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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Head canon here but I think there's a canon way to make Legends material "canon" in a sort of way.

There's this plane in the Force called the World Between Worlds.

It's sort of like Star Wars version of Sigil with doors leading to different places and times. Palpatine even tried to access it. It's Dizzy canon as it appeared in both the Rebels series and it's mentioned again in the Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary.

It's entirely possible one could go back in time and change events, probably causing a parallel timeline.

So yeah time travel in SW is canon now.

Edit: I think me and MetalAlien MetalAlien talked about SW and time travel back when we saw AOTC in theater.

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Went and saw it yesterday with my brother. We both went into it with low expectations after TLJ had pretty much stuck a dagger in this trilogy. Movie was terrible. Just so many ridiculous, head shaking moments in this film that I found myself laughing. All the stuff with Rey, Kylo, Finn, the dagger, the spy, the Emperor......so much shit happened that defied all logic. It was an absolute trainwreck. Never thought I'd say this but I would rather watch the prequels than this new trilogy, at least those movie had some sort of cohesion to them.

I see other people ranking all the films in this thread and I'll just say the only ones that matter to me are A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I'm going to forget all the episodes they made before it and after never existed.


About to go see this today with full spoiler knowledge, but I gotta ask: why is it so hard to fathom that piece of wreckage would land on Endor and not its moon? But wait, was the battle of Endor around a moon called Endor or was it the moon of planet Endor?
The Death Star was orbiting the forest moon of Endor, a moon of Endor, not the planet Endor. I guess it's confusing though because people call the moon Endor as well, it's just that in the movie it doesn't look like the moon.



His reaction to the replies is funny too.
He is legitimately serious that this could and should be a Disney+ show.

I think the only reason to have any additional Rose Tico stories basically comes down to "mainstream media told me that the far right hates Rose so let's make a TV show about Rose to make them angry".

I mean, if we are seriously looking at giving minor characters their own Star Wars TV shows then you'd have to imagine that even in this context Rose would be pretty far down the line of "interesting characters to explore".

Given the choice between, say, a Disney+ show about Jabba the Hutt, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Jar-Jar Binks or Rose Tico I think that Rose would be the last one people would get excited about.


His reaction to the replies is funny too.
He is legitimately serious that this could and should be a Disney+ show.

I think the only reason to have any additional Rose Tico stories basically comes down to "mainstream media told me that the far right hates Rose so let's make a TV show about Rose to make them angry".

I mean, if we are seriously looking at giving minor characters their own Star Wars TV shows then you'd have to imagine that even in this context Rose would be pretty far down the line of "interesting characters to explore".

Given the choice between, say, a Disney+ show about Jabba the Hutt, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Jar-Jar Binks or Rose Tico I think that Rose would be the last one people would get excited about.

I guess Im the only one who found detours funny.

I want Jar Jar Binks spin off.
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His reaction to the replies is funny too.
He is legitimately serious that this could and should be a Disney+ show.

I think the only reason to have any additional Rose Tico stories basically comes down to "mainstream media told me that the far right hates Rose so let's make a TV show about Rose to make them angry".

I mean, if we are seriously looking at giving minor characters their own Star Wars TV shows then you'd have to imagine that even in this context Rose would be pretty far down the line of "interesting characters to explore".

Given the choice between, say, a Disney+ show about Jabba the Hutt, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Jar-Jar Binks or Rose Tico I think that Rose would be the last one people would get excited about.
One look at his profile and you think: "This guy lives with his wife and her boyfriend."

Back on topic though, I agree 100% that Rose Tico is probably the least interesting character in the universe to make a TV show out of. To me it shows how desperate these SJWs are to prop their token characters given that Disney is probably going to reel back the virtue signaling in the future.

You know who'd make a great subject for a Star Wars tv show? Tag and Bink. It'd be great to have a spin off that focused more on the comedic side of Star Wars, and their creator, Kevin Rubio, already has experience with film after all. The guy directed TROOPS after all for goodness sake.

People legit believed the broom kid scene was to tease that kid becoming a character, and not to suggest anyone can be special/what they did had inspired a new generation. C'mon now, guys.


Broom kid is the Rian stand in. Funny how the previous scene shows a girl and a black kid and the only one with the force is the stand in for the director. Just like how Finn being a Jedi is laughable and a privilege only for Rey, another white chosen one. Almost as if his “anyone can be a Jedi” message was bs all along.
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Is this a thing anymore?

