Cockles & Whelks
So with all of the social media and Era reviews this film kind of got ruined for me with all of the identity politic BS. I just rewatched it at home and you know what removed from the lefty take on it I freaking loved it. It’s not perfect but the pacing felt better at home and I appreciate a happy ending in these dark times #Reyloforlyfe
"Feels" the most of the new trilogy like a proper Star Wars film, it moves briskly. However, that's for a reason...because as soon you start to all crumbles apart. The whole sequel trilogy should be textbook for how not to run a franchise.
Let's imagine all those years ago when Lucas sold up. You're the lowly janitor at Disney...suddenly mid-conference at the trilogy planning meeting an asteroid hits and kills all the creatives. Bob Iger turns to you and says "Hey kid...your a Star Wars nut right?" and bingo you have Kathleen Kennedy's job. Now can you imagine any circumstance, with a trilogy planned, that you would hire three different director/writers and basically just let them run amok with no overall theme/storyline planned? Unbelievable! Palpatine *could* have worked, look at the comics. Even in TROS, Rey's identity screams out for the reveal - she should have been a CLONE of Palpatine, one of many he's tried to make and transfer his essence to over the years. She's the only one that "works" and on the eve of the ceremony one of the Sith acolytes grows a conscience and steals her away and hides her on Jakku. Granddaughter. I LOL'ed.
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