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Star Wars IX Open Spoilers, Leaks, Trash Talk, etc. (***Warning SPOILERS***)


Rian's movie came in under budget and on time. i'm sure that is all that matters to them. he made a bottle episode of Star Wars, with minimal sets and lots of interiors. it's like shooting for TV when you don't have the budget and you contrive a story where your characters are all trapped in one room. all their other SW films have been budgetary/creative boondoggles so I'm sure his kind of "Yes Man" consistency is appealing to them. also his film showed how it is possible to Both Sides the good/evil people and have it accepted by a mass audience, preparing folks for future Star Wars with moral relativism. this is necessary cos Lucas's anti-war stance is no longer the series M.O. and they see no issue in glorifying fascism as long as it's the fantasy kind.

plus he is good at trolling, he actually engages the trolls, and he trolls back, through his movie. this keeps TLJ relevant, even if it's people arguing that it sucks. I think he still has his films, and they will be made, and probably successful, cos it is the largest company in the world with the most profitable property of the last century. the films being crap or not, well, that will be up for debate (but based on Canto Bight, it's probably a yes).

any potential lost revenue or toy sales from the lack of new characters in TLJ doesn't really matter, they own the rights to everything, and are content to rake in the marketing dollars from putting C-3PO on a bag of lettuce or whatever. Rian didn't fail to create anything new because that was never the plan. the plan was rehashing old shit, killing Snoke just sped that up faster.
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I have a short memory and find it easy to forgive. And right now, the "leaks" and rumors have me really excited for the next movie. I don't care how Rey was trained as long as she was trained before TFA. The lack of training was my only gripe with her character. And if she is by any chance Palpatine's daughter, well fuck that would be cooler than any other theory I can come up with. If she ends this trilogy as the evil ruler, I will be first in line for the next trilogy.


The lack of training was my only gripe with her character
2 films in, it is clear that she is just ungodly good at everything. no training needed. she can shoot three tie fighters in a single shot



2 films in, it is clear that she is just ungodly good at everything. no training needed. she can shoot three tie fighters in a single shot

I completely agree how shit that story line was. But if she was Palpatine's daughter, trained by him, Luke's daughter, trained by him, etc., etc., that's honestly all it will take for me to be happy with her role in the prior two films. Fixing a horrible plot hole with a nod to KOTOR - hell yes.


I have a short memory and find it easy to forgive. And right now, the "leaks" and rumors have me really excited for the next movie. I don't care how Rey was trained as long as she was trained before TFA. The lack of training was my only gripe with her character. And if she is by any chance Palpatine's daughter, well fuck that would be cooler than any other theory I can come up with. If she ends this trilogy as the evil ruler, I will be first in line for the next trilogy.

IMO this is literally the ONLY thing that will save these movies. Disney does not have the balls to turn the feminist icon that is Rey into the bad guy though.


Watch out for Disney resurrecting the Emperor in one of the worst retcons ever (riding Death Star debris down to Endor, or something like that) just so their girl powerz Rey Sue can kill him. Since snoke died in the previous movie like a useless sack of nothing, they need something "stronger" & more patriarchal for Rey to unleash her superpowers on. So what better than the biggest bad guy of the first six movies? Kathleen Kennedy wants her female plaything to be famous worldwide & forever, so it's easy to imagine someone with that level of brain damaged "we make movies based upon market research, social engineering & politics" criteria would venture down that absolutely bastardization of Star Wars route.

If they do that (i.e. bring back Palps just for Rey to murderape his unseemly resurrected corpse), I'll laugh. It would be like making a Titanic sequel with a resurrected Jack Dawson having gay sex, i.e. just for LGBT credentials. In the case of Star Wars, it's third wave feminism galactic supremacy.

Don't give anyone ideas because you know Wokewood will actually make that Titanic sequel.

Never thought about it that way but makes sense that the WAMANZ need to defeat the ulitmate patriarchy in Palps. Can't have Luke upstage the all powerful Rey. Time to retcon Luke saving the galaxy. Same shit with Terminator Dark Fate where now John Conner is a nobody and this new girl is the saviour of humanity.


Palpatine is such a great character. but i don't think plugging him into this at the last minute is going to do anything. his crazy Monster Mash style made sense in ROTS where he was Dr. Frankenstein to Vader's Monster. there is a reaso Lucas asked Dracula himself, Christopher Lee, to play a Sith Lord, in the equally cheesy AOTC. the ST films have been so dreary and realistic by comparison, that kind of pulpy cheese seems out of left field. nothing I've seen from JJ indicates a love for any of that.

