I just got home from gamescom and I feel like I should explain the tweet that people have been talking about.
I did not exaggerate and I didn't tweet that just for attention or anything. I haven't been keeping up with recent Final Fantasy XV previews so I have no idea what other people think about it. I don't even know if I played the same version. All I know is that the version I played was the exact same version the public at gamescom gets to play. All I did was get a Square Enix VIP card so I didn't have to wait in line for hours. I wasn't playing the game behind closer doors or anything.
The one thing I did notice is that my booth was the only one with a PlayStation 4 controller in the entire row. Every other booth had an Xbox controller. I figured I was lucky since that was the version I've been wanting to play. I was expecting some upgrades and a game that would feel a lot more final than Duscae back in the day.
Now, I won't get into story details or anything since I don't want to spoil people. I'll just talk about the points I mentioned in the tweet, starting with the downgrade talk. This is a weird one for me as I don't usually care about downgrades. As long as the game looks fine, I don't really care if the launch trailer looked a lot better. But in the case of Final Fantasy XV, I guess it's more of an issue since I've played Duscae before. So I actually played the game when it looked better. No hyperbole, I honestly thought the version I played at gamescom looked worse than Duscae. It ran better, but looked worse. It feels like they couldn't improve the performance without dropping the graphics. I remember, near the intro, the logo would appear with an overview of the Duscae zone in the background. The area looked so disappointing. Low quality textures in the background, popin, just a disappointing picture overall. It sure as hell didn't look like a cutting edge JRPG. And it's weird... because Duscae wasn't really that impressive either. But now I notice more popin and blurry/hazy graphics. It's weird. Maybe I just remember Duscae as a better looking game. I should give it a try again.
Now the sound issues were a big dealbreaker for me, but I'm starting to think this was specific to my booth. It was just way too awful to be a bug or anything. I have trouble believing the devs wouldn't notice it. The sound would distort, hitch and lag all the time. It honestly ruined the narrative part of the demo for me. It would sometimes go away, but then it came back, even worse. At one point it was just one distorted mess. I couldn't even make out what the characters were saying anymore. Unless other people who play the demo at gamescom also bring this up, I'm going to assume this is just a specific demo booth issue.
The one thing I might have exaggerated a little are the unresponsive controls. Gameplay worked fine for the most part, but every now and then Noctis wouldn't respond to the actions I'd give him. At one point, the game started to drop frames during a boss fight and it got so bad that Noctis would run left when I'd press the joystick to the right, he wouldn't regain HP even when I'd hide behind a rock and he wouldn't attack when I'd press the attack button. At first I thought he was confused or something but I didn't see any debuff or anything. Other times, Noctis would stop jumping when I'd press X for no reason at all. They could just be bugs, but I do hope they sort this out before release.
As for the car, tons of people have been telling me "BUT WE KNEW IT WAS ON RAILS AND THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE THE ROAD". Well, yeah. I get you. But that doesn't change the fact it feels like a very cheap/ancient way to drive a car in a blockbuster 2016 title. I'd rather have no car than a halfassed car. It just doesn't feel natural. It feels very sloppy and restricted. I don't get the feeling I'm driving a car. Maybe they'll get it right before the game releases. Who knows. I'm just commenting on what I played right now and I didn't like it that much.
Now, I know I'm painting a very grim picture of Final Fantasy XV but please note that most of my complaints are related to the technical side of the game. I actually enjoyed the new combat system a lot. It felt fluid, more natural and... fun. I understood it right away, unlike Duscae. I can't speak much about the story, but I liked what I saw for now. And honestly, if the gameplay & story end up being good, I won't mind the technical side of things as much. But if you're playing a short demo, you'll notice the flaws a lot more. And in this case, as much as I tried, I couldn't ignore the disappointing graphics.