Honestly, do we need another Jedi wannabe as a protagonist in a Star Wars movie going forward? I think Jedi characters are so overrated and there is much more potential going forward to use characters who have nothing to do with the Force. A little tv show that ended recently proved that point convincingly I think:

Broom kid is the Rian stand in. Funny how the previous scene shows a girl and a black kid and the only one with the force is the stand in for the director. Just like how Finn being a Jedi is laughable and a privilege only for Rey, another white chosen one. Almost as if his “anyone can be a Jedi” message was bs all along.

You sound like someone from Resetera. JJ was the one who turned the idea of Finn being a Jedi into a joke, Rian gave him an actual victory.



Looking at that Twitter thread and the director that wants to do the series as well....who the fuck are these people? Rose Tico is not an interesting character and the discount stores flooded with her action figures is more than enough proof that your average Star Wars fan doesn't give a fuck about her. It's fucking crazy seeing all these people throwing themselves at the idea of a Rose Tico series. Is this just empty virtue signaling or do these people legitimately want a show based on arguably the least interesting character in the sequel trilogy?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
My family dragged me into this movie. It was just too long and boring. I also don’t recall when Rey fell in love with Kylo, but whatever, these movies jumped the shark a while ago.


Just got back from actually seeing it (wife just had to) and ugh. It’s sad because throughout these films there have been threads and ideas that could’ve led to some genuinely good stuff with some actual thought and care, but J.J. seemed more interested in nostalgia and references (he seems to have confused “hey remember this thing?” with actual writing) and Johnson seemed more interested in just fucking everything up because of his apparently dire need to “subvert expectations” in whatever he does, which is fine for one-offs but a profoundly stupid approach to writing episode 8 of a nine-movie saga.

The theater was full but there was no joy in the audience. Like everyone was just there to get it over with.

It was good to see Daisy Ridley add one new facial expression to her repertoire at least.

I feel like I'm the only one who loved RoS ... Even though there was a lot of applause in the theater, my grown son loved it and so did his mom... But reading these posts... Dang...

Your wife’s son?


Perpetually Offended
Just got back from actually seeing it (wife just had to) and ugh. It’s sad because throughout these films there have been threads and ideas that could’ve led to some genuinely good stuff with some actual thought and care, but J.J. seemed more interested in nostalgia and references (he seems to have confused “hey remember this thing?” with actual writing) and Johnson seemed more interested in just fucking everything up because of his apparently dire need to “subvert expectations” in whatever he does, which is fine for one-offs but a profoundly stupid approach to writing episode 8 of a nine-movie saga.

The theater was full but there was no joy in the audience. Like everyone was just there to get it over with.

It was good to see Daisy Ridley add one new facial expression to her repertoire at least.

Your wife’s son?

We're not together but we're good coparents. He's my biological son.


I feel like I'm the only one who loved RoS ... Even though there was a lot of applause in the theater, my grown son loved it and so did his mom... But reading these posts... Dang...

Nah, I loved it and found it very enjoyable. I can't understand how anyone could find it "boring", it's so fast paced it's impossible to be boring. It has a lot of good emotional beats too, I teared up a few times.
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I feel like I'm the only one who loved RoS ... Even though there was a lot of applause in the theater, my grown son loved it and so did his mom... But reading these posts... Dang...

While I wouldn't say I loved it, I had a very enjoyable time watching the movie.
At the very least here I would say it reignited my interest in Star Wars movies. Something that was completely lost after TLJ.

The disclaimer is that I haven't bothered to sit down and think about it too much and I probably never will.

I went to see it out of curiosity and with some kind of "let's get this over with" attitude.
In the end, I actually had a good time watching it and was quite happy to find myself enjoying Star Wars again.


Went and saw it last night and left fairly disappointed. I mean, there could've been a decent movie in there somewhere, but it's like they didn't even try with the script. Off the top of my head: Palpatine's resurrection, the hundreds of star destroyers (complete with planet killing death star lasers and completely manned somehow after being buried in ice or whatever lol), force healing, light speed skipping, Palpatine showing up with all kinds of tubes and shit stuck in his body with no explanation to who put them there, Palpatine's force lightning that magically only fucks with Rebel ships lol, I mean it just went off the fucking rails. And did I mishear them saying "We have 16 hours to stop Palpatine"? It's like they watched an extended version of 24; I kept expecting Keifer Sutherland to be called in.

Truly sad, because I feel like most of the movie was trying to undo all the fuckery that asshole did with The Last Jedi.
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I liked it more than TLJ. Loved the pulpy crazy nature. The last two movies had already jumped the shark so why not just say “fuck it”? None of the “how do they explain?” questions bother me cos from around minute 5 of TLJ I stopped caring about any internal consistency in these. They are just dumb theme park rides at this point.