FWIW I don't really care if they "explain" Rey's powers retroactively. on the contrary it would pretty much ruin Rey for me. the only thing she has had to offer has been her "nobody" explanation, the "unexplored" idea that anyone can be a Jedi, no matter who. that goes entirely out the window the minute you say "Actually, she was engineered to be perfect by someone else". that said I can see it happening, as Rian has already changed a self sufficient scavenger into a weeping woman who needs men to "Show her her place in all of this"
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Palpatine is such a great character. but i don't think plugging him into this at the last minute is going to do anything. his crazy Monster Mash style made sense in ROTS where he was Dr. Frankenstein to Vader's Monster. there is a reaso Lucas asked Dracula himself, Christopher Lee, to play a Sith Lord, in the equally cheesy AOTC. the ST films have been so dreary and realistic by comparison, that kind of pulpy cheese seems out of left field. nothing I've seen from JJ indicates a love for any of that.

FWIW I don't really care if they "explain" Rey's powers retroactively. on the contrary it would pretty much ruin Rey for me. the only thing she has had to offer has been her "nobody" explanation, the "unexplored" idea that anyone can be a Jedi, no matter who. that goes entirely out the window the minute you say "Actually, she was engineered to be perfect by someone else".
Oh boy here we go. Back to arguing over story and lore instead of Disney's motives. Not writing this facetiously, I genuinely love it.

And now I vehemently disagree with your premise that he might just be plugged in last minute, and accuse you of not reading the book about Paplatine and Darth Plageius (spelling). It isn't cannon, but the same author wrote a cannon book and referenced the plot. If Palpatine had a way to defy death it very much can be consistent with lore, and hiding his survival would make perfect sense. He spent a lifetime hiding his Sith status from the general public. If he survived the second death star's explosion people would be saying WTF, perhaps our emperor is someone we need to kill.

And while I could agree that Jedi potential shouldn't be based on the prequel's bacteria, hell no to the notion that anyone can wield Jedi / Sith force powers as quickly as Rey with no training. You are not a true Scottsman sir. (/s)
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now I vehemently disagree with your premise that he might just be plugged in last minute, and accuse you of not reading the book about Paplatine and Darth Plageius (spelling). It isn't cannon
guilty as charged. i've read a number of SW books but not that one. just as well, if you need to read a book because the movies are unable to convey the information, then the movies have failed.
And while I could agree that Jedi potential shouldn't be based on the prequel's bacteria
i mean it doesn't really matter if the midichlorians have anything to do with it, you are either born with them or not, and the lottery of birth is always random. doesn't seem to be a big difference from being force Force Sensitive and being born with midichlorians that make you Force Sensitive. the latter is just a convenience for a film plot. so the idea that a Jedi could come from anywhere has always been the case for me, even in the OT and PT. one could argue it is the point of those films.

it's just, they kept everyone at arms length for too long, saying "No, no she's related to no one, get over it" and "No, Snoke is not a Sith" for years at this point. to walk that back is hypocrisy. maybe you don't see that but millions of people feel that way.
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guilty as charged. i've read a number of SW books but not that one. just as well, if you need to read a book because the movies are unable to convey the information, then the movies have failed.

i mean it doesn't really matter if the midichlorians have anything to do with it, you are either born with them or not, and the lottery of birth is always random. doesn't seem to be a big difference from being force Force Sensitive and being born with midichlorians that make you Force Sensitive. the latter is just a convenience for a film plot. so the idea that a Jedi could come from anywhere has always been the case for me, even in the OT and PT. one could argue it is the point of those films.

it's just, they kept everyone at arms length for too long, saying "No, no she's related to no one, get over it" and "No, Snoke is not a Sith" for years at this point. to walk that back is hypocrisy. maybe you don't see that but millions of people feel that way.
I 100% agree on the hypocrisy part. But like I said above, I have a short memory and find it easy to forgive. So if they right the ship, I'm gonna keep sailing because its Star Wars.

