How come there is only a spoilers thread and not a regular thread to discuss the movie?
'Cause the non-spoiler thread will have its use for a day or 2 then everyone will just go to the spoiler thread anyways. Then both the OT and Spoiler Thread are just treading the same ground having the same discussions in both threads. The prime example being the Force Awakens. It's to cut the clutter so-to-speak, and that's already including the review thread which will likely chug along as well.
It's Star Wars, people are gonna want to have a full-on discussion when it hits Thursday and trying to tip-toe though spoiler tags in an OT isn't 100%, anyways (as someone who's spoiled and been spoiled lol).
If people really want to have an additional OT, that's fine I guess, but the logic is lost on me as it's use is pretty much expired the moment the movie is out. And it's not just Star Wars, I don't expect something like Assassin's Creed to have two threads since it's not as hyped here and those who will discuss it will probably dive deep anyways.
Anywho, that's my two cents on it.
EDIT: Also, a "spoiler thread" isn't just for spoilers like "Darth Vader is Luke's dad" and then the corresponding reactions to it in isolation. It's going to encompass the film as a whole and gives way to a bigger and more analytical discussion.