Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Debit cards are fine yes?
Debit cards are fine yes?
Price has now updated for Football Manager 2012. It's $5.99 for the next few days on Amazon.
Finally got the Dota 2 invitationThanks Valve.
How does these invitations work? is it too late to register from where ever you may get it?
It is fantastic. A warning though - it will take over your life.Gonna try the demo soon for the manager, hope I like it!
EDIT: Amazon's download stuff only works in US =/
I just noticed that they've changed the layout of the games list in our profiles. Instead of showing a list of everything you own, you now only see 10 and have to click 'Next 10' to cycle through them.
Hmmm. Yeah. Not liking it.
So, is The Missing Link worth it for 2.75?
So, is The Missing Link worth it for 2.75?
Did you love Deus Ex: HR and wish you could play more of it?
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs (currently on Vita only) is coming to PC and Mac and will apparently be on Steam as this article mentions Steam achievements. It's a pretty fun game, too.
Excellent, was one of the top games on my Vita to-buy list, and I probably won't pick up a Vita until Christmas or next year, so I'll get to play it regardless!
Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 was added to the registry.
I can't remember the last time I was able to opt-in to a Steam client beta and not have it freeze constantly.
Wizorb got added to the registry.
Wizorb got added to the registry.
I thought I was the only one but damn, it's annoying. I opt in at times and it never fails. I think I'm in right now and Steam is less responsive too. It takes like 2 right clicks every time, without fault, to bring up my friends list when it doesn't open automatically.
I just used the address/phone number for the Alaska state capitol building to buy FM2012. I hope Amazon and/or the US GOV don't send their highly-trained ninjas after me.
Wizorb got added to the registry.
What was that GAF thread again for gifting cross-regional games?
I thought it uses your card's address.
That sure would be nice. I have a feeling that TAGES will die far sooner than Valve and we'll be stuck with useless games.Any one else got the Risen update(s)? I think it was two updates, the 2nd one was 228MB in size which is pretty big. Hopefully they removed the Tages DRM, or maybe it is related to Risen 2?
Man, no one in that other thread? =/
Today's Deal: Save 50% off Prototype!
Civilization V £4.99 | $7.50 at GreenMan Gaming:
PS: if you do not have Borderlands yet get the GOTY version it has all DLC for the same price as the vanilla version of the game.
really, every single person on steam has this game already, I've lost count on how many times it went on sale.
Wizorb got added to the registry.
They are going to remove TAGES from Risen. Piranha mentioned that they've already provided Valve the patch a week or two ago. I'll re-install Risen to verify, been meaning to replay that game.
Prototype has stayed so expensive... kind of odd for such a lackluster game.