Also, I highly recommend that book. It goes into the Emperor's back story, which the movies never really touch except for Shiv's short spiel to Anakin about Plageius. I get it if you don't want to bother with any SW books, but if you ever change your mind its a good one.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
FWIW I don't really care if they "explain" Rey's powers retroactively. on the contrary it would pretty much ruin Rey for me. the only thing she has had to offer has been her "nobody" explanation, the "unexplored" idea that anyone can be a Jedi, no matter who. that goes entirely out the window the minute you say "Actually, she was engineered to be perfect by someone else". that said I can see it happening, as Rian has already changed a self sufficient scavenger into a weeping woman who needs men to "Show her her place in all of this"
But Rey isn't a normal jedi. She's stronger than a normal force wielder, and even Luke in TLJ has said that he has only seen this raw power once (in Kylo), implying that his jedi students weren't as good.

That anyone can be a jedi has already been estabilished in the prequels, but there's a lore reason why Anakin's family is stronger than normal, and Rey being at that level without explanation goes against estabilished world-build.

So either she has to be a Skywalker (probably JJ's original intent), or created by the force/ Palpatine just as Anakin was (what the leaks kind of imply), or something else.


So either she has to be a Skywalker (probably JJ's original intent), or created by the force/ Palpatine just as Anakin was (what the leaks kind of imply), or something else.
this is good. the thing is, Anakin wasn't just created by Palpatine, in fact, that isn't canon IMO. i know Palpatine creating him was implied in cut scenes but Lucas cut it from the final ROTS for a reason so I don't accept it as fact. Anakin had a mother, someone who raised him as a child, someone who was a central part of his life, whose loss contributed greatly to his downfall. we need to remember that Lucas's version of Anakin is still a mystery, he could be formed wholly by the force itself. Anakin being created by his villain was left out of the final cut of the film, so I don't consider it canon. personally i don't like it. it is the ultimate Both Sidesing of SW. it was never a part of the OT.

after the main villain creating the main heroes, the main thing i don't like is that Rey's real parents, the people that raised her, or at least her birth mother, they don't seem important at all. Luke's foster parents Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were quite important to both him and the story, their deaths are what drives him to go off and follow Obi Wan. Anakin's love for his mother was matched by his love for his son and it was that familial love which helped him retreat from the dark side. Rey doesn't have any parents, they don't really matter to her, outside of a few scenes. everyone she is close to is some super force user. i suppose they may try and sell us that she is Han or Leia's or Luke's but I don't buy any of those scenarios after the last two films.
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Its still a bit out there that all this stuff can happen in the "uknown region".

But I guess if we have to accept that the FO can magically appear out of nowhere than Palps can have a fleet of star destroyers that can destroy planets built in 30 years with no one knowing anything about it.

He did manage to build a gigantic clone army and hide it from the Jedi for about that long. He had enough clones to take over the galaxy. That didn’t happen overnight.

I buy into the whole “Palpatine had clones and had mastered stayinrbg alive by transferring his soul” theory. It was canon in the EU until Disney did the whole Legacy bit. Fits in here.


i liked Dark Empire when I was like 11. funny enough it opens with a Luke facing down an AT-AT and crushing it with the force. the last film straight up rubbed it in our faces that that was never going to happen, and we were stupid for even having that expectation. now they are going back to lift more plots from that same comic? give me a break...
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He did manage to build a gigantic clone army and hide it from the Jedi for about that long. He had enough clones to take over the galaxy. That didn’t happen overnight.

I buy into the whole “Palpatine had clones and had mastered stayinrbg alive by transferring his soul” theory. It was canon in the EU until Disney did the whole Legacy bit. Fits in here.

Ya I guess its true in each triology Palps has been able to built up some sort of super weapon or forces right under everyones noses so it kinda makes sense that our heros would still be dumb enough to not know he is doing it again.

I think the main problem is that he is being dropped out of nowhere in the 3rd movie. Should of been more hinted at in the 1st movie, and revealed in the 2nd, with his return in the 3rd. It now reeks of memberries and desperation. I mostly blame RJ for this. You could of had a big reveal of Palps being in anyones body, Snokes, Kylo's, heck why not Lukes?


Have read all of the spoilers so far Seems like this Trilogy is a mess, regardless how you feel about the last 2 movies, now it’s all over the place.

Lucasfilm Story group & Writers of these new films.


Lucasfilm need a Kevin Feige (or a George Lucas) & they don’t have one, Dave Filloni is a not bad choice to oversee everything sure he has done some guff storylines but he has also written some really decent things too, but don’t let him make everything alone, make sure he is paired with other good directors & writers of course. That’s why Mandalorian should be great in the hands Filloni plus Favreau
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Ya I guess its true in each triology Palps has been able to built up some sort of super weapon or forces right under everyones noses so it kinda makes sense that our heros would still be dumb enough to not know he is doing it again.

