Once the beta patch that fixes performance releases for everyone I expect these review scores to gradually tick back up. A lot people are mainly pissed about the performance. Although it's not the only issue of course.
at this point I'm starting to think that these developers willingly omit dlss2/dlss3 implementation so that they can put the blame of bad reception upon people who whined for these features
it practically is a scapegoat. they can act like their game got a bad rep because "yeah they reviewed bombed us bcoz most pc folks are on nvidia and we lacked dlss 2 support!!"
sure some of the reviews are indeed due to performance/lack of technologies but the main point is this game shouldn't have loading screens. it should've been a seamless experience, old engine or not. these nextgen consoles support full directstorage and have fast SSD. they should've coded a streaming system. I don't accept the excuse that the engine is old or something. I simply cannot. I'm sure it is doable. it is just that they thought they could get away with it. they couldn't.
so they tried to shift the focus to things like lacking dlss, lacking FOV to hide the fact that the underlying core issues get sweeped under the rug among these issues.
sadly it doesn't work that way either. at least I'm not buying it.
I like this game a lot, ngl. Played it for like 30 hrs. had to ditch for phantom liberty. and now I don't want to go back. as much as I like bethesda style game and gameplay, I just want some more immersiveness. I just want to sit down and drink a booze in a bar. I just cannot do that. Why the heck I cannot do that? There's not a single loading screen across the enormous night city. there will be constant loading screens in starfield. It is hard to back to that now.
Back in 2011, I remember sittinn down with a group of stormcloak soldiers and imagined myself as eating bread with them. it was acceptable back then, with technical limitations of ps3 and whatnot. it is not acceptable for now. I feel like the world is there but I cannot interact with it. It didn't felt like this back in 2011. You knew the games had limitations, and the game was ambitious for what it is worth. Starfield doesn't feel like that. the lack of npc and their own life cycles also hurt a lot. I remember skyrim npcs actually having a decent schedule, having work, going home, doing stuff around, visiting stores and whatnot. this game does not have that as well. these regressions make me sad. I'd give the game a fair 8/10 myself eventually, probably. But I wanted a skyrim like 9.5/10 unforgettable experience. that game at the time was groundbreaking compared to other games we've played around those time.
this game is not. bethesda why do this? where did this go all wrong? I thought fallout 4 and then 76 was flukes but they'd eventually correct the course. but at this point I'm starting to worry that the bethesda has lost its magic... and that also makes me sad. I don't want that happening. but I guess the genie is out of the bottle already