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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

Dark Empire (which was pretty terrible) had Palpatine cloned.

The idea there would be a sith force ghost is (relatively) new. I don't know that it's been done in the EU, but I haven't read very much of that at all.

The idea of - essentially - force-assisted demonic possession hasn't really been played with I don't think. So it's possible that's a direction they could go with this new trilogy.
Stuff from the EU will play a role in the new trilogy just as it has already seeped into the Star Wars prequels and special editions, the clone wars cartoon and all the video games even the ones officially Officially sanctioned by George Lucas (shadows of the empire and force unleashed).

They may not follow a rigid canon (but then again who does?) but if a director wants to use thrawn or disney finds out they can make a buck off the yuzhaan vong it will happen. Bob iger already made it clear that all Star Wars materials movies, games, cartoons, comics and books are up for grabs and Lucas reiterated that that first video he made with Kathleen Kennedy after the acquisition.
I do wonder if cloning is on the menu for the new trilogy. Did the practice actually stop during the Empire's reign? Has it gone underground again?

The technology to spring millions of people into existence might be something they need to address.

Or maybe they just ignore it, as I imagine they might ignore large swaths of anything related to episodes I-III.


May I have a cookie?
I do wonder if cloning is on the menu for the new trilogy. Did the practice actually stop during the Empire's reign? Has it gone underground again?

The technology to spring millions of people into existence might be something they need to address.

Or maybe they just ignore it, as I imagine they might ignore large swaths of anything related to episodes I-III.

Simple solution if we're doing the cynical Hollywood thing, which I guess we are.

Death Star III blows up the cloners' planet (kamino?) in the opening scenes.


Simple solution if we're doing the cynical Hollywood thing, which I guess we are.

Death Star III blows up the cloners' planet (kamino?) in the opening scenes.

Original Death Star could have taken out Kamino during its testing phase. It would have been an ideal target to tie up loose ends.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Naboo is still around in this era.


Dark Empire (which was pretty terrible) had Palpatine cloned.

The idea there would be a sith force ghost is (relatively) new. I don't know that it's been done in the EU, but I haven't read very much of that at all.

The idea of - essentially - force-assisted demonic possession hasn't really been played with I don't think. So it's possible that's a direction they could go with this new trilogy.


Pretty terrible stuff as well.

I've heard of the name, but never actually checked it out.

I'm sure there's going to be something they land on that bears SOME resemblance to plotting that's occurred somehow in the Expanded Universe. It'd be almost impossible not to. You don't keep a merchandising machine churning THAT hard without eventually covering a large number of possible plot options.
I'll be super fucking disappointed if they bring Palpatine back in any capacity. That will be the biggest signifier that these films will be creatively bankrupt.
I do not want palpaltine in the movie but i dont want it to feel so disconnected from the other movies. Its story should somehow be connected with the other movies.


No worries. I did not take it that way. I try not to annoy with my self-horn-tooting.

On the first page you can see a bit of my celebration with links to other posts.

Basically, I knew:
-that it was going to happen despite the chorus of naysayers armed with an abundance of Lucas quotes but burdened by a lack of imagination :p
-roughly when it would be announced
-roughly when it would be released
-that it would have nothing to do with EU (lol)
-that Luke was key
-that it would be a continuation of the "saga" and not some far-flung time period that normal people wouldn't care about.
-that Fisher getting in shape was related to Star Wars.

Other things that have not yet been confirmed:
-Palpatine is the villain
-he will interfere with Luke's apprentice
-this apprentice is one of the only (if not THE only) force-user Luke has encountered since the end of RotJ.

I'll see if there is anything I am forgetting, but when you look at it, none of it is that nutty, nor am I making a ton of predictions. Nothing is based on fanboy wishes or thinking about "cool." If I end up being wrong, I expect to be about as right as wrong can be.

EDIT: bonus prediction for Han Solo spin-off flick... young, digital Ford.

