______ ORIGINAL OP ______
So there are many leaks going around for episode IX. Personally I find it interesting to follow this stuff, cos I don't really intend on seeing the movie, and I don't care if anything is spoiled for me. I am sure a lot of people want to go into the film unspoiled so this is a thread where people can openly talk spoilers, leaks, and theories ahead of the movie's release.
Now, then, on to the spoilers.
Reddit Leaks - Basic Plot Descriptions Acts I, II, and III plus Final Trailer Analysis
Leaked Images
note: images may be horizontally reversed to fool bots
Personal Rant/Editorial.
The sequel trilogy is quite literally a pointless endeavor only meant to make more money. What is worse, they seem hell bent on foregoing any attempt at originality and instead are endlessly rehashing stuff from the OT. This would not matter so much if the new characters had anything new to offer past surface level branding. TFA was a decent Ewok movie-level setup that held up as long as you didn't think about it too much. TLJ was a movie that was constantly trying to outsmart you, and in the end, it only revealed the hollowness of the entire ST affair. It feigned an intellectual approach, which of course impressed the flattered pseudo intellectuals that make up the media & commentary class. But for the rest of us, it made people take a second look at TFA, at the characters, at what exactly had been set up, how vague and poorly designed it all was.
TFA's Starkiller Base was truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. And even then, I gave the film a pass. Having seen yet another Death Star in the recent trailer for TROS, I immediately opted out. No. I will not support this lack of imagination. This is before they dragged the Emperor out of his grave. No, they had enough chances to come up with something new, and they blew it, just reheating the OT over and over again, and now this, a soon to be poor man's ripoff of ROTJ. To be honest I don't care what happens at all in the story, the outcome is irrelevant, something I learned from TLJ, because it can be rebooted or ignored in the next film.
So I enjoy reading the leaks, the fan theories, having this spoiled, hearing all the bad ideas that may or may not be in the movie. This is infinitely more entertaining than the film itself will be, no question about that. Who else is enjoying watching this terrible shit in action, like a slow motion car crash?
Latest rumor is Rey will become Space Jesus, and be able to heal people, and may bring Kylo back from the dead. This takes Mary Sue to new, ridiculous extremes, where her inhuman perfection is only heightened to the point where she is literally a god. Also kind of problematic to have the lead woman hero save the life of a genocidal incel mass murderer who incapacitated and tortured her.
Another rumor says the film ends at the Lars homestead and she calls herself "Rey Skywalker" and it's just that she decided to take the last name of some people she was never related to, people who were responsible for the deaths of trillions of people and multiple planets. Cos "filthy junk traders" are worse than mass murderers? Way to side w the monarchy, Rey. As for the Emperor? I don't know, the guy died, and if you can just come back from the dead, that pretty much eliminates all drama from anything. At that point, if they kill him again, what is to stop them from saying "Nobody's really gone" again in 15 years when they want to sell Star Wars to the children of generation Z?
I feel bad for these characters, I honestly do. They are stuck in this tiny universe with no other characters and all the worlds they go to look like planet Earth. They had so much promise but that was squandered. I guess it will be fun to watch JJ fuck this up so badly won't it?

______ ORIGINAL OP ______
So there are many leaks going around for episode IX. Personally I find it interesting to follow this stuff, cos I don't really intend on seeing the movie, and I don't care if anything is spoiled for me. I am sure a lot of people want to go into the film unspoiled so this is a thread where people can openly talk spoilers, leaks, and theories ahead of the movie's release.
Now, then, on to the spoilers.
Reddit Leaks - Basic Plot Descriptions Acts I, II, and III plus Final Trailer Analysis
Leaked Images

note: images may be horizontally reversed to fool bots
Personal Rant/Editorial.
The sequel trilogy is quite literally a pointless endeavor only meant to make more money. What is worse, they seem hell bent on foregoing any attempt at originality and instead are endlessly rehashing stuff from the OT. This would not matter so much if the new characters had anything new to offer past surface level branding. TFA was a decent Ewok movie-level setup that held up as long as you didn't think about it too much. TLJ was a movie that was constantly trying to outsmart you, and in the end, it only revealed the hollowness of the entire ST affair. It feigned an intellectual approach, which of course impressed the flattered pseudo intellectuals that make up the media & commentary class. But for the rest of us, it made people take a second look at TFA, at the characters, at what exactly had been set up, how vague and poorly designed it all was.
TFA's Starkiller Base was truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. And even then, I gave the film a pass. Having seen yet another Death Star in the recent trailer for TROS, I immediately opted out. No. I will not support this lack of imagination. This is before they dragged the Emperor out of his grave. No, they had enough chances to come up with something new, and they blew it, just reheating the OT over and over again, and now this, a soon to be poor man's ripoff of ROTJ. To be honest I don't care what happens at all in the story, the outcome is irrelevant, something I learned from TLJ, because it can be rebooted or ignored in the next film.
So I enjoy reading the leaks, the fan theories, having this spoiled, hearing all the bad ideas that may or may not be in the movie. This is infinitely more entertaining than the film itself will be, no question about that. Who else is enjoying watching this terrible shit in action, like a slow motion car crash?
Latest rumor is Rey will become Space Jesus, and be able to heal people, and may bring Kylo back from the dead. This takes Mary Sue to new, ridiculous extremes, where her inhuman perfection is only heightened to the point where she is literally a god. Also kind of problematic to have the lead woman hero save the life of a genocidal incel mass murderer who incapacitated and tortured her.
Another rumor says the film ends at the Lars homestead and she calls herself "Rey Skywalker" and it's just that she decided to take the last name of some people she was never related to, people who were responsible for the deaths of trillions of people and multiple planets. Cos "filthy junk traders" are worse than mass murderers? Way to side w the monarchy, Rey. As for the Emperor? I don't know, the guy died, and if you can just come back from the dead, that pretty much eliminates all drama from anything. At that point, if they kill him again, what is to stop them from saying "Nobody's really gone" again in 15 years when they want to sell Star Wars to the children of generation Z?
I feel bad for these characters, I honestly do. They are stuck in this tiny universe with no other characters and all the worlds they go to look like planet Earth. They had so much promise but that was squandered. I guess it will be fun to watch JJ fuck this up so badly won't it?

r/StarWarsLeaks: Production Leaks, Spoilers, Rumors & News from future Star Wars media.

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Making Star Wars is the leading source in original podcast content, spoilers, speculation and discussion of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Han Solo, and more.

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