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Star Wars Trilogy DVD = Mine! (spoilers within)

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Fidelity < quality

The more things they add - sequels, extra bits, redone bits - the more the whole structure is weighed down. My THX VHS cassettes are supporting all of this, taking all the weight. I love them dearly and do not need anything else. I couldn't give a piss what they look or sound like, because I'm 100% clear what they mean.

They're not perfect, I'm not a purist in that sense. But if George, as an artist, has issues with something in his portfolio (something that was made public many years ago and which has possibly the most numerous subscribing audience of any artistic endeavour extant), then he ought not to seek to change it, but to change himself as he creates new things.

You people would buy anything you were sold.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
B-B-Bomba! said:
Fidelity < qualityBut if George, as an artist, has issues with something in his portfolio (something that was made public many years ago and which has possibly the most numerous subscribing audience of any artistic endeavour extant), then he ought not to seek to change it, but to change himself as he creates new things.

Oh this is elitist bullshit IMO. The artist creates the product, if anyone can be said to OWN the product, it's the artist... therefore if the creation isn't the vision he originally had of it, HE has the right to change it.

How is this different than the various director's cuts of movies we see released? Only in that those movies came out during the DVD media so the original versions can still be found. Since the SW never came out on DVD before you have to track down other media versions, but they are still out there.
Sure, I mean this has been done to death anyway, but my argument isn't that Lucas in any way owes me anything. I'm happy enough: in having seen the films, and in owning my crappy cassettes, I have already profited plenty from his drive, passion, genius, luck, call it what you will.

It's the erosion of Georges own artistic soul I'm lamenting. I feel he's doing it wrong. He can fuck about with SW all he wants, of course, but I just can't endorse an entire industry based on giving greatness facelift after facelift. It _was_ great, so love it and let's push ... things ... forwards ... shall we?

Fuck these small-time big-shot butt-fuckers, and fuck those who keep coming back for another ream. I hope your expensive box-sets turn to ashes before your eyes.
B-B-Bomba! said:
You people would buy anything you were sold.

*makes a mouth puppet with his right hand*

Oh just cry me a river. If you'd like to know something, I've had to sit 18 years of my life with the "THX remastered" Fullscreen VHS copies, and those didn't come out in 86 did they? I've never even seen SE until a couple of months ago. As for the prequels, yep, I enjoy them, because I find them to be decent films and don't have any intention of breaking them down piece by piece until there's nothing to belittle on.

Attacking Lucas is one thing, and I would suggesting complaining all you want. Everyone's opinion should be heard, but not many outside of internet forums are going to hear it. But attacking the people who also help make Star Wars, well, popular, the fans. That's just downright silly. Maybe I myself didn't in the start, but I did enjoy the films before and after the SE, I still do. I still fall in the love with these films, and no amount of changes excepy a downright entire reshooting is going to change that for me. All the happy moments, the sad moments, they're all there. All the moments I've loved and cherished. Yoda's death is still there, I still cry. R2 falling off the X-Wing on Dagobah still makes me laugh. All of Han's silly one liners make me chuckle. The movies are still there for me. It's too bad that's a crime.


DarienA said:
Oh this is elitist bullshit IMO. The artist creates the product, if anyone can be said to OWN the product, it's the artist... therefore if the creation isn't the vision he originally had of it, HE has the right to change it.

He's welcome to change it, and if we don't like it we're welcome to tell him to fuck off. This doesn't mean Lucas is obliged to release the original films, of course, but it doesn't mean we have to accept his revisions as anything but a variation of the dreaded Brain Eater Disease; most folks with the Brain Eater are content to just churn out bad sequels, but Lucas is going one step further by tinkering with something that should be left alone.

I'm all for director's cuts. I think the director's cut of Blade Runner is a vast improvement over the original release. I don't think Apocolypse Now Redux worked, but it was interesting to see the additional footage. However, in all of these cases, I want to see the original release of the films made available to the market, on the off-chance that folks don't like it. I think the original release of Blade Runner is severely flawed, but I agree with the folks out there who want to have that available on DVD in addition to Scott's director's cut.

