Spinning backhand any good for crowd control? Either that or an uppercut, which obviously sounds more awesome, but perhaps is less useful.
When will this game be released on pc?
No date given yet. They're working on it though. Mods and co-op will make this game huge.
Guys. How do i "move out" of the church ?
I found a big ass farm in one of the missions (lily's brother), and i set up an outpost there, but .. nothing's happening. All the survivors are still at the church ? Is it because I have some upgrades being built ? or is there some other way entirely to make a new base camp ?
You chose the wrong selection on the menu. All you have to do is select "relocate base" on the menu while at the farm; you don't select the outpost option. Everything will move there (except base upgrades). It's not possible if you don't meet the requirements (which is always a matter of how big your group is and building supplies).
Where is the farm by the way?
anyone from germany how knows how to unlock the game here? thanks
I think they said the game is in cert with the games board in Germany. They hope to have it released this week.
The farm is around the center of the map, it's the place you rescue Jacob (I think that's what lily's brothers name is). I don't have the relocate base option at all.
anyway around this? I got the demo with my us-account, but I cannot unlock the game with my german (main) account. Proxy?!?
You need to unlock the full game with your US account. You can't unlock it with your German account because the game is not uploaded to the marketplace yet.
and I would assume the game is than bound to the US-account, not my main one. thats stupid
When will this game be released on pc?
community director Sanya Weathers said:We are still working on the PC version, and I dont have a really good estimate for completion. Too much depends on third parties. It isnt going to be soon by any meaningful use of the word soon.
Got it now too. Yay.I've got the glitch where it says I have too many infestations, but there are none around me and its causing my fort to keep losing morale. I'm debating waiting for the patch.
Arghh. How the fuck do I find more survivors? I keep helping people out but I only earn a bit of trust, I sent out a call to survivors and waited 20 minutes and the woman couldn't find any. I want to move to the warehouse but I only have 8 people, and my building supplies keep diminishing. It's really starting to irritate me. I also have the too many infestations glitch.
Arghh. How the fuck do I find more survivors? I keep helping people out but I only earn a bit of trust, I sent out a call to survivors and waited 20 minutes and the woman couldn't find any. I want to move to the warehouse but I only have 8 people, and my building supplies keep diminishing. It's really starting to irritate me. I also have the too many infestations glitch.
More opportunities to help them will eventually arise, and once the Trust bar is filled, they will request to join you, give it time.Arghh. How the fuck do I find more survivors? I keep helping people out but I only earn a bit of trust, I sent out a call to survivors and waited 20 minutes and the woman couldn't find any. I want to move to the warehouse but I only have 8 people, and my building supplies keep diminishing. It's really starting to irritate me. I also have the too many infestations glitch.
This is also my situation.
I'll try sending out one more call, after that I guess I'll just have to keep living in the house and let whatever happens happen. Hopefully I'll stumble upon survivors sooner rather than later.
Thought it'd be quick and easy to find survivors in a new town. That bunkhouse I built will have been a complete waste of resources. Don't know if I should tear it down and build a training area/dojo instead.
Lily and her radio actually never helped me in finding any survivors, it doesn't even work on locating resources now, don't know what the deal is.
This is also my situation.
I'll try sending out one more call, after that I guess I'll just have to keep living in the house and let whatever happens happen. Hopefully I'll stumble upon survivors sooner rather than later.
Thought it'd be quick and easy to find survivors in a new town. That bunkhouse I built will have been a complete waste of resources. Don't know if I should tear it down and build a training area/dojo instead.
Oh, that was my situation before I moved to the Savini house in Marshal. You will eventually have to move to a lesser location than the warehouse, as resources become more scarce back at the church. And if the first town is out of survivors, that's that in my experience, more aren't gonna pop up.This is my problem. I'm not going to bother improving the Church because I want to move out, but I can't move out until I find survivors, which appears to be completely random. I could play for another 4 hours and be no closer to my goal. Kinda destroying my incentive to continue at this point.
The place only has three facility spots. Got a bunkhouse, medical area and basic workshop. Suppose I'd waste the most material by scrapping the bunkhouse, but it's kind of a waste of a facility slot until I find more people.Keep it and also get a dojo for the the benefits. It's worth it to have the extra beds.
Which warehouse is it everyone keeps saying to move to ? Or is the best one in the game. I haven't seen on yet that I can move to, only some houses and that farmhouse. I'll probably move soon though, getting a bit fed up being at the church plus my survivors are always going bloody missing. Maybe that's just something that happens regardless though.
Lots of my characters are missing, anyone else having this?
Lots of my characters are missing, anyone else having this?
Well looks like I finished the missions with the sherrif and mayor, the army, and the wilkersons, I still have missions for Ray, and I don't know what else is left at this point for main story. There has be be something else. Last I talked to that one groupd of survivors I told the guy about what the woman's previous job was LOL that was funny!![]()
It's impossible to finish the missions with the army and not finish the game....
Hmmmm... well then maybe not finished. I got the achievement for "Found out what the army was up to" I'm guessing that's not the final one then.
its in the bottom left town on the map theirs like a river separating the town its in the left half you cant miss it coming in to that half of the city from the main road
to many hordes/infestations on the map (its a known bug even if they all the way across the map they still count) you have to go and find them again i had the same thing happen but it was only one char i was missing
Thanks very muchSpotted it there now, Snyder Trucking Warehouse ? 12 people though, yikes. Better start looking for more survivors. Seems like a good spot.
The place only has three facility spots. Got a bunkhouse, medical area and basic workshop. Suppose I'd waste the most material by scrapping the bunkhouse, but it's kind of a waste of a facility slot until I find more people.
Yep, that's the place.
Part of the 'Too many infestations' bug, I think. It makes your folk go missing more often. Hold out and you'll get a rescue mission eventually.
Excellent, ta
That's good to know it's at least part of a bug. It's becoming annoying as hell.
I really do hope the PC version ends up having mods, there's so much you could do with the game world and those mechanics. It would be brilliant. I hope they continue to add stuff to the 360 version but I'm guessing with the price of patches, maybe not.
Part of the 'Too many infestations' bug, I think. It makes your folk go missing more often. Hold out and you'll get a rescue mission eventually.
So I just boot up the game only to see the Start a New Game option instead of the Continue option. I lost several hours of progress. I'm so mad. Dear God! This sucks so badly.
How does the game save any way? Does it save when you go back to your home because I could've sworn I did. I know it uses an Auto save function but I don't know when.
It autosaves fairly often and when you quit the game.
Because they already have Microsoft taking like 60% of their profits and didn't need to give away another like 20%.My brother was playing this and I thought,
Why didn't they get the walking dead Ip?
I don't think it works like that. My Marcus is 100% maxed out in all skills and specializations and I had a long stretch where he went missing all the god damn time, it was pretty annoying.You need to get them weapons. You should also be playing many characters to level as possible to level them and give them good weapons. Right now I play 5 characters. I started a second play though after seeing how things are and right now my characters don't get stuck nearly as much as they did in my first play through probably because I leveled a bunch of them and gave them weapons. You can also track the runners on your map with out the missing mission pop up showing up.