I've been meaning to get into this for a little while now, but while I don't necessarily want Palpatine back, it does jive with what I know. And this isn't necessarily well remembered or talked about often, so I'll lay it out for those who may not have followed Star Wars for long, but here goes:

It all ties in with Lucas saying at the acquisition announcement that while he wouldn't be directly involved, but the new films would be based on his old notes for Episodes 7-9. This is where it gets interesting. I have to preface this by saying that some of this information comes from ages-old, and in some cases obscure, interviews/talks with Lucas from the OT days that despite the humongous popularity and fan interest in SW, are not particularly well archived today; so I can't really easily provide links or anything. But I definitely remember hearing/reading about this stuff. Lucas at one point talked about some of the plans for the saga, and endlessly flip flopped for years between whether he would ever even do the prequels/sequels to the OT. Partially because like Indiana Jones, the were inspired by the movie serials of the 1930's and 40's. Serials for those who don't know, were essentially TV shows before they had TV; often one hour episodes at the cinema that would end in a cliffhangar, and you would go back to the theatre the next week to see the next episode. That was part of the intention behind sticking the Episode IV-VI titles in the Star Wars films; Lucas remembered as a kid going to the theatre and seeing a serial, but having missed the first few episodes and last few episodes, so Star Wars was essentially setup as having a functional ongoing plot, but plopping you in at Episode IV. It's neither here nor there, but the action beats in the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films also tend to reflect the cliffhangar nature of serials but having a theme of "out of the frying pan, into the fire", it always gets worse before it gets better for the heroes, i.e. Han, Luke, and Leia get into discovered in the detention center, but then escape into the garbage chute, then there's a monster with them, and then even worse, the monster goes away but they are in a garbage compacter, etc.

Anyway, back on topic. The plan around the time of ESB was that he might eventually do them so some story threads were weaved in. And the two of note are that in the original plan for Revenge Of The Jedi (ROTJ's working title at the time), Luke's final confrontation at the end of the trilogy would exclusively be with Vader, and Palpatine (if he was ever actually used) would have been saved for the sequel trilogy. Second, and more importantly, the Yoda "No, there is another" line also referred to someone unknown in the sequel trilogy. What happened was after ESB, with Lucas' marriage troubles, depression, and general burnout, he decided he was probably done with Star Wars. So ROTJ was changed to include Palpatine to wrap up his cameo in ESB, and more importantly "There is another" was famously and awkwardly rolled into meaning Leia was Luke's sister despite all the sister-kissing in the previous films. So that's what we know there.

As far as I know, Lucas never really talked about reworking the story for 7-9, instead eventually decided to do the prequels; thus essentially making the Saga to this point exclusively about the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Which is, thematically, a more powerful and cohesive saga than the originally envisioned long The Hidden Fortress-style sci-fi opus where R2-D2 and C-3P0 were essentially the only recurring characters to appear in all the films; essentially a tribute to how Tahei and Matashichi are incidental characters in the grander scheme of the plot in the Kurosawa film. But since as far as we know, Lucas never rewrote his plans for 7-9, it stands to reason that Palpatine may play a big part in the new trilogy based on his old notes, even if he is essentially altered to be a force ghost or whatever. The only alternative I see to that is that they keep the antagonist character as is in Lucas' notes but retcon it to be a new character, essentially pulling the old Mortal Kombat "Oh no, there's an even BIGGER bad guy behind the last big bad guy" snafoo, though it should be noted, that may conflict with the now prequel-established Sith Rule Of Two..

My two cents, anyway.

Note: Edited this post like 5 times for added tidbits and formatting lol
Saoirse Ronan :

“Yeah, I did [audition for Star Wars Episode VII]… I don’t know whether I should have said that now! I mean, everyone did. Everyone has auditioned for it. So many people I know have gone in for the part I’ve gone in for, and guys who’ve gone in for a particular part, so I’d imagine J.J. is probably just scanning the earth to find the people that ne needs.”

“But nobody has a clue what it’s about, and nobody’s read the script. So I’ve gone in and read for it, but I have to say, I think it’s the only time I’ve ever thought, ‘You know what? Even if I don’t get it, I had so much fun auditioning, pretending to take out a lightsaber – out of a bag, kind of inspect it and not know what it is. That was… that was great. A lightsaber! Star Wars!”