My main problem with the current Star Wars releases is that they aren't so much director's cuts as director's continuing obsession. Virtually all director's cuts are working with original source material, either making further cuts or adding cut footage back in. The director imposes his changing beliefs via the editing, but at least he's working with the film as it was originally shot. However, Lucas is going back and re-creating sections of the film by adding in a contemporary look and style, which is where I think it goes horribly wrong, well beyond shit like changing plot points (Han shoots first) and major modifications (young Vader at the end of RotJ). No, what really bugs me is seeing sets of the film such as Bespin in ESB being given windows and shit. I liked the original sets, thank you very much, and I think opening up the set design doesn't improve it one bit - it's imposing a late-90s (and, at this point, a early '00) aesthetic on films made in the late-70s/early-80s. It's kinda like how folks got upset when Ted Turner colorized old black and white flicks - I'm sure those directors would have been happy to film in color if they had the chance, but since they didn't it's a mistake to impose color on their original creations...even if they're the ones who want to see it happen in the first place. It might be interesting, but the end result isn't the classic everyone remembers - and that's fine, but only as long as the original is also available.

So, y'all enjoy the new DVDs. Meanwhile, I'm going to reserve the right to be righteously pissy about 'em.

FnordChan, waving his cane around and writing letters to the editor


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
FnordChan said:
He's welcome to change it, and if we don't like it we're welcome to tell him to fuck off.

most folks with the Brain Eater are content to just churn out bad sequels, but Lucas is going one step further by tinkering with something that should be left alone.
His product, his opinion. ;) Your money, your opnion. ;) I don't begrudge you that I own the VHS release as well... they're around in one of my damn storage boxes....

So, y'all enjoy the new DVDs. Meanwhile, I'm going to reserve the right to be righteously pissy about 'em.
That's cool I just wonder... each SW thread just like each say... Paul Anderson thread has people coming in to talk about how much they DON'T like the product... sometimes it's the same people... when does that cross the line to simply trolling?


DarienA said:
That's cool I just wonder... each SW thread just like each say... Paul Anderson thread has people coming in to talk about how much they DON'T like the product... sometimes it's the same people... when does that cross the line to simply trolling?

It's a close call, but I don't think it's trolling in this case because the folks (such as myself) bitching about the changes aren't doing so because they're making fun of something they dislike. It's because they're genuinely upset about something they love.

I'm a comparitive internet newb, and trolling is assuredly something I need to guard against. But I didn't come into this 'excitement and sharing and bouncing up-and-down' thread just to annoy people, any more than I obey the speed limit just to irk bad drivers. I get a kick out of both, it's true, but kicks are fleeting while principles are worth observing with vigour.

Wufei, I concede my THX cassettes are already several steps removed from the truly original cinema release (which, by all accounts, I have probably never even seen more than once each). But consider, firstly that the augmentations entailed in those several steps are generally entirely minor, and secondly that if they hadn't been made, I would be equally as proud to own a half decent set of the truly original, truly crappy-looking films.

You said the new versions of the films still captivate you in the familiar ways, but this hardly justifies their existence, nor does it really counter my assertion that Lucas and his remaining fans are locked in a mutually corruptive circle of sickness. It grieves me that this many people are ejaculating this much money over a product this devoid of any kind of merit.

It is warped.


B-B-Bomba! said:
I'm a comparitive internet newb, and trolling is assuredly something I need to guard against. But I didn't come into this 'excitement and sharing and bouncing up-and-down' thread just to annoy people, any more than I obey the speed limit just to irk bad drivers. I get a kick out of both, it's true, but kicks are fleeting while principles are worth observing with vigour.

Wufei, I concede my THX cassettes are already several steps removed from the truly original cinema release (which, by all accounts, I have probably never even seen more than once each). But consider, firstly that the augmentations entailed in those several steps are generally entirely minor, and secondly that if they hadn't been made, I would be equally as proud to own a half decent set of the truly original, truly crappy-looking films.

