirit from when he was 20.... and you're 26... it's kinda odd... and dumb.
BuddyChrist83 said:I can't accept Luke's scream. That's about it, everything else I can tolerate.
That? That was new? I barely noticed it. It did sound pretty funny, though.Ristamar said:When Luke falls in Empire to escape from Vader...
Dreamfixx said:What "scream" are you guys talking about?
ShadowRed said:So what if Han doesn't shoot first, it changes nothing about his character or make it seem less plausible that he would come back to help Luke at the end of ANH.
BuddyChrist83 said:Actually, it does. Before, Han could be seen as slaughtering Greedo needlessly, while this time he's shooting for his life. I'd say that changes the character of Han Solo, somewhat.
ShadowRed said:Huh are we watching the same Star Wars? Greedo was going to turn Han over to Jabba, dead or alive, so if Han shoots first he's defending himself, the same as when Greedo shoots first. He doesn't slaughter anyone. If anything the shooting first Han would be IMO less likely to come back for Luke. I mean if he's really this heartless slaughter as you seem to think he is because he shoots first, then why would he come back and help luke. in fact if he was really this bad ass that people try to make him out to be, then he would have shot Luke and then went to the Emoire and requested a reward for helping them out.
ShadowRed said:What the holy hell are you talking about? Han sitting in a bar on a hostile planet known for lawlessness, where seconds before another guy/alien shoots another guy/alien in plain veiw of everyone and no one flinches are asks why he shot the other dude, with a bounty on his head from the biggest crime boss in the system, when a bounty hunter sits down and tells Han he is going to take him back to Jabba and collect the reward, "dead or alive." and you think Han could have gotten out pf there without killing him. Again and in capitals, WHAT THE HOLY HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! In either instance weather he shots first or after Greedo, he is doing so in self defense not because he's a bad ass killer.
ShadowRed said:in fact if he was really this bad ass that people try to make him out to be, then he would have shot Luke and then went to the Emoire and requested a reward for helping them out.
ShadowRed said:MY GOD, WHY ME!!!!! How the hell does 50 million storm troopers keep missing Han and Luke or any major character for what it's worth, when they seem to kill other people with one shot. BECAUSE IT'S IN THE SCRIPT, BECAUSE THE GOOD GUYS ALWAYS HIT THEIR TARGET AND THE BAD GUYS ALWAYS MISS THE HERO. As again you make an other point for the change to Han shoot second. In the revision Han moves his head and returns fire, had he not moved his head he would have been dead. So see Lucas is explaing to all you anal fanboys why Greedo missed Han from 2 feet away. Stop being so ungrateful.
Substance said:Uh, I hope those aren't Episode3 spoilers being passed around here...
Agent Dormer said:Burger King, where all dragon masters eat!