Risk of Rain (Steam): Side-scrolling Binding of Isaac

Ha ha, this is the kind of stuff I was talking about before. There are no other secret levels but damn man, there are so many off to the side areas with weird stuff like that! In the magma core on the left side midway up there's a little alcove with some weird looking ruins in it. And a couple other stages have some odd stuff too. I wish there was more random shit like that, it'd be awesome.

I'm about to go drive them crazy on the forums asking them about post-support, just some balancing issues to make some of these classes a little more viable in single player above Drizzle (though I have beaten the game on normal with 6 of them and with Huntress and Engineer on the hardest). Or maybe even a tracker for online score compares! I did remember, late cause I'm an idiot, that all the stretch goals would be post content and that it's literally a two person team. So for those who want to know, here's some of the stuff coming out for the game!

I think it's selling pretty damn well considering...how little knowledge of it there is. It was on Best Sellers on STEAM all sale week and the Humble Bundle has it up too.

It's nice to see the game doing so well. According to Steam charts the game has in average 1871 concurrent players.


The physical form of blasphemy
I feel like resetting every time I get the lava stage. :(

Beaten it twice though! Once with the bandit (he's kinda OP with the right items) and then with the Huntress. Any tips on getting six keycards in the last stage? I guess if you're on the highest difficulty, don't even bother? lol
I feel like resetting every time I get the lava stage. :(

Beaten it twice though! Once with the bandit (he's kinda OP with the right items) and then with the Huntress. Any tips on getting six keycards in the last stage? I guess if you're on the highest difficulty, don't even bother? lol

I usually don't search for the keycards, if I stumble upon it great if not I just go direct to the boss.
Tis only four. And they drop (with very little frequency) from Elite Mobs, a better chance if you have the Clover. Honestly, with the number of monsters that spawn on the final stage it's not too hard to pick up a couple of them from just wandering normally. If you're farming for them, best place to do so is right before Providence's door. It's the flattest/longest area so gives you a bunch of room for evasion.


How the hell do you effectively play this game multiplayer? The difficulty ramp up is crazy since you have to share items.


How the hell do you effectively play this game multiplayer? The difficulty ramp up is crazy since you have to share items.

You need to pick classes that work well together or multiply successfully.

I've had a lot of success with bandits + huntresses.

In the early levels it's best to split up to find teleporters as fast as possible and then when you get into Very Hard or Insane wander as a group.

Doing things like having one person stay at the teleporter while others get items (ideally that person had the most items from wandering) saves a lot of time too.


Guys i need help, is this a bug ? We have finished like 20 stages now, still no last stage..........


In the temple of ancients, generally the teleporter has two options:

1.) Return to beginning
2.) Go to final stage

You might have to press a different button than you are.


In the temple of ancients, generally the teleporter has two options:

1.) Return to beginning
2.) Go to final stage

You might have to press a different button than you are.

D: , lol, oh man, i feel so stupid, thanks ! Atleast it should be easy now lol


Caught me out a couple of times. BUT 20 levels. Woowee.

Finished the game about 6 times now and each run is about an hour haha.

Yeah lol i feel so stupid now xD Atleast the last boss was a cake walk because of our items lol.

I dare you guys to beat this :D




Anyway, I've only been able to beat the game on easy. On normal, the RNG is just too much.
Yeah, third and fourth levels are the big hurdles. If you can survive those you're pretty much good. I don't think I've ever died upon reaching the final level.


Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Was not so hilarious when we were fuming about where the fuck is the last level, when it was one in the night and i had to go to work in 6 hours. We checked our records afterwards, and it was 30 stages actually :D


Stormy Grey
Patch dropped earlier, with some pretty significant class changes:

Enforcer shield reduced cooldown by 1, both the long and the internal cooldown.
The animation will now properly scale with attack speed.
You can now slowly move while in shield mode. (!)

Take aim from max 3 sec to max 2.5 sec.
Reduces damage now by 50% instead of 60%.

Additional bugfixes were mentioned but since the site is down no one knows exactly what these are.
Has anyone here managed to beat the game solo as Commando? I was tearing through enemies, I mean absolutely untouchable, and then died on the final boss. I thought I was powerful enough. Should I go replay the levels when I get the choice and get even more items before the end boss?
Has anyone here managed to beat the game solo as Commando? I was tearing through enemies, I mean absolutely untouchable, and then died on the final boss. I thought I was powerful enough. Should I go replay the levels when I get the choice and get even more items before the end boss?

It's the only character with which I managed to finish the game. I find the other characters a lot harder to play. With the robot I can't even beat the first level.
I guess this is the OT. It's my game of the year. I've sunk 33 hours into it, mostly playing multiplayer with friends. I've beaten Monsoon difficulty twice, and I'm ready for a harder difficulty. So good.


not characteristic of ants at all
this is slowly becoming one of my favorite games this year. music is so good, game is different every time, and it's really hard. still trying to beat the game with acrid, merc, sniper, and engineer. for some reason i have trouble with these. huntress was by far the easiest! bandit is really good, too.


not characteristic of ants at all
This game is so hard...

I keep playing, but man, I am often lucky to beat the first level.

basic strategies that helped me beat it my first time -

find the teleporter ASAP and open chests along the way if you can. after beating the boss, go back and collect items from chests

sometimes you just gotta run

99% of my deaths in this game are because i get too greedy


Got this in a steam sale and have been playing a ton in co op. It may unseat Zelda for my goty. Incredible art style and music.