You said the new versions of the films still captivate you in the familiar ways, but this hardly justifies their existence, nor does it really counter my assertion that Lucas and his remaining fans are locked in a mutually corruptive circle of sickness. It grieves me that this many people are ejaculating this much money over a product this devoid of any kind of merit.

It is warped.

It is warped that you think it is without merit, and so that is how it should go for everyone else.

No one says you have to like the special editions, but your elitist attitude is bullshit. Remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Last I checked, people were buying the DVDs for the quality, and not for the special edition. Not everyone supports them, but some have realized it's all we're really going to get for the while. Lucas is very stubborn as we've seen. So they choose not to complain over something so illy anyways.

So stop criticizing people for having a different view on things. It is NOT wrong to not be bothered by the SE. Nor is it wrong to purchase SE material so stop trying to make it seem like that at all. I'm saying there is very little to bitch about, and infact I have nothing out of the changes to bitch about myself. That is why I have no problem getting these DVDs, the quality of them alone is reason enough to purchase them. I've only ever had the fullscreen VHS copies to watch, and I've never seen any of the films in theaters and this is about as close as I'm going to get.

If you find that wrong for me to try and have the best experience I can from these films, and that I have to justify my actions just so I won't be labeled a fan in the circle of sickness who supports Lucas' motive. Then you are warped.
BuddyChrist83 said:
I love how every Star Wars discussion since 1997 reverts to the same argument time and time again.

It's horribly sad on both sides, I can't remember the last time I ever had a genuine SW discussion on why these films are great. It's usually just arguing over the SE and PT, and the changes. At least on the internet.


DarthWufei said:
It's horribly sad on both sides, I can't remember the last time I ever had a genuine SW discussion on why these films are great. It's usually just arguing over the SE and PT, and the changes. At least on the internet.
Sad, yet oddly entertaining. My favorite Star Wars debate in recent years was in regards to Naboo's odds of being destroyed, or at the least rendered unihabitable - but then Star Wars Galaxies came along and ruined all the fun.
THX 1138 has some amazing changes that only serve to help the film and bring out it's messages as well inject more intensity to the proceedings. Judging from the changes to that film and the film itself I think George knows what he is doing.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I love how every Star Wars discussion since 1997 reverts to the same argument time and time again.

I'd be perfectly happy to fall back on the old, reliable Star Wars versus Star Trek discussion. So, which has suffered more in recent years? It's Prequels versus Voyager in a battle to the death!

I think a far more interesting debate would be:

Why do movies with such cornball acting, outright silly side scenes, and a particularly whiney protagonist enthrall me so much? Why do I love these movies (well, two of them, anyway) despite the fact that they ruined Hollywood?

I dunno. But I'll be picking up my box set this week.


I flat out refuse to spend another dime on these movies. You will never see me walk into a store and pick them up. That being said if my wife does not surprise me with them tomorrow I'm going to be pissed.


Ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider: this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense!

Why would a Wookiee — an eight foot tall Wookiee — want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!

But more importantly, you have to ask yourself: what does that have to do with this case?

Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!

Look at me, I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca. Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense.

And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation... does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense.

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.
ManaByte said:
Ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider: this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense!

Why would a Wookiee — an eight foot tall Wookiee — want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!

But more importantly, you have to ask yourself: what does that have to do with this case?

Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!

Look at me, I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca. Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense.

And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation... does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense.

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

It's funny because Chewbacca doesn't and as far as I know never has lived on Endor. he was from Kashyyyk and then became a slave. Then Han saved him and he's been with Han ever since due to the life debt. He's been on Endor for maybe a week during the battle.


Go Go Ackman! said:
If you "refuse" to watch a DVD because they changed a some scene in the movie, do the world a favor and eat all the pills in your medicine cabinet.

That's crap. It's not fanboyish to want the original Star Wars.