I think the main problem is that he is being dropped out of nowhere in the 3rd movie. Should of been more hinted at in the 1st movie, and revealed in the 2nd, with his return in the 3rd. It now reeks of memberries and desperation. I mostly blame RJ for this. You could of had a big reveal of Palps being in anyones body, Snokes, Kylo's, heck why not Lukes?

Yeah, JJ fooled us into thinking “ooh a new big bad in the star wars universe” but then took a giant crap on us by bringing him back. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me for 9 movies...well crap.


latest word is it will start with a flashback to young Luke and Leia post ROTJ.

so potentially they are walking back all their "We won't CGI her" bullshit.

also guess Leia could have saved everyone in the last movie, or trained Rey, if she is a trained Jedi.

also, what's with all the flashbacks? OT and PT had none. the last film not only used multiple (and conflicting) flashbacks, it retold scenes that we had already watched (TFA ending). now a movie is straight up starting with a flashback? one more example of the new people having no fucking clue.
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latest word is it will start with a flashback to young Luke and Leia post ROTJ.

so potentially they are walking back all their "We won't CGI her" bullshit.

also guess Leia could have saved everyone in the last movie, or trained Rey, if she is a trained Jedi.

also, what's with all the flashbacks? OT and PT had none. the last film not only used multiple (and conflicting) flashbacks, it retold scenes that we had already watched (TFA ending). now a movie is straight up starting with a flashback? one more example of the new people having no fucking clue.
I will take any flashbacks to young Skyerwalkers that they will give me, unless they shit all over them of course. Hell, I'd take an entire movie with CGI galore if set in between 4 and 5. But my preference for a non-chapter film would still be Vader hunting down Jedi after 3. I'd take 3 trilogies of just that if offered.

And I agree on Leia. If she was Jedi trained it would close out a whole bunch of WTF thoughts from TLJ. Still though, while Leia training Rey would be fine, I want her to end up as Palpatine's daughter first and foremost, with his Sith Apprentice coming in a distant second.
Posters type things like: "It's fascinating to see people who actually grew up with these movies telling us how it REALLY was"

Lots of movies have had opinions shift dramatically on them over the years. The Thing was critically panned when it was released (IIRC Ebert compared it unfavorably to ET because of the violence and gore and negative view of aliens) but now it is regarded as a classic, if niche, movie with strong themes, tight story (flamethrower aside), and incredible practical effects.
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Don't forget how Finn is able to take on Captain Phasma.

What was the point of her character beyond SJW fan service of having a "strong woman" to be an example to kids? That was the narrative built around her, and she got jobbed horribly twice and was basically a punchline. She was the equivalent of Gennaro (toilet lawyer) from Jurassic Park.


It wasn't a secret that he was trained as a soldier though.
yes he was "trained as a soldier" yet let's all remember his first combat mission was when he was the ripe old age of 23! when a the FO in the new series has no weight or heft to it. it doesn't even make basic sense. the villains are all just a bunch of silly clowns.
What was the point of her character beyond SJW fan service of having a "strong woman" to be an example to kids? That was the narrative built around her, and she got jobbed horribly twice and was basically a punchline. She was the equivalent of Gennaro (toilet lawyer) from Jurassic Park.
100% marketing, "The Game of Thrones lady is going to be in this!" hype the hell out of it, sell t-shirts. like anything else the job is "Sell the brand of Star Wars" with no thought past that. OT and PT had so many great villains, it's a shame that the new ones are so poorly defined.
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Part of me hopes Snoke gets no mention just so it makes the ST as a whole look even more of a joke than it already is.

Then the part of me that actually was fascinated by the mysteries set up hope Palps and Snoke have some kind of connection - or fuck it, Snoke was Palps all along even if it undoes Anakin's redemption arc - we can now just think of the OT as the adventures of Luke Skywalker again just like we always did until George Lucas retconned it in an interview saying "Oh no now the SW Saga is all about Anakin being the chosen one who fulfills the prophecy". Honestly I kind of miss the days when SW was just the adventures of Luke and Anakin was not Space Jesus.

But really, anyone saying Snoke not needing to be explained and uses Palpatine's lack of back story in 1983 seriously is either being super lazy by parroting RJ's talking points....or...is thinking too hard.

