Our PC videos of Deus Ex: MD on ultra
Since we were told not to show any gameplay footage of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided before its release, we obeyed and can only present the PC version to you now. The game is pretty demanding but there is a large choice of options to tweak it so your PC can run it properly. That being said, we strongly advise you to avoid MSAA (2x and 4x) as it kills performance, even on our rig (i7 6700K @ 4.5 GHz, 16 Go RAM - DDR4 -, Windows 10, Nvidia GTX 1080 Founder's Edition MSI), due to the geometry of the environments. There is thankfully a temporal antialiasing option which does the job for little to none impact on performance. We captured the first 2 videos with MSAA 2x (and a few graphics options lowered down) and all the others with temporal AA and ultra settings if you want to see the difference. Enjoy the spoiler free videos!
Stunning. Splendid atmosphere. Great track record. Gonna be great fun.
On the topic of Deus Ex MD PC, while there isn't much to go on, it seems the textures get a bit more detail when jumping to ultra presets. I like it, would probably be a lot nicer with a higher resolution screen. I have no idea if I can run it. Guess I find out tomorrow.