History has been erased and you Lucas apologists are backing the fucker up.
Last I checked, people were buying the DVDs for the quality, and not for the special edition. Not everyone supports them, but some have realized it's all we're really going to get for the while. Lucas is very stubborn as we've seen. So they choose not to complain over something so illy anyways.

So stop criticizing people for having a different view on things. It is NOT wrong to not be bothered by the SE. Nor is it wrong to purchase SE material so stop trying to make it seem like that at all. I'm saying there is very little to bitch about, and infact I have nothing out of the changes to bitch about myself. That is why I have no problem getting these DVDs, the quality of them alone is reason enough to purchase them. I've only ever had the fullscreen VHS copies to watch, and I've never seen any of the films in theaters and this is about as close as I'm going to get.

If you find that wrong for me to try and have the best experience I can from these films, and that I have to justify my actions just so I won't be labeled a fan in the circle of sickness who supports Lucas' motive. Then you are warped.
Haha. That I hadn't considered. Apologies.


Not sure if this was posted, but there are SERIOUS!!! audio defects on ANH (EP IV). I got this off Digitalbits.com

1) The familiar Force theme trumpet fanfare that used to play right after Red Leader says: "This is it!" and just as the X-wings start diving towards the Death Star's surface has been dialed back in volume so that it's almost inaudible - it's almost completely buried in the surround mix.

2) The audio quality varies wildly as Tarkin says the line: "You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system." - almost as if the master sound element was damaged. It's very distracting.

3) Possibly most critically, John Williams' entire score for the film has been flipped in the rear channels, so that what should be the left rear channel is playing from the right rear channel (and vise versa). What this means is that the rear channels don't match the front channels - instruments heard from the front right channel come from the left rear instead of the right rear. Again, this is very distracting once you notice it.

Man that sucks. They are waiting to hear back from Lucasfilm on it, to see if they will offer a reprint or exchange of the Disc.


FnordChan said:
He's welcome to change it, and if we don't like it we're welcome to tell him to fuck off. This doesn't mean Lucas is obliged to release the original films, of course, but it doesn't mean we have to accept his revisions as anything but a variation of the dreaded Brain Eater Disease; most folks with the Brain Eater are content to just churn out bad sequels, but Lucas is going one step further by tinkering with something that should be left alone.

I'm all for director's cuts. I think the director's cut of Blade Runner is a vast improvement over the original release. I don't think Apocolypse Now Redux worked, but it was interesting to see the additional footage. However, in all of these cases, I want to see the original release of the films made available to the market, on the off-chance that folks don't like it. I think the original release of Blade Runner is severely flawed, but I agree with the folks out there who want to have that available on DVD in addition to Scott's director's cut.

My main problem with the current Star Wars releases is that they aren't so much director's cuts as director's continuing obsession. Virtually all director's cuts are working with original source material, either making further cuts or adding cut footage back in. The director imposes his changing beliefs via the editing, but at least he's working with the film as it was originally shot. However, Lucas is going back and re-creating sections of the film by adding in a contemporary look and style, which is where I think it goes horribly wrong, well beyond shit like changing plot points (Han shoots first) and major modifications (young Vader at the end of RotJ). No, what really bugs me is seeing sets of the film such as Bespin in ESB being given windows and shit. I liked the original sets, thank you very much, and I think opening up the set design doesn't improve it one bit - it's imposing a late-90s (and, at this point, a early '00) aesthetic on films made in the late-70s/early-80s. It's kinda like how folks got upset when Ted Turner colorized old black and white flicks - I'm sure those directors would have been happy to film in color if they had the chance, but since they didn't it's a mistake to impose color on their original creations...even if they're the ones who want to see it happen in the first place. It might be interesting, but the end result isn't the classic everyone remembers - and that's fine, but only as long as the original is also available.

So, y'all enjoy the new DVDs. Meanwhile, I'm going to reserve the right to be righteously pissy about 'em.

