Actually playing games is soo pre-2003.Far Cry 2 is $2.50. Buy it STEAMGAF. If you already have it, play it.
Actually playing games is soo pre-2003.Far Cry 2 is $2.50. Buy it STEAMGAF. If you already have it, play it.
Far Cry 2 is $2.50. Buy it STEAMGAF. If you already have it, play it.
Far Cry 2 is $2.50. Buy it STEAMGAF. If you already have it, play it.
Another reason why forced upgrades are such a great idea:
Windows 10 Anniversary Update breaks most webcams
2.50 for the worst FC? Nah kidFar Cry 2 is $2.50. Buy it STEAMGAF. If you already have it, play it.
These things take time.
I don't get the hype regarding Star Citizen. What's the deal with having a game which tries to do everything? If I want to play a FPS, I can buy an FPS. If I want to travel in space, I can play a space-traveller. Why would I believe a game could realistically be everything at once and stay relevant in every gameplay mechanic? It sounds like a jack-of-all-trade. Or is it that people will soon be able to play what was shown in the stream with an alpha build?
It's not a bother and has a bit more strategy than it lets on. If you take your malaria pills right after an attack (from the disease) your character's well being increases and your sprint time gets longer. Take the pills as needed. Once you use your last pill, drop what you're doing and that signals that the mission you are on is for more meds. I never was done wrong by this and it didn't become a bother.Just remember, malaria is less fun in the game that real life.
No, you get to be a veteran mercenary. The kid with the tattoos is in 3.2.50 for the worst FC? Nah kid
Well Odallus is not making it easy for me to enjoy. Black screen only in fulls screen, 400 x 300 only in window mode.
I don't get the hype regarding Star Citizen. What's the deal with having a game which tries to do everything? If I want to play a FPS, I can buy an FPS. If I want to travel in space, I can play a space-traveller. Why would I believe a game could realistically be everything at once and stay relevant in every gameplay mechanic? It sounds like a jack-of-all-trade. Or is it that people will soon be able to play what was shown in the stream with an alpha build?
I want this right now.Someone's been playing this mod/hack a little too much.
I want this right now.
Regarding Far Cry, I was legitimately shocked to see what the original Far Cry looked like when I just saw it on the Steam front page. Obviously a 12 year old 3D game will not look good nowadays, but I remember very well how incredibly impressive it was back then, easily surpassing anything you knew. In comparison, the first Max Payne has aged much better IMO. Weird.
I realize that, and I'm not saying they're even promising things that can't deliver or anything like that. It's just been forever (5 years?) and they're still in some glorified quasi-alpha stage.
Omg, it's so... beautiful. Well, except for the mighty Knuckles being forced to use that pitiful force field instead of being able to gracefully hover above His levels, but fair enough.It's available on Steam Workshop for the SEGA Classics Collection.
Blood Dragon is like a compressed version of FC3 really, and IMO it's for the better. FC3 is obviously more realistic, the main story is pretty nice presentation-wise (content-wise it's far-fetched crap with an unlikable main character), but altogether I regret wasting like 60 hours of repetitive gameplay on FC3 in hindsight when I could have had the same (maybe better) experience in a much shorter time with BD.How's FC3? I played Blood Dragon and loved it. I thought part 2 was just OK, I got tired of the checkpoints respawning over and over.
Another reason why forced upgrades are such a great idea:
Windows 10 Anniversary Update breaks most webcams
Zestiria keys are restocked if anyone was looking to buy it.
How big is the dl? I might give it a spin for a laugh.
That Star Citizen gameplay demo is now up on youtube
Still not the greatest of quality but yea...
Might just be the most amazing demonstration I've ever seen for a video game.
Star Ruler 2 was removed from the Killer Bundle #8 and the price dropped to $4.49.
Some people reported they got duplicate keys, which might explain why it was removed.
I was looking at the Capcom sale and saw Flock says it's been recently updated with new content. When did that happen? I don't remember hearing about it. Are they still adding stuff to the game seven years later?
Could be related to this:
It's not been updated in years, so probably leftover from who knows when, likely 2009-ish.
Star Ruler 2 was removed from the Killer Bundle #8 and the price dropped to $4.49.
Some people reported they got duplicate keys, which might explain why it was removed.
Lowest Zestiria has been and it sold out for a while until they restocked with new keys.
Theres a free weekend and steam charts is showing only 63 people playing... that correct?
pre-ordered Mankind Divided from GMG and got that key this morning...Valve added a Dota 2 Jensen Announcer Pack as another pre-order bonus and that was there for me when I opened Dota 2...can be sold September 17th
wasn't expecting that to be included with the key from GMG so I guess that'll be a couple dollars back once I can sell it
I don't play Dota and had no clue it was able to be sold.
Thanks GMG!
you'll have to install it and then accept the gift in-game...after that it'll be in your Steam inventory and can be sold after that deadline
at least I think that's what you'll have to do
Installing Dota, what's the worst that could ha-
It's better to just leave the Jensen voice pack behind for your own sanityInstalling Dota, what's the worst that could ha-