This should be copy pasted or stamped in every ST thread on all forums, it's like explaining to a little kid something that is just common sense:

The reason the Emperor didn’t “need a backstory” is because he existed prior to our exposure to this universe and the rules that govern it. All we needed to know was “Emperor = bad, Rebellion = good”. Snoke requires a backstory because our knowledge of the established universe is that the good guys won 30+ years ago and reestablished peace and freedom to the galaxy. A “supreme” bad guy who just appears in the new series with no explanation as to how he rose to power, where he came from, or how he managed to have an armada, super weapon, and is essentially unstoppable is not only lazy it’s bad fan fiction

RJ tried to make TLJ similar to ESB - what he didn't seem to understand was that the good guys being the underdogs on the run made sense because in the context of the story: the Empire = the government ruling the whole galaxy. Then in ROTJ a rebellion succeeds in toppling the ruling power of the entire galaxy.

In TLJ the good guys being the underdogs on the run makes NO SENSE in the context of the story. In this era - the Empire is no longer ruling the galaxy. TFO is just like Nazis in Argentina or Space ISIS. They have very little power. Them being presented as the Galactic Empire 2.0 when just a couple days prior they were nothing but a tiny group of terrorists in a galaxy controlled by a Republic....it makes no sense to play the ESB storyline.

And yes - TLJ is just a remake of ESB with a little bit of ROTJ and ANH thrown in for good measure. It's just done in a weird way to try to appear different and original to SW when in actuality it is more blatantly a remake with the dialogue ripped straight out of prior SW films. "Strike me down and.." + "And now, fulfill your dessstinyyyy!!" + "I feel the conflict in you" - in a fkn elevator. "Look your friends are losing the space battle" was so shocking to me, my jaw dropped.

Then on Crait the rebels in their trenches and their formation + the rebel with binoculars looking at the Walkers is blatant plagiarism - so much that you need an extra to literally break the 4th wall and reassure the audience that it isn't exactly the same as Hoth. Just pathetic.

Really - it looks as if the only films besides whatever WW2 flick inspired those slow moving bombers - that RJ took inspiration from are the other Star Wars movies. It's the opposite of Dave Filoni - who says he goes out of his way to NOT use Star Wars source material as inspiration because he wants to make something new and original for Clone Wars and Rebels.

SMH how people don't see this - I just don't get it.
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In TLJ the good guys being the underdogs on the run makes NO SENSE in the context of the story. In this era - the Empire is no longer ruling the galaxy. TFO is just like Nazis in Argentina or Space ISIS. They have very little power. Them being presented as the Galactic Empire 2.0 when just a couple days prior they were nothing but a tiny group of terrorists in a galaxy controlled by a Republic....it makes no sense to play the ESB storyline.
yes it's a mess. yesterday I finally learned the new canon story, basically after ROTJ they had a single battle, the Battle of Jakku, and it was devastating, so they signed a treaty, which granted the Empire remnants control over parts of the galaxy. so right away the victory was undercut, because there was never any victory, the Empire or First Order or whatever always retained some control. and it wasn't some long, slow march following the victory at Endor, it was literally a single battle later. to me this is insane. this would be like giving Hitler just a few countries at the end of WWII. totally unbelievable from a world building perspective, especially given the thousand planet senate scenes that show us the scope of all this.

i keep seeing "It's like real life, the Nazis went to Argentina!" in order to justify the new setup and it's like, no, that doesn't even hold up. the Nazis didn't create a massive superweapon that was 5x powerful than the nuclear bomb and use it to blow up all of Europe when they went to Argentina. that's because they were defeated, they lost the war. usually when you lose a war you don't suddenly have 5 times the resources.
Dave Filoni - who says he goes out of his way to NOT use Star Wars source material as inspiration because he wants to make something new and original for Clone Wars and Rebels.
yeah im watching the Clone Wars CGI series for the first time right now and it is damn good. the war stories are just incredible, and are very thoughtfully planned out. the arc where Anakin loses R2 and he is being taken apart for information by Grevious and they have to rescue him, just wonderful :messenger_savoring: I think I've seen more R2 action in a single ep than in the entire ST.

which is just a huge tragedy. tbh I always thought R2 and C-3PO were going to be the only characters who went through the whole journey. when I was a kid imagining the PT or ST I dreamed of random people who still had the famous droids. still can't believe they left him under a fucking sheet for 2 films.
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yeah im watching the Clone Wars CGI series for the first time right now and it is damn good. the war stories are just incredible, and are very thoughtfully planned out. the arc where Anakin loses R2 and he is being taken apart for information by Grevious and they have to rescue him, just wonderful :messenger_savoring: I think I've seen more R2 action in a single ep than in the entire ST.

which is just a huge tragedy. tbh I always thought R2 and C-3PO were going to be the only characters who went through the whole journey. when I was a kid imagining the PT or ST I dreamed of random people who still had the famous droids. still can't believe they left him under a fucking sheet for 2 films.