FnordChan, waving his cane around and writing letters to the editor

Best post in this thread.


aparisi2274 said:
3) Possibly most critically, John Williams' entire score for the film has been flipped in the rear channels, so that what should be the left rear channel is playing from the right rear channel (and vise versa). What this means is that the rear channels don't match the front channels - instruments heard from the front right channel come from the left rear instead of the right rear. Again, this is very distracting once you notice it.

Would that affect a simple stereo connection in any way?


Mike Works said:
See I think it goes to Chewbacca. On one hand, Chewie is really tall, but on the other hand, Worf is a fag

You're talking out your ass, Mike. No way Worf gets punked by a walking carpet! I mean, there was that one episode where Worf was the only guy to ever beat the Jem'Hadar in one-on-one unarmed duels.
Ewww. I just downloaded an mp3 of the change to the Krayt Dragon call that Ben Kenobi does to scare away the sand people... it sounds like total ass. Like some cheap digital effect that some idiot came up while sitting in Skywalker Sounds sound lab.


aparisi2274 said:
Not sure if this was posted, but there are SERIOUS!!! audio defects on ANH (EP IV). I got this off Digitalbits.com

1) The familiar Force theme trumpet fanfare that used to play right after Red Leader says: "This is it!" and just as the X-wings start diving towards the Death Star's surface has been dialed back in volume so that it's almost inaudible - it's almost completely buried in the surround mix.

2) The audio quality varies wildly as Tarkin says the line: "You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system." - almost as if the master sound element was damaged. It's very distracting.

3) Possibly most critically, John Williams' entire score for the film has been flipped in the rear channels, so that what should be the left rear channel is playing from the right rear channel (and vise versa). What this means is that the rear channels don't match the front channels - instruments heard from the front right channel come from the left rear instead of the right rear. Again, this is very distracting once you notice it.

Man that sucks. They are waiting to hear back from Lucasfilm on it, to see if they will offer a reprint or exchange of the Disc.


I just read this off theforce.net:

Today, Thedigitalbits.com reported in detail about this, also saying the rear film score channels were reversed. Prior to publishing this, we asked Lucasfilm for a statement on it. We just received it:

We are always impressed with how closely fans listen to the many different sound mixes we have made for the Star Wars movies over the years. It is flattering to know that, indeed, the audience is listening. Consequently, each mix comes out differently and any changes that you hear on the all-new Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround EX tracks on the Star Wars Trilogy DVD set are deliberate creative decisions. We can confirm that there are no technical glitches as has been reported.


I heard there is an easter egg porno on the 4th DVD. Its supposed to lead into the new trilogy (something about Jedi wookies) and have this sex rave on Endor with wookies and ewoks.

Well with Lucas you never know.


Flynn said:
That's crap. It's not fanboyish to want the original Star Wars.

History has been erased and you Lucas apologists are backing the fucker up.

No, it's fanboyish to rip other people for not caring or even <GASP> liking the changes.


Hang out with Steve.
Unbeknownst to me, but knownst to a co-worker of mine, Best Buy was planning a Classic Trilogy DVD Launch Party Monday night starting at 10:30, with a raffle, prizes, and a chance to be the first to own the DVD box set and/or one or more versions of Star Wars Battlefront. And it just so happened that of the only two Best Buys in Maryland, Virginia and DC, one of them is 5 minutes from my house.

So my co-worker followed my wife & I home. We got some pizza, watched Spaceballs in honor of the occasion, and headed out to geekdom.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the sight of a large Xbox van with people crowded around playing video games, a van & tent set up by a local radio station, a line of about 150 people at that point, and several members of the 501st Stormtrooper brigade, as well as a number of various Jedi. Does the phrase "Aren't you a little chunky for a Stormtrooper" give you an idea? :)

I couldn't help but being reminded of Triumph. "I have a spoiler for you -- you will die alone!"

