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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


Umm, Tom Cruise?

I guess it depends how we define the A-list. (and if we're getting technical about it, Tom Cruise was the draw for JJ on MI3, not the other way around.) Are we just saying sheer star power or like... the best actors working today. Tom Cruise is a star but not exactly the greatest actor.

Because I was thinking more along the lines of the latter. If it's the former, well, I think it's pretty safe to assume Disney's not in the business of giving movie stars a giant paycheck on a movie that is guaranteed to make a billion dollars w/o a single star anyways. Movie stars get attached to shitty projects all the time because that's why their stars—they care about the money not the quality.

Bottom line is... I just don't see any scenario in which JJ Abrams is a draw for the A-list. Talent wise or popularity wise.


Abrams has a pretty good knack for casting people who are very talented, but relatively unknown who go on to become fairly well-known stars.

I'd say that's more important than getting big Hollywood names... you want some folks who are going to be the next well-known names.


Contains Sucralose
Gosling and Cumberbatch have both worked with Ronan. fyi.

Maybe someone at Disney saw her as the frontrunner for Scarlet Witch and thought she would be better in Star Wars?


Saoirse Ronan is a lovely young actress. If anything that would make more curious to see this film than anything, more than JJ.


Saorise Ronan is great casting,. She proved in Hanna that she can action whilst retaining some form of vulnerability during the scenes.
I really hope there are more main characters at play here than just Luke/Han/Leia/Lando/Chewie Jr.

Why? How does it improve the film if Admiral Piett shows up in a cameo appearance, or Gold Three from one of the fighter battles? Fan service actually weakens the films, I'd argue.
Why? How does it improve the film if Admiral Piett shows up in a cameo appearance, or Gold Three from one of the fighter battles? Fan service actually weakens the films, I'd argue.

I think Blader is saying he would like main characters that AREN'T from the Original Trilogy or related to Original Trilogy characters, not advocating for more OT characters.


Why? How does it improve the film if Admiral Piett shows up in a cameo appearance, or Gold Three from one of the fighter battles? Fan service actually weakens the films, I'd argue.

That wasn't what he was asking for.

Besides, Admiral Piett is charred remains floating around the moon of Endor at this point. ;)


It's Star Wars. The caliber of JJ Abrams? What caliber.

He's directed multiple science fiction film and television shows that have been financially successful (and not just a little) and beloved by fans and critics. Your personal artistic barometer of "caliber" plays no factor what so ever when discussing dollars and cents.

Also; Felicity.


JJ Abrams isn't a top tier director. He's a safe, uninspired choice. Are you really going to tell me that you think Abrams' resume is comparable to other directors who have helmed big budget movies like Bird, Cuaron, Mendes, etc.? I certainly don't think so, and that's before I factor in that I don't like his movies all that much.


Abrams can add some flash and flair (no pun intended) to action scenes, but I agree that overall as a director he's a pretty conservative choice. That doesn't mean he's a bad one, though.


JJ Abrams isn't a top tier director.

In terms of internationally successful sci-fi film with regards to revenue generation, he absolutely is at one of the top spots of a short list.

He's a safe, uninspired choice. Are you really going to tell me that you think Abrams' resume is comparable to other directors who have helmed big budget movies like Bird, Cuaron, Mendes, etc.?

In terms of revenue generation, without question. He might be at the top of that list. As far as safe and uninspired - I don't really disagree but I think that's the point. The type of director that inspires thespians to collaborate with them was never going to be tapped for Star Wars. Daniel Day Lewis was never going to be a Sith Lord.

It's a bummer that the Dogma 95 version of Star Wars fans have been craving will never get made.


Revenue generation? ST 09 made 400m. ID made 450m. MI:3 made 400m. Seems to me like the guy has a pretty low ceiling. (not that it matters, Episode 7 will make a billion easy, but I don't really buy that Abrams has a great track record financially)

And besides that, it's this obsession with a "proven" director that I disagree with (not you specifically, just... everyone in general). Why the hell do I want a proven sci-fi director? I don't want a good "sci-fi director", I want a good director, period.

I mean, Mendes hadn't done a spy movie before Skyfall and I thought he did a great job. I don't even like Nolan's Batman movies, but most people seem to think he did a pretty good job with those. The only reason Abrams is at the top of the list of sci-fi directors (also, um... fucking Cuaron, anyone?) is because the state of science fiction in Hollywood is pretty grim. So why limit yourself to a such a small pool in the first place, especially when Star Wars is barely science fiction anyways, it's more mythic/coming of age than anything.

Cuaron was and remains my dream choice for a Star Wars movie, even though it's never happening. Maybe Disney will get their heads out of their asses and give Fincher a blank check for Episode 8. I can dream :'(



I think Blader is saying he would like main characters that AREN'T from the Original Trilogy or related to Original Trilogy characters, not advocating for more OT characters.

yes, this.

I like the idea of carrying on a legacy and would like to see some of the main characters being descendants of the OT cast, but I'm also hoping at least some, if not most, of the main characters in the new trilogy are unrelated to Luke, Leia, Han, et al.


I don't fundamentally disagree with anything you're saying, other than the finances. You consider nearly a billion dollars over two films a low ceiling for a franchise that hadn't seen serious economic success in quite a while? Paramount wanted more, granted, but the numbers promised to investors were delivered coupled with soft critical praise. And that's kind of JJ's story for almost everything he's touched. He consistently returns on investment. Even Super 8 doubled it's investment domestically.

