I doubt it. I think Giacchino will do a good job but he probably hasn't had as much time as he would have liked. Plus, I thought JW did an excellent job with TFA's score. Rey's theme is brilliant.
I just remembered JW said he's going to start recording VIII's score this month.
Giacchino had some charming scores earlier but I can't say I remember much about his scores the past few years. Either I wasn't paying attention or they came off as anonymous. Seems to me memorable themes is probably what he's least known for.
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
I doubt it. I think Giacchino will do a good job but he probably hasn't had as much time as he would have liked. Plus, I thought JW did an excellent job with TFA's score. Rey's theme is brilliant.
I just remembered JW said he's going to start recording VIII's score this month.
Wow. As someone who really likes VII's score. I'm excited to hear this in a year.
Though I have faith in Giacchino. This sorta feels like him coming into Jurassic World. I expect some themes to reappear but the new ones should be good. His for JW was great.
Hoping for a combo of the ANH and ESB versions of the motif myself, but it's just as likely that it's going to be a mix of Vader's (after-mentioned ESB motif) and maybe Krennic's theme. Looking forward to it regardless!
Rogue One |OT| A Star Wars Story (Quick)
Rogue One |OT| Save The Rebellion, Save The Dream (kevin1025)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| Don't miss the crawl (WadiumArcadium)
Rogue One |OT| Revenge of the Prequels (MMarston)
Rogue One |OT| Make America Hope Again (MMarston)
Rogue One |OT| You know Jyn, we really are Rogue One (purseowner)
Rogue One |OT| Jyn & Tonic (Metalmarc)
Rogue One |OT| Jyn & Tudyk (Curb)
Rogue One |OT| Band of Space Brothers (Metalmarc)
Rogue One |OT| A New Hope For Star Wars Stories (Metalmarc)
Rogue One |OT| Hope is the Key to All This (Surfinn)
Rogue One |Spoiler Thread| Darth Vader is in this (Quick)
Rogue One |Spoiler Thread| The Death Star Survives (kevin1025)
Rogue One |Spoilers| No Bothans Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film (sphagnum)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| Where's Rey? (WadiumArcadium)
Rogue One |Spoiler thread| Spoiler: They rebel. (MMarston)
I'm really partial to MMarston's spoiler title, but the OT title is up in the air.
I'll probably post it tonight, since we're already less than a week to the movie releasing in certain territories, and a week to the UK (and most regions) release date.
But the big takeaway here is we're only a week away.
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
If I may: You should make just one thread on it. The conversation just splits between both threads and they're mostly going on about the same thing anyways.
Rogue One |OT| Revenge of the Prequels (MMarston)
Rogue One |OT| You know Jyn, we really are Rogue One (purseowner)
Rogue One |Spoilers| No Bothans Were Harmed In The Making Of This Film (sphagnum)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| Where's Rey? (WadiumArcadium)
Rogue One |Spoiler thread| Spoiler: They rebel. (MMarston)
If I may: You should make just one thread on it. The conversation just splits between both threads and they're mostly going on about the same thing anyways.
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
Enjoyed Dr. Aphra. Hopefully, this can be the Indiana Jones of the Star Wars Universe. Hopefully we will get to see her investigate rare Jedi and Sith artifacts and we learn some great history along the way.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story |OT| Don't miss the crawl (WadiumArcadium)
Rogue One |OT| Revenge of the Prequels (MMarston)
Rogue One |OT| You know Jyn, we really are Rogue One (purseowner)
Rogue One |Spoiler thread| Spoiler: They rebel. (MMarston)
Making Star Wars believe that for some scenes at least, they used a puppet for Snoke. Apparently it's around 7-8 ft with several operators. I expect they'll end up supplementing the puppet with CGI as they did with Unkar Plutt and the costume Simon Pegg was wearing. It sounds quite ambitious but I'd prefer it to them using CGI only, especially for his scenes with other characters..
Making Star Wars believe that for some scenes at least, they used a puppet for Snoke. Apparently it's around 7-8 ft with several operators. I expect they'll end up supplementing the puppet with CGI as they did with Unkar Plutt and the costume Simon Pegg was wearing. It sounds quite ambitious but I'd prefer it to them using CGI only, especially for his scenes with other characters..
That's awesome news. I'd say we need more puppet type stuff in general since Snoke/Maz were both straight up CGI (still looked fine, just not super memorable). I'd love for a more grounded feel for the characters.
Making Star Wars believe that for some scenes at least, they used a puppet for Snoke. Apparently it's around 7-8 ft with several operators. I expect they'll end up supplementing the puppet with CGI as they did with Unkar Plutt and the costume Simon Pegg was wearing. It sounds quite ambitious but I'd prefer it them only using CGI, especially for his scenes with other characters..
Making Star Wars believe that for some scenes at least, they used a puppet for Snoke. Apparently it's around 7-8 ft with several operators. I expect they'll end up supplementing the puppet with CGI as they did with Unkar Plutt and the costume Simon Pegg was wearing. It sounds quite ambitious but I'd prefer it to them using CGI only, especially for his scenes with other characters..
1. He's Here For Us
2. A Long Ride Ahead
3. Wobani Imperial Labor Camp
4. Trust Goes Both Ways
5. When Has Become Now
6. Jedha Arrival
7. Jedha City Ambush
8. Star-Dust
9. Confrontation on Eadu
10. Krennic's Aspirations
11. Rebellions Are Built on Hope
12. Rogue One
13. Cargo Shuttle SW-0608
14. Scrambling the Rebel Fleet
15. AT-ACT Assault
16. The Master Switch
17. Your Father Would Be Proud
18. Hope
19. Jyn Erso & Hope Suite
20. The Imperial Suite
21. Guardians of the Whills Suite
Making Star Wars believe that for some scenes at least, they used a puppet for Snoke. Apparently it's around 7-8 ft with several operators. I expect they'll end up supplementing the puppet with CGI as they did with Unkar Plutt and the costume Simon Pegg was wearing. It sounds quite ambitious but I'd prefer it to them using CGI only, especially for his scenes with other characters..
Interesting. I'm hoping it's a blend of practical and CG, but I really like the sound of that. I can see Rian Johnson relying more on practical, given some of the effects that were mentioned during the filming.
He's being predicted as the break out star. Sounds like he's involved with lots of memorable scenes/introduces comic relief. But not 3PO "damsel in distress" style.
lol, I threw her name around as a potential first female Star Wars director when talking with my girlfriend earlier today.
I'm sure she could definitely make a great Star Wars movie, especially with her action film chops, but would she want to? The back-to-back Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, and now a historical crime drama makes me think she's all in on "award winners" right now.