We have Clone Wars - a show that is very popular among die hard SW fans and not divisive at all. Created under George's watch. He just wasn't the one directing and writing it (though he was obviously involved and approved it during the creative process) but he was still the one in charge.

I keep wondering if the ST under George, without Disney, could have gotten similar reception from the fandom as Clone Wars. George wasn't intending to direct the ST movies - he was gonna have someone else direct them even before the Disney sale. It could have been Arndt writing a script using ideas from George's story treatments and JJ Abrams only directing, not writing. That would have at least resulted in something different.


We have Clone Wars - a show that is very popular among die hard SW fans and not divisive at all. Created under George's watch. He just wasn't the one directing and writing it (though he was obviously involved and approved it during the creative process) but he was still the one in charge.
yeah i always thought it was just a thing he signed off on. turns out he had a lot of input

IMO George writing w someone else doing all the heavy lifting is ideal. Lucas ST with JJ directing would have probably been the best thing ever.

we're going to see a whole lot of "We used George's ideas so this is basically George's story" but the true ST under George will always be a mystery, one with 40+ years of possibilities behind it. I think in a 1978 Bantha tracks is when he hypothesized the various characters/time periods James Bond style franchise which could be 9 or 12 films long. so there are ST ideas that go back to before the first movie was even finished.

it's sad what happened to Lucas after the PT. George wanted to shoot the ST from home, and make a new film studio for Lucasfilm to do so, but that ran into serious issues. there was an uproar from California residents and environmentalists over his desire to develop the property, leading to him selling it in 2012, same year SW went to Disney. also he was trying to fund it through the 3D theatrical PT re-releases and those bombed, so his plans were double fucked.
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yeah i always thought it was just a thing he signed off on. turns out he had a lot of input

IMO George writing w someone else doing all the heavy lifting is ideal. Lucas ST with JJ directing would have probably been the best thing ever.

we're going to see a whole lot of "We used George's ideas so this is basically George's story" but the true ST under George will always be a mystery, one with 40+ years of possibilities behind it. I think in a 1978 Bantha tracks is when he hypothesized the various characters/time periods James Bond style franchise which could be 9 or 12 films long. so there are ST ideas that go back to before the first movie was even finished.

it's sad what happened to Lucas after the PT. George wanted to shoot the ST from home, and make a new film studio for Lucasfilm to do so, but that ran into serious issues. there was an uproar from California residents and environmentalists over his desire to develop the property, leading to him selling it in 2012, same year SW went to Disney. also he was trying to fund it through the 3D theatrical PT re-releases and those bombed, so his plans were double fucked.

Thank you for sharing that. George and Filoni's relationship is very heart warming. When George said that he didn't want to make any more SW content because of the way some fans were treating him - I felt awful inside - even though I never did anything like send him angry e-mails. During the PT era when I watched his 2004 Charlie Rose interview, I thought he came across as a really intelligent and genuine person. And I hated the changes made for the DVDs that he was promoting on that interview (I still bought them because I love the movies). My criticism of him was more lighthearted in nature - just making jokes. I never realized that George cared about the mean insults hurled torwards him. And when he made it known that the hate mail he got really got to him - I felt so bad for even thinking negatively about him...despite not actively participating in any of the "you raped my childhood" movement.

And it applies to Ahmed Best as well. Just a guy doing his job. But in his case he claimed that it was the media coverage that got to him.

Even today I hate that Kelly Marie Tran and Daisy Ridley got bullied on social media.

Now...Rian Johnson - he actively engaged on SM with fans and acted like a troll. That's a different story.
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which is just a huge tragedy. tbh I always thought R2 and C-3PO were going to be the only characters who went through the whole journey. when I was a kid imagining the PT or ST I dreamed of random people who still had the famous droids. still can't believe they left him under a fucking sheet for 2 films.