You're Bob Iger. You spearheaded a 4 billion dollar acquisition of one of the most cherished IPs in the entire history of pop culture. You've made savvy moves with your Marvel Studio to churn out a bonafied Summer Blockbuster Success machine on an annual basis. Now is the time you choose to go off the beaten path? You need to calm your now nervous investor's tits to keep that DIS ticker green. You announce a new trilogy that is going to be out sooner than anyone imagined. You hire the guy from that other space franchise who made those films that didn't suck according to most people, but more importantly made everyone money.

Bob isn't going to play fast and loose with this decision. He was going to pick someone who does what the studio wants, has an objectively solid resume, and consistently returns on investment. Your sunshine, unicorn, and rainbows fanboy vision aside, JJ is the perfect pick in this regard.
Revenue generation? ST 09 made 400m. ID made 450m. MI:3 made 400m. Seems to me like the guy has a pretty low ceiling. (not that it matters, Episode 7 will make a billion easy, but I don't really buy that Abrams has a great track record financially)

And besides that, it's this obsession with a "proven" director that I disagree with (not you specifically, just... everyone in general). Why the hell do I want a proven sci-fi director? I don't want a good "sci-fi director", I want a good director, period.


Preach it.


It was Kennedy, not Iger.

But otherwise, the logic is sound

(you read that with Spock's voice in your head.)

Pretty sure it was Iger. Linky

But yeah, I'm just approaching it logically from the perspective of a CEO that just leveraged the house. Not what I want at all from a fan's perspective. I think labeling Abrams "safe and boring" is pretty much the most accurate way someone could describe him.

Ironically enough, I doubt we'll ever see a studio do the Chris Nolan gamble again. Which is unfortunate, because the Star Wars films are essentially at their nadir point, and this would be the perfect time to get a little experimental.

Edit for clarification: Iger responds to the board. Kennedy might have been the one to make the call on JJ, but you know that Iger has ultimate veto power on pretty much anything.
This might explain the rumours that she actually knocked back the offer of Scarlet Witch, although I don't think they're true. Being in something as sure-fire as Star Wars would do well to wash out the sour taste The Host bombing undoubtedly left in some producers' mouths.

But - but - I wanted to be the one to go into the Steam thread and tell you Ronan was in this.


I could not care less about actors in new SW movies. I want good script and good filmmaking without CGI orgies every 30 seconds...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I could not care less about actors in new SW movies. I want good script and good filmmaking without CGI orgies every 30 seconds...

Even I'll admit that Ronan's involvement wouldn't be able to see the film transcend above terrible creative underpinnings (I'm looking at you, The Host). With any luck, though, she'll be the proverbial cherry on top rather than the one good thing the film has to offer.
Iger responds to the board. Kennedy might have been the one to make the call on JJ, but you know that Iger has ultimate veto power on pretty much anything.

maaaad late response (sorry, only just now saw it) but yeah - I was referring to Kennedy making the call on Abrams. And it was Kennedy's call to make. Sure Iger has veto power. But he's not interested in exercising it. He trusts the people in charge of his film divisions, so far.

Abrams is on the project because Kennedy wanted him there.

Count Dookkake said:
I won't bother listing what I've gotten right,

No, man, bother. Please. I'd like to see it collected in one solid chunk.
To clarify: I'm not saying I want to see it like I got my arms folded and my nose up like "Show me."

I legitimately want to see the track record. Even if it's not great, I think that shit is interesting. :)


May I have a cookie?
Do we know Luke will play a central role in ep.7?
And.. um.. isn't Palpatine... um.. well, I don't want to spoil the ending of RoTJ for you.. But are you suggesting his ghost will play a similar role as Obi Wan did in the OT?

Your last prediction makes me sincerely hope the entire post was sarcastic..


Do we know Luke will play a central role in ep.7?
And.. um.. isn't Palpatine... um.. well, I don't want to spoil the ending of RoTJ for you.. But are you suggesting his ghost will play a similar role as Obi Wan did in the OT?

Your last prediction makes me sincerely hope the entire post was sarcastic..

Sith Lore has been established enough under guidance of Lucas that they can hang around through various means to cause trouble even more so than Jedi.


May I have a cookie?
Sith Lore has been established enough under guidance of Lucas that they can hang around through various means to cause trouble even more so than Jedi.

So basically, what they did to him in episode 3 wasn't bad enough and now we'll have zombie Palpatine?

This is the kind of thing I'd expect from Lucas, not from a new team..


never heard about the cat, apparently
Do we know Luke will play a central role in ep.7?
And.. um.. isn't Palpatine... um.. well, I don't want to spoil the ending of RoTJ for you.. But are you suggesting his ghost will play a similar role as Obi Wan did in the OT?

Your last prediction makes me sincerely hope the entire post was sarcastic..
the central story of the star wars movies has revolved around the skywalker family so I'm sure Luke and Leia will play a central role.


May I have a cookie?
This post makes me think you have not watched or read all that much.

Pro-tip: in a series featuring ghosts and clones, there are plenty of ways to open the story anew.


This is also why Palpatine will be the villain, in some form or another.

I've seen the movies, and some of the clone wars animated series, never read any of the books. But honestly, these ideas just feel so boring... kicking a dead horse I guess..
I thought the whole point of starwars was that it offered so many possibilities and a rich world.. what's the point of going back to the exact same themes and characters other than to make money?
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