As someone who hasn't read anything from the EU, I'm glad we won't have multiple characters named Ben, Anakin, etc.

I don't really care about those :lol

I just think Jacen and Jaina are cool names, and they've been kind of attached with those characters for so long, it'll be weird if JJ and co. opt not to use those names just to distance themselves from the EU (which may be fine if you want to avoid "Jacen/Jaina in name only!!" type reactions a la Star Trek, but still).


So is it safe to assume something in the spirit of the scene she describes will be in the movie? That's the case for the previous ones, based on behind the scenes DVD documentaries, but maybe they intentionally avoided that this time.

It's JJ Abrams. It's probably best to assume nothing, given how much he loves to use secrecy as a marketing tool.


Contains Sucralose
I like the theory floating around that she's been talking about her audition because she knows she's got the part. I do wonder, though, if her doing Star Wars would disrupt Working Title's plans to start shooting Mary Queen of Scots next year; if so, I hope filming is just pushed back rather than the role recast.

I think she did since she's talking about it which should be a big no-no. Also I haven't heard any other stars going in for a read. Rachel Hurd-Wood was another name but there hasn't been news about her getting the script.


It's JJ Abrams. It's probably best to assume nothing, given how much he loves to use secrecy as a marketing tool.

Kennedy said they wouldn't be doing JJ's brand of secrecy bullshit with Star Wars.

And really, why would they need to? It's Star Wars.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think she did since she's talking about it which should be a big no-no. Also I haven't heard any other stars going in for a read. Rachel Hurd-Wood was another name but there hasn't been news about her getting the script.

Maybe Disney felt it owed her after pulling the plug on Order of the Seven. :p


So is it safe to assume something in the spirit of the scene she describes will be in the movie? That's the case for the previous ones, based on behind the scenes DVD documentaries, but maybe they intentionally avoided that this time.

I'll assume they just invented a scene only for auditions, if they want to keep the script under wraps for now.
It surprised many last year not only when Disney purchased Lucasfilm, but when they announced that a fresh new trilogy of Star Wars films, as well as standalone movies, would be following. Apparently these movies were already in the cards as George Lucas's son, Jett, revealed in an interview with Flicks and the City (via Mashable).

"We knew probably a year prior (to the purchase) he had started writing and kind of researching, starting his whole little process," Lucas said about his father. "About half way through that process was when the idea of selling to Disney came up...It's nice because he's happiest when he's writing and doing something with his time."

He also mentioned Lucas was very torn on working on the film and letting it go, comparing him to a parent sending their kid off to college. "I knew that he was very torn on the matter, he was like a kid who had turned 18 and was ready to leave the house. Every parent has wanted to let their children go but they want to hold on to you."

When asked what he thinks will happen in the new trilogy, Lucas boasted "I already know what happens. I'm happy with what's going to happen."

Lucas also revealed that, contrary to previous reports on the matter, George has been "constantly talking" to director J.J. Abrams about the new film.

Jett's just confirming details we already knew so far as Lucas' working on a sequel trilogy before the Disney acquisition was floated by Iger.

The only bit of news is his insistence that George has been talking to JJ - which IS weird, as George has said nobody's even attempted to contact him, nor has he talked to anyone.
No, he's got the title of "Creative Consultant" and that's it. Until Jett here gave an interview, Lucas/Abrams/Kennedy had all said in one way or another that there'd been no contact with Lucas once the sale was done.
Jett's just confirming details we already knew so far as Lucas' working on a sequel trilogy before the Disney acquisition was floated by Iger.

The only bit of news is his insistence that George has been talking to JJ - which IS weird, as George has said nobody's even attempted to contact him, nor has he talked to anyone.

Don't they always say that? Actors and the like.

Always claim they haven't been spoken too or read a script or anything. I just assume its a stock response now.
Don't they always say that? Actors and the like.

Not at all. Hell, the reason everyone knows Luke, Leia & Han are definitely in is because Lucas was like "fuck it - the deals for those three are 99% done. I had no idea that was supposed to be a secret. Whatever."

Which is what makes Jett's assertion that Lucas is suddenly all up in JJ's ear that much weirder.

I dunno. Maybe his kid is just wrong.
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