Join the Resistance
Writers: Ben Acker and Ben Blacker
Cover and Interior Art: Annie Wu
Release date: March 7, 2017
Described as Star Wars meets The Goonies, Join the Resistance kicks off an all-new action-packed adventure series. The story follows new Resistance recruits who think theyre ready to take on the First Order, but things dont work out exactly as theyd planned.
A long time ago, thanks to events in a galaxy far, far away, we thrilled to the possibilities of storytelling: epic adventure, clever, determined heroes, captivating, terrifying villains, chases, fights, banter, romance, said Acker and Blacker, creators of the Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast. We retold these stories and created new ones with our Star Wars toys when we were kids. Its enormously exciting for us to get to invent and play with Star Wars toys of our own now. We hope the action-packed adventures of our fun characters captivate the audience way we were so captivated forty years ago, thirty years ago, and one year ago.