Funny enough its more subversive and risky than TLJ by pushing stupid OP force powers to their logical conclusion and having the Emperor win in the end. Honestly once they started offing OT characters and toppling their legacies the only way to top it was to get as dark as possible. The Emperor coming out on top is just funny to me. Fitting that the villain wins in real life and in fiction in the DT canon.
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I can barely sum up my thoughts on this movie. The opening 10 minutes or so where they were desperately trying to make the introduction of Palpatine believable were so bad I actually laughed. For an opening of a Star Wars movie it looked like a piece of shit TV movie at times. From the AWFUL opening crawl, the terrible slowed down footage, the cheap strobe lighting effect of the Emperor's face, the desperate exposition dumping, the editing,,, I know they were desperately trying to recover from the position the The Last Jedi put them in but what the hell were they thinking? I get the feeling that Kylo opening was a desperate last minute reshoot/reedit after they realised that the movie was going to shit the bed so hard there was a chance it might even tank the whole franchise.

How Star Wars ended up in a worse position than after prequels who the fuck knows, but here we are. Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio. Please never let these clowns near a Star Wars film ever again.


I feel like I'm the only one who loved RoS ... Even though there was a lot of applause in the theater, my grown son loved it and so did his mom... But reading these posts... Dang...
Yeah, surprised so many people are SO devastatingly negative on it. I wouldn't say I "loved" it, but I definitely found a lot to like about it despite its numerous problems.


The argument of the force being "skywalker centric" was not even a thing before TLJ. It was never even implicit in any of the 7 movies that only a skywalker can be a jedi. This only became a thing because the inclusive narrative bullshit that TLJ tried to push down on us.

I think that Rey being a palpy was more of a way to try to justify that she isn't a mary sue by lineage than anything else.


I get the feeling that Kylo opening was a desperate last minute reshoot/reedit
the whole Kylo opening was originally much longer. leaks talk about him meeting a creature called the Oracle and some other stuff as well that was cut. this movie just has to fit too much into it's runtime.
The argument of the force being "skywalker centric" was not even a thing before TLJ. It was never even implicit in any of the 7 movies that only a skywalker can be a jedi. This only became a thing because the inclusive narrative bullshit that TLJ tried to push down on us.

I think that Rey being a palpy was more of a way to try to justify that she isn't a mary sue by lineage than anything else.
the force was never ever about genetic line. if it were then Shmi would have been a super powerful force user, since her son Anakin inherited her amazing force genes. that is entirely what didn't happen. Anakin being force sensitive was a surprise, proving that force users can come from nowhere. so yeah "anyone can be a Jedi" is not a new thing and never has been.

TLJ is the movie that brought up whether or not her parents were famous or not. it literally wasn't an issue in TFA. Rian unwittingly put a massive spotlight on the fame of her parents and made it the central issue. prior to that, Rey just wanted them back. she didn't care who they were or how famous. the only reason the series became about that is because Rian wanted to write the movie to troll fans like Mike Zeroh rather than tell a story where characters have motivation consistent with the previous film.

Rian's nonanswer was unsatisfactory. JJ would have to address the question again in IX regardless of how many people think "they were nobody" is a brilliant answer. it's not an answer, it's just as much a mystery box as anything JJ came up with. on top of that, Rian killed the main villain, so JJ would have to address that in IX as well.

left with a vacant story and faced with a ridiculous production schedule, JJ kind of killed two birds with one stone.
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Just got home. That was dog shit.

To be fair, my wife thought it was OK and there was a retarded boy two seats from me who was having a great time. I’m not trying to be funny, I was happy for him. He was yelling out the names of characters and planets when they appeared and asking to see it again at the end. I wish I could be that happy instead of being a black hearted cynical old bastard.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The Last Jedi is premiering on TNT tonight. Gonna watch since I've only seen it once when it came out in theaters before it received mass hate.

Gonna be interesting watching this train wreck again.


Unconfirmed Member
The Last Jedi is premiering on TNT tonight. Gonna watch since I've only seen it once when it came out in theaters before it received mass hate.

Gonna be interesting watching this train wreck again.
You're about to be able to pinpoint the moment the whole franchise was fucked beyond repair!