Question -what's in the gold chests and how do I reach the one on the spire in the temple?
Got this in a steam sale and have been playing a ton in co op. It may unseat Zelda for my goty. Incredible art style and music.

Question -what's in the gold chests and how do I reach the one on the spire in the temple?

i think you need an item for this one, as for what's in it there's a bigger chance of getting higher tier items
i also think it makes the clock go back a bit but i'm not sure at all about that though

Have they added proper match making to this game yet?



not sure if we are spoiling unlocks but I need help on the

I have gotten to the capsule 3 times but no boss spawns. Is that possible/normal or am I not doing something? I can see him up there but no boss is spawning.
not sure if we are spoiling unlocks but I need help on the

I have gotten to the capsule 3 times but no boss spawns. Is that possible/normal or am I not doing something? I can see him up there but no boss is spawning.

Have to not have activated the teleporter. It only spawns if you're still in the level and haven't killed the boss.

As for Gold Chests, Sullivan is right. They just always have a red/orange tier item inside. Don't reset time though.


Is there any way to disable the framerate counter in the lower right corner of the screen? I don't know how I turned it on but I can't find the right button.


Have to not have activated the teleporter. It only spawns if you're still in the level and haven't killed the boss.

As for Gold Chests, Sullivan is right. They just always have a red/orange tier item inside. Don't reset time though.

I haven't. I go there first. Grrr. :(
Is there any way to disable the framerate counter in the lower right corner of the screen? I don't know how I turned it on but I can't find the right button.

I'd rather know how to unlock the framerate to the gamespeed. the last level is always a drag because of it.


Couldn't find an OT for this, so I'm going to ask the question here.

I just spent a good hour trying to set up a server so my friend and I could play together, and I couldn't get damn near anything to work. I enabled port forwarding, set up rules in Windows Firewall to allow programs through on that specific port (11100), and even downloaded PFPortChecker software to check to see if my port was open (Results: External Ip Address [#], Ping Result: We were not able to ping your router, Port Check Result: Your port is OPEN on this computer!). After all that, nothing worked and he couldn't connect to me.

I then used the Steam Forum server lists and found an online game to randomly play, so connecting to other games isn't a problem. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? It's driving me insane.

Oh, and the game is fun as hell when you actually get into a multiplayer setting. I ended up beating the game on my first playthrough with some guy who had played 80+ hours of it. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but I'm loving doing it.

EDIT: I did everything in this steam How To and still couldn't get it to work -- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=193316279
Couldn't find an OT for this, so I'm going to ask the question here.

I just spent a good hour trying to set up a server so my friend and I could play together, and I couldn't get damn near anything to work. I enabled port forwarding, set up rules in Windows Firewall to allow programs through on that specific port (11100), and even downloaded PFPortChecker software to check to see if my port was open (Results: External Ip Address [#], Ping Result: We were not able to ping your router, Port Check Result: Your port is OPEN on this computer!). After all that, nothing worked and he couldn't connect to me.

I then used the Steam Forum server lists and found an online game to randomly play, so connecting to other games isn't a problem. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? It's driving me insane.

Oh, and the game is fun as hell when you actually get into a multiplayer setting. I ended up beating the game on my first playthrough with some guy who had played 80+ hours of it. I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but I'm loving doing it.

EDIT: I did everything in this steam How To and still couldn't get it to work -- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=193316279
Our 4 man group used Hamachi.


Holy shit, this game is really good. Tried it today for the first time, got to the second level a couple of times and died almost instantly. One time I got there really early and kept walking past the teleporter because apparently I'm blind or something and spent about 23 minutes there till I finally found it, but by that time there were already 2 wisps and the salamander boss from the teleporter around.

How do you unlock classes?


I've been trying the demo and, while it's lots of fun, I find the controller implementation to be really poor. I have huge problems climbing up ladders while jumping and sometimes buttons don't work as intended, I don't know why. I'm using SFIV Arcade Stick TE. Anybody with the same problems? Will try the Xbox360 controller later to see if the stick is the culprit here.
I've been trying the demo and, while it's lots of fun, I find the controller implementation to be really poor. I have huge problems climbing up ladders while jumping and sometimes buttons don't work as intended, I don't know why. I'm using SFIV Arcade Stick TE. Anybody with the same problems? Will try the Xbox360 controller later to see if the stick is the culprit here.

xbox controller works fine for me. it is true that the game has a few quirks in terms of controls.
Holy shit, this game is really good. Tried it today for the first time, got to the second level a couple of times and died almost instantly. One time I got there really early and kept walking past the teleporter because apparently I'm blind or something and spent about 23 minutes there till I finally found it, but by that time there were already 2 wisps and the salamander boss from the teleporter around.

How do you unlock classes?

The unlockables tells what you have to do unlock the other characters. Anyway:

Enforcer: kill Magma worm, Colossus and Wandering.
Engineer: buy 40 drones, repairing broken drones you have also count.
Huntress: collect 15 monsters log, don't think they drop on drizzle.
Minner: rescue him in the lava caves
Acrid: defeat it in the water stage.
Bandit: beat level 3
Sniper: beat the game
Janitor: find it in the last level.
Mercenary: beat the game five times
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