You ever read that fan theory about how R2 was the secret leader of the rebellion? Really great read. That might be the thing that irks me the most about the new films, how they just completely ignore the 2 characters that have been there since the very beginning, who are fan favourites that can still be on screen exactly as they were decades ago, with no CGI. They should have been a great way to link the old and the new, but instead they completely fucking forgot them.


Gold Member
So the midnights edge guys have a theory that Abrams and Lucasfilm are throwing out ideas and leaks to use the internet as a focusgroup, with extensive reshoots highly interesting watch.

lol I just saw this, 6 ending cuts, 12 cuts of the film, re-shoots currently on going movie comes out in 3 months and has to be cut before that for distribution. yikes.
yes it's a mess. yesterday I finally learned the new canon story, basically after ROTJ they had a single battle, the Battle of Jakku, and it was devastating, so they signed a treaty, which granted the Empire remnants control over parts of the galaxy. so right away the victory was undercut, because there was never any victory, the Empire or First Order or whatever always retained some control. and it wasn't some long, slow march following the victory at Endor, it was literally a single battle later. to me this is insane. this would be like giving Hitler just a few countries at the end of WWII. totally unbelievable from a world building perspective, especially given the thousand planet senate scenes that show us the scope of all this.

i keep seeing "It's like real life, the Nazis went to Argentina!" in order to justify the new setup and it's like, no, that doesn't even hold up. the Nazis didn't create a massive superweapon that was 5x powerful than the nuclear bomb and use it to blow up all of Europe when they went to Argentina. that's because they were defeated, they lost the war. usually when you lose a war you don't suddenly have 5 times the resources.

yeah im watching the Clone Wars CGI series for the first time right now and it is damn good. the war stories are just incredible, and are very thoughtfully planned out. the arc where Anakin loses R2 and he is being taken apart for information by Grevious and they have to rescue him, just wonderful :messenger_savoring: I think I've seen more R2 action in a single ep than in the entire ST.

which is just a huge tragedy. tbh I always thought R2 and C-3PO were going to be the only characters who went through the whole journey. when I was a kid imagining the PT or ST I dreamed of random people who still had the famous droids. still can't believe they left him under a fucking sheet for 2 films.
Shhhhhhh shut up and watch the space Nazis. Oh look it’s Chewbacca! You guys remember him right?


lol I just saw this, 6 ending cuts, 12 cuts of the film, re-shoots currently on going movie comes out in 3 months and has to be cut before that for distribution. yikes.

If this is true, it really just confirms the fact these people aren't artists, aren't filmmakers & aren't even storytellers, no, they're just salesmen creating a product based upon a checklist featuring elements derived from market research, politics & various other agendas. This isn't a Star Wars movie, it's a fast food chain.

It's one of the reasons "why" these movies are tonally all over the place, with ill-placed humor alongside failed attempts at serious drama/political messaging & product placement for children's toys.


The dude admitted to mopping floors in TLJ 😂😂😂 man what a skilled warrior
adding insult to injury, Little White broom boy is a future Jedi but Finn who was marketed that way at first, he’s just a total joke. that last scene is a final fuck you to anyone who wanted him to have any dignity. “Jedis can come from anywhere even this little janitor, but definitely NOT Finn, who is just a dumb janitor”
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latest word is it will start with a flashback to young Luke and Leia post ROTJ.

so potentially they are walking back all their "We won't CGI her" bullshit.

also guess Leia could have saved everyone in the last movie, or trained Rey, if she is a trained Jedi.

also, what's with all the flashbacks? OT and PT had none. the last film not only used multiple (and conflicting) flashbacks, it retold scenes that we had already watched (TFA ending). now a movie is straight up starting with a flashback? one more example of the new people having no fucking clue.

If this film does start with a flashback of Luke and Leia, I'd expect them to recast. If they don't Disney are idiots. I know it would be weird seeing other people play those characters, but I'd rather that than some cgi crap (unless they get the deepfakes guy to do it as those are amazing). Plus, if Disney do the smart thing they can then make... more films set between OT and ST. The new characters haven't really worked, Star Wars is Luke, Han and Leia, and Disney must realise this by now. I'd watch something 10 years after Return of the Jedi - in fact the Mandalorian is set 5 years after Jedi and it looks like the best thing to come out of this cluster fuck.

I doubt they will, they killed of Luke I need TLJ with a throw away shot. They could've just cut two shots and Luke would still be on that island, ready for episode 9. I have no idea what they're doing and neither do they. I'm guessing they're panicking. Two years between films isn't enough time to make something good, all these films have been rushed and they've made shit descisions with where they're going. Can't wait.