Anyway we made our way to the end of the line, filled out some raffle entries, and watched the festivities unfold. About 11:00, they had the drawings -- they gave away some pretty nice stuff, Xbox HD setups, etc., and also some cardboard standees. I didn't win anything. And then at a little before midnight, they started letting people into the store. I think there was somewhere between 300 and 400 people total. But they needn't have worried -- Best Buy had TONS of copies, way more than they needed for the size of the crowd.

I picked up a copy of Star Wars Battlefront for my wife, and we spent about 30 minutes watching The Empire Strikes Back on a big screen inside the store.

All in all, it was an amusing evening, and I almost wish I hadn't pre-ordered my copy :)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Flynn said:
That's crap. It's not fanboyish to want the original Star Wars.

History has been erased and you Lucas apologists are backing the fucker up.

Yes it is. History has been erased... see that's the paranoid rantings of a fanboy... sorry hate to say it.



I also have the Definitive Laserdisc Collection. I think I paid around $200 for it when it originally came out (shipping was terrible because it was so heavy). I had not originally planned to purchase the DVD set, until my friend brought them over last week (he has a hookup at FYE and he got it early) and we did a direct comparison on my direct view HDTV. Like you, my equipment is top of the line. I have a Pioneer Elite LD player and a standard Pioneer DVD player. We did a direct comparison of the exact same scenes to compare video quality between the two sets.

I hate to say it, but there is NO comparison. It's one of the best DVD transfers I've ever seen and it made the Definitive Laserdisc Collection look pathetic. Trust me, I never thought I'd say that. Heck, after paying $200 for the Definitive Collection, I never wanted to say that!

With this much of a difference between the laserdiscs and the DVDs, I cannot fathom how the new set compares to VHS.

I'm not a big fan of the changes (especially to Jedi now, Empire and a New Hope are fine with me) but the transfer makes the movies look better than they ever have.

If you can, go rent it and do the comparison for yourself.


Crowza said:
I hate to say it, but there is NO comparison. It's one of the best DVD transfers I've ever seen and it made the Definitive Laserdisc Collection look pathetic. Trust me, I never thought I'd say that. Heck, after paying $200 for the Definitive Collection, I never wanted to say that!

I'm sure you're right and, deep down in my fanboy heart of hearts, I'm sure that enjoying the pristine video quality would go a long way towards helping me get over the deeply annoying changes. So, yeah, I'm sure I'll wind up with the DVD set one of these days - but not anytime soon, and only if I can find it dirt cheap. Yes, I'm still bitter. Meanwhile, I'll continue to be perfectly content with the lasers.

Indeed Crowza, I cannot believe I've stuck with the VHS copies this long. The quality of these DVDs is just incredible, they really rival the PT DVDs in terms of quality. Everything is so rich and vibrant, as opposed to dull and grainy. Heh, it's so nice.

And Christ, I've sat through ANH and ESB and half of ROTJ. These SE changes really doing even get noticed by me, and when they do I forget about them very very quickly. I don't see why people complain. I don't see a single justifiable reason to not purchase these. They're wonderful.

I've been up all night watching these, I definitely have to put them on the top of my DVD collection for the moment. Incredible films, and even moreso when viewed like this. I was just watching the death of Yoda.. so sad, someone so wise and strong, seemingly immortal, dying.. These films are so wonderful.


I agree with B-B-Bomba. Lucas is clinically obsessed with the original trilogy.

It's a tragic case of OCD on a grand scale, disguised as artistic perfectionism.

Think about it for a second and it becomes abundantly clear: The man knows he will never create anything nearly as good as the original Star Wars trilogy, deep in his heart he is profoundly ashamed of the failure of episodes I & II to match the legacy of the old films, and so he has resorted to the most extreme form of denial in order to shield his aging ego from the brutal truth that he no longer "has it." He's going to keep re-living the triumph of the trilogy instead.

Furthermore, Lucas is trying to validate the new films by making the original three more like them. "Look," he thinks. "I can put Jar Jar and Hayden Christiansen and references to my new movies in these old classics! Now the new films share a part of their greatness--they're interconnected!!" But no matter how hard he tries, the gulf in quality between the two trilogies can never be bridged.