I saw a triple bill the night I saw TROS and it was the second time I'd seen TLJ. To be fair, it wasn't as bad the second time round as I knew the story and therefore couldn't be disappointed again. But my god does it hit a wall in the second act and never recover. So boring.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it up until about the 45 minute mark then it becomes a character exploration where the writer fundamentally misunderstood the characters he was exploring.


pay close attention to Finn & Rose, how they constantly keep getting rescued by deus ex machinas. first they are saved twice by DJ, who saves them twice from Canto Bight police before betraying them all within the span of 15 minutes. they are about to be executed and they are saved by Holdo just deciding to do her lightspeed maneuver at that exact minute, and light speeding into their ship so accurately that it knocks out all the bad guys while leaving all the good guys, spread out across multiple parts of the ship, unharmed. then they all escape offscreen (getting on and off these mega star destroyers is so easy we don't even need to show it anymore). just crappy storytelling overall.
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Just got home. That was dog shit.

To be fair, my wife thought it was OK and there was a retarded boy two seats from me who was having a great time. I’m not trying to be funny, I was happy for him. He was yelling out the names of characters and planets when they appeared and asking to see it again at the end. I wish I could be that happy instead of being a black hearted cynical old bastard.
You sure that was a retarded kid and not just Eric Butts?
pay close attention to Finn & Rose, how they constantly keep getting rescued by deus ex machinas. first they are saved twice by DJ, who saves them twice from Canto Bight police before betraying them all within the span of 15 minutes. they are about to be executed and they are saved by Holdo just deciding to do her lightspeed maneuver at that exact minute, and light speeding into their ship so accurately that it knocks out all the bad guys while leaving all the good guys, spread out across multiple parts of the ship, unharmed. then they all escape offscreen (getting on and off these mega star destroyers is so easy we don't even need to show it anymore). just crappy storytelling overall.

You don't know what a deus ex machina is.

Dr. Claus

Looking at that Twitter thread and the director that wants to do the series as well....who the fuck are these people? Rose Tico is not an interesting character and the discount stores flooded with her action figures is more than enough proof that your average Star Wars fan doesn't give a fuck about her. It's fucking crazy seeing all these people throwing themselves at the idea of a Rose Tico series. Is this just empty virtue signaling or do these people legitimately want a show based on arguably the least interesting character in the sequel trilogy?

Rose Tico was designed to be a token character, even by Rian's own admission. She has no personality, interesting history, and lacks a purpose. There are thousands of other characters who are far more interesting that I would rather follow. Hell, if we need an "asian" character for "representation" (regardless of how fucking inane and stupid it is asking for such a thing - you have to be a sad, pathetic person if your whole worth is tied to someone's fucking ethnicity in a show/movie), why not the fucking blind monk from Rogue One?
Changed my mind and watched it this afternoon. Honest opinion? It was ok. Great visuals. The story was rushed yes but i was entertained. In my opinion it's better than TLJ.
I feel ROF tried to be star wars while TLJ despised it.

Disney should have made a quadrilogy instead. Two more movies to salvage what TLJ destroyed and have some space to develop the story.

It's a shame how Finn was wasted. Maybe they could make stand alone movies with some of these characters. Except for Rose.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
pay close attention to Finn & Rose, how they constantly keep getting rescued by deus ex machinas. first they are saved twice by DJ, who saves them twice from Canto Bight police before betraying them all within the span of 15 minutes. they are about to be executed and they are saved by Holdo just deciding to do her lightspeed maneuver at that exact minute, and light speeding into their ship so accurately that it knocks out all the bad guys while leaving all the good guys, spread out across multiple parts of the ship, unharmed. then they all escape offscreen (getting on and off these mega star destroyers is so easy we don't even need to show it anymore). just crappy storytelling overall.
It's at the part where they're getting ready to go to Canto Bight.

Omg Haldo is awful. Worse than I remember. Her snipping Poe's balls are unbearable. This was full blown RJ injecting his "look at me I'm a male ally" bullshit. Did he get a nice little hug and kiss from KK for this crap? Rose Tico is gold-tier SW character compared to Holdo.


Imagine only seeing quick snippets of cool things more interesting than the main plot. Mainly centered around the Knights of REN. They could have been the main villains and the movie would have been better for it. See this cool blacksmith chimp that’s nightmare fuel? Make him their leader.


I enjoyed ROS so much more than I expected. All the reviews were scathing and negative but I thought it was a massive improvement over TLJ.

I get the complaints about plot contrivances; so much is shoved in here and introduced and taken away without any time to develop, but considering they basically had to fit two movies into one and pretend TLJ didn’t exist, it didn’t turn out as awful as it could have.

If they ever decide to try again with another trilogy they should hopefully learn from this and make damn sure they plot that shit out in advance and have an actual defined and cohesive narrative to tell.
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