If this is true, it really just confirms the fact these people aren't artists, aren't filmmakers & aren't even storytellers, no, they're just salesmen creating a product based upon a checklist featuring elements derived from market research, politics & various other agendas. This isn't a Star Wars movie, it's a fast food chain.

It's one of the reasons "why" these movies are tonally all over the place, with ill-placed humor alongside failed attempts at serious drama/political messaging & product placement for children's toys.

Hm. Seems like you have hit the nail on the head perfectly there.

The new Star Wars movies are basically an extension of the merchandising of the old movies.

Hey these movies are popular why don't we make some action figures? T-shirts? Fridge magnets? Nokia Phone cases? Popcorn maker? Etc.

Eventually they've arrived at a point where a "Star Wars movie" is a cheaply made thing with some old Star Wars iconography slapped on and that's it.
They are fundamentally no different to Star Wars bedcovers or limited edition coke cans.

I don't feel the same way about the prequels. They aren't good but at least they feel like they are trying to tell a story that people did kind of want. How did Luke's father end up becoming Darth Vader? What was Obi Wan like during the "clone wars"?

The new ones are telling a story that it seems like nobody asked for. What happens after everything is wrapped up in a nice bow in Episode 6?

The sequel trilogy is a collection of Star Wars branded movies. That's different, in my opinion, to being a real Star Wars movie.
They are fan fiction that somehow got permission to use the actual IP and do anything they wanted with it.

For me, Leia flying through space is the defining moment. It just makes no sense and totally comes out of nowhere and yet also manages to do NOTHING AT ALL for the story or the world building or anything really.

It ought to be this massive moment since we've never really seen Leia use the force before and we've never really seen anyone use it to that degree of power and somehow it ends up meaning absolutely nothing to anyone.

Cos it's just a dumb sci-fi movie with an idiotic premise but someone allowed them to put a Star Wars coat of paint over it so it became "official".


Part of me hopes Snoke gets no mention just so it makes the ST as a whole look even more of a joke than it already is.

Then the part of me that actually was fascinated by the mysteries set up hope Palps and Snoke have some kind of connection - or fuck it, Snoke was Palps all along even if it undoes Anakin's redemption arc - we can now just think of the OT as the adventures of Luke Skywalker again just like we always did until George Lucas retconned it in an interview saying "Oh no now the SW Saga is all about Anakin being the chosen one who fulfills the prophecy". Honestly I kind of miss the days when SW was just the adventures of Luke and Anakin was not Space Jesus.

But really, anyone saying Snoke not needing to be explained and uses Palpatine's lack of back story in 1983 seriously is either being super lazy by parroting RJ's talking points....or...is thinking too hard.

This should be copy pasted or stamped in every ST thread on all forums, it's like explaining to a little kid something that is just common sense:

The reason the Emperor didn’t “need a backstory” is because he existed prior to our exposure to this universe and the rules that govern it. All we needed to know was “Emperor = bad, Rebellion = good”. Snoke requires a backstory because our knowledge of the established universe is that the good guys won 30+ years ago and reestablished peace and freedom to the galaxy. A “supreme” bad guy who just appears in the new series with no explanation as to how he rose to power, where he came from, or how he managed to have an armada, super weapon, and is essentially unstoppable is not only lazy it’s bad fan fiction

Given their shitty attitude towards online fans of SW I wouldn't be surprised if they just had a hissy fit when The Internet correctly guessed that Snoke was Darth Plagueis and so the response was "fuck you he's nobody".

It makes so much sense the Emperor is dead so we need a new villain and the only viable option that ties to the other movies is Palpatine's old master.
So you can bring him in as some kind of credible threat AND you've got a character that allows the story to explore The Force etc. How did he survive, where has he been, can he really use The Force to create life?

I wouldn't be surprised if they literally told RJ that he was to come in and flip everything on it's head. Basically the online community had already correctly guessed all of the "mysteries" and they just told RJ that they wanted something to completely flip it all on it's head.

So instead of just committing to what they had in mind with Snoke, Rey, Luke etc they made things worse by undoing the good work from The Force Awakens, leaving all the newly purposeless bad stuff just sitting there, and then leaving only one more episode to wrap up a trilogy that has seen no real progression or exploration of the Star Wars mythology.
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