It's much like an aging painter who is forever touching up an early masterpiece that he made in his youth. Unable to create anything of remotely equal quality, he goes over his old work again and again--essentially reliving its success in his mind. After awhile, the piece loses some of its original charm because it's got too many embellishments and unnecessary coats of paint. It's like a grown man dressing up in a little league outfit and going out to the field where he hit a game-winning homerun in third grade.

Why doesn't he take all the time he's lavished on sweetening these old films up in a myriad ways and instead spend it on making new movies? Surely Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones could have benefitted from some more attention--but there he is, pouring years into touching up films that were essentially perfect years ago. The list of audio enhancements that border posted is INSANE. If you had any doubts the man has gone daft, look no further...

It's sad, but he can't let them go. This will NOT be the last "special edition" of these movies...


After watching the movies again, I can say that I'm almost over most of the changes that he made. Originally, before the special edition were released into theaters, I was all for him "cleaning" up the bad spots in the film. That was, until I went to see them in the theater. Lightsabers were still not colored in, there were flubs in the turning the lightsabers on, tons of stuff that were obvious to fix went unnoticed! It seems like they spent all of their time adding in the terrible looking Jabba and adding new scenes.

Now, with the DVD release, I can say that I'm happy with A New Hope. I can deal with Greedo shooting at the same time as Han. Jabba looks better. It's not as bad as the SEs. Extras stuff in the background? Doesn't bother me a bit. Empire Strikes Back was fine as a special edition before, and it's still the same. No problems there, either.

However, I had forgotten how bad the Special Edition dance scene was at Jabba's palace. It's TERRIBLE. The close up on the CG characters singing is almost as bad as Jar-Jar! Forget adding young Anakin in as a ghost, that doesn't bother me as much as the blatant cheesy CG characters. YUCK! I mean, what was LucasArts thinking? Over the years, I had forgotten about this dance scene amongst all of the Han/Greedo and bug eye Jabba complaints. Now, it sticks out to me like a sore thumb.

Oh well, the transfer is unbelievable though.

I'll always have my laserdiscs. Unless, of course, they rot. :)
Out of curiosity, didn't else notice that in ANH during the remote scene.. Luke's saber is green? Then it goes to a full white core with a tint of green. A few others have posted about this, but I wonder if it's only a few dvds with the problem, or what.


Hang out with Steve.
Teddman said:
Think about it for a second and it becomes abundantly clear: The man knows he will never create anything nearly as good as the original Star Wars trilogy, deep in his heart he is profoundly ashamed of the failure of episodes I & II to match the legacy of the old films, and so he has resorted to the most extreme form of denial in order to shield his aging ego from the brutal truth that he no longer "has it." He's going to keep re-living the triumph of the trilogy instead.

Then explain the SE's, which were released 2 years before The Phantom Menace was?


SteveMeister said:
Then explain the SE's, which were released 2 years before The Phantom Menace was?
Exactly... Instead of working on TPM at that point, he was preoccupied re-cutting and sweetening the old movies. No wonder Episode I was such a disappointment--it didn't even have his full attention a scant two years before release.

And what of the additions that are making their appearence for the first time in the DVD special additions--stuff like Christiansen as Anakin, Jar Jar in Return of the Jedi celebration, the extra speech by the Emperor, etc.? Editions that are coming out after Episodes I & II and contain references to the new trilogy... He is trying to validate the new stuff by tying them into the older movies, blemishing classic films for the sake of mediocre ones.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
episode 1 was fantastic. I don't understand the hate.

On the note of the trilogy, the video quality is absolutely crazy. Much like Aliens (a 1982 movie!) these stand at some of the best looking DVDs in my collection of like 200.

That is impressive.


woo just got home, gonna go watch a New hope right now :D

My only gripe as of now is that the damn case is highly fingerprint sensitive. Oh well.
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