Really satisfied with the AC:Brotherhood PC port, runs flawlessly so far and 1080p is really showing for itself with that level of ambient detail, I played the first two games on my now defunct 360 so I'm really seeing a huge improvement here.
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Dungeons of Dredmor
Snuggle Truck
Seems like there's some kind of uber sale coming from a group of indie developers. Not sure what their deal is, but it's starting in about a week.
Here's a list of the Steam games they're going to be having:
Frozen Synapse: SoundtrackEdition
Metal Drift
Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode One
Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode Two
Snuggle Truck
The Dejobaan Complete Pack*
Vertex Dispenser
Zen Bound 2
* Only missing the Aaa DLC.
Avadon: The Black Fortress - definitely want it
Jolly Rover
Lugaru HD
Metal Drift
Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode One
Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode Two
Snuggle Truck
Stacking - definitely want it
Swords & Soldiers
Vertex Dispenser
Zen Bound 2
It's arguably the worst entry in the series, and I say that as someone who loves the games and even managed to squeeze every drop out of Revelations' SP campaign (~78 hours all up).
Revelations is the only one I have left and I have it for PS3. I think I will go through it though, just for the sake of it. I am looking forward to 3, hopefully it will be a significant difference/upgrade.
Yeah, as I later clarified, the problem with Revelations is that it felt stale, despite Ubi's attempts to freshen up the gameplay. AC3 should be a return to form, however. In fact, with no Half-Life 3 in sight and BioInf being delayed into early 2013, I'd say it's the 2012 title I'm most looking forward to.
God I can't wait for the Summer sale. It sounds crazy to be so excited for games going on sale, but its too much fun.
Anno 2070 50% off
One game for the final day? What the shit is this? Bah.
Was hoping for a deeper discount on Driver SFGuess I'll have to wait till the summer sale now.
i was hoping to see the Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell series as the daily today.![]()
The trailer for Anno 2070 looked really fun but is it worth it for someone who hasn't played anything in the genre for ages. For what it's worth I like relaxing city-sims. Games like SimCity and CivCity Rome were right up my ally. Even something like Stronghold's relaxing fightless mode was fun.
The trailer for Anno 2070 looked really fun but is it worth it for someone who hasn't played anything in the genre for ages. For what it's worth I like relaxing city-sims. Games like SimCity and CivCity Rome were right up my ally. Even something like Stronghold's relaxing fightless mode was fun.
I have similar question. I like Civ V and Sim City but RTS style games and even real time strategy games like Tropico are not my cup of tea. Will like this?
Anno's price really is still too expensive.
I can't stress how much it isn't. It's a steal.
So is Sins: Rebellion like going from CiV 3 to CiV 4 or is there something else to it compared to Trinity. Should one wait for Rebellion to get cheaper or jump on Trinity. I want Sins but i can just as well wait till it gets cheaper if Rebellion is Sins just better.
Also god damnit when will Ubi put the Settler catalouge up for one of these daily super cheap deals, been waiting for ever to buy Rise of an Empire, but xept for Splinter Cell, Ghost recon and Persia they don't seem to care about their back catalouge enough to bring out the real deep discounts for those.
I can't stress how much it isn't. It's a steal.
Heh, I managed to snag Settlers 7 Gold when it was uber cheap (I think 10 or 5 bucks). When was the last time it went in daily?
Speaking of sales, is it possible for an unreleased game (i.e. Torchlight 2) to go in summer sale?
Hahaha oh well, was hoping though!
Still, I can't move myself to buy anything with the paypal page looking like that.
Yeah, I only buy uplay/DRM stuff from Ubi at below 10.It's the DRM that's killing it.
I wouldn't mind buying it right now if it has no DRM.
That may be the case, but when I tried to buy via paypal, the paypal screen looks like this
wtf happened? is there a way to clear cache, since refreshing doesn't fix it.