STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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I was told by a couple buddies I should do order of release.

Is it a good idea to do chronological order, if so I'd like to hear more about that.

Order of release is probably best as the evolution of the combat and gadgets is more natural, but story wise it's a little less jarring going from Arkham City to Origins when City and Knight are so similar. Either way you can't go wrong.


I was told by a couple buddies I should do order of release.

Is it a good idea to do chronological order, if so I'd like to hear more about that.

The release order is basically the chronological order, with origins being the only exception. But i don't think you'd be gaining much from playing that one first storywise.

It would also mean that the quality of the games would just be going downhill for you, since asylum and Origins are imho the best.


Its almost like he does it on purpose, like some sort of troll character type or something

maybe I just find the over exposure of BATMAN annoying? 90 percent of things involving DC comics in the last 5 years has been batman this, batman that, "oh something not related to batman? let's throw him in anyways for the kidz"

it's gross


The release order is basically the chronological order, with origins being the only exception. But i don't think you'd be gaining much from playing that one first storywise.

It would also mean that the quality of the games would just be going downhill for you, since asylum and Origins are imho the best.

I think I will stick with release order, and look at Origins more as a flashback. Thanks for all the tips guys.
Shogun II units need more morale. I don't want them instantly routing when outnumbered 4-to-1.

If only they fought like Greenskins.
Edit: double posted like a chump. I thought you guys kept this thread moving with anime gif spam, what the hell.

Anime gifs are so last gen. All about the nature gifs, now.
Warning, in Alpha Protocol diving in may mean falling through the floor while climbing down a ladder in the tutorial area.

Kinda makes me want to replay it, honestly. I must experience this for myself!
which microsoft fixed like 3 hours after the update was released


Ain't working for me, I keep connecting to the wireless thing and then it turns off anytime I launch a game. I'll see if I have another update to install.

EDIT: reinstalled the wireless dongle driver, that fixed it.


I'm still holding strong with my 256GB SSD. Deleting games makes me feel happy.

I was fine with my 256gb until WoW ballooned from 30gb to 50gb overnight and now I feel constrained. I sort of wish I had grabbed one of the prime day deals but I'm sure I can make due until holiday deals start showing up.

Mr. Doop

maybe I just find the over exposure of BATMAN annoying? 90 percent of things involving DC comics in the last 5 years has been batman this, batman that, "oh something not related to batman? let's throw him in anyways for the kidz"

it's gross

Speaking of batman, I'm watching Batman vs Superman for the first time right now. It suuuuuuucks. What were they thinking?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Wow I can't remember the last time I had a broken game experience quite on the level of TellTale's Batman. Researched multiple fixes for the black screen and none of them stuck. The game worked fine on launch day, but seemed to be rendering at way lower than 4K. Also Telltale is trying to place the blame on drivers with the newly added "have you updated your drivers" launch warning. Truly a special experience. With relatively limited gaming time and a long work week of looking forward to it, thanks! At least Abzu worked, even if the performance was sketchy at times (at 1080p on a 1080 wtf).



Very nice by the looks of it.

Seeing all these kind of games on Steam / PC over the years makes me yearn for a Steam / PC Portable Handheld thing. Ideally I'd love to see some kind of pass through capability to us a mobile phone screen with some PC hardware that it could be hooked up to, and play these more simple PC games. A man can dream.

Yeah this is dope.

I want to see more companies do this sort of thing even if it is just a small gameplay snippet. It gives a lot of faith in the product to see it perform well. It would have been nice to have a quick glance at the settings that can be used too. Really this should be done for all platforms to show people what they are getting. PC in particular could do with this, where often multiplatform games just get stuck with either console footage or some CG crap


I'm at a point I haven't been at for years: there's not really a game I'm itching to play atm. I've done a good job at clearing my backlog over the last months, made a good dent there. On pc there's Talos Princicple and Dragonfall left, but not really in the mood for those. Then on PS4 there's Mordor (meh, dunno) and Knack (same).

Think I might start Alpha Protocol (pc). Otherwise I might never get around to it. It's been in my Steam library for years now.
i'll also throw a recommendation of alpha protocol

game's really rough around the edges but it's some of the greatest choice and consequence i've seen. i've beaten it like 6 times and i kept finding new, surprising stuff on playthrough 6

the game's really transparent about it too so it's really enjoyable to have like a sandbox that lets you play with its story in a way that the telltale stuff or other cinematic rpgs like mass effect and the witcher don't. you can shape the story a whole bunch (within a general set narrative, ofc) so you end up betraying people or getting betrayed, you meet a lot of fun characters, your decisions have repercussions on which passive effects you get going into missions, into what dialogue options you get, or what stuff vendors sell, it's awesome

also if u play it some disclaimers:
- for most people the early parts are kind of boring. i can see that being the case, but stick with it cos after the first chapter the game opens up and becomes super duper good
- some parts of the game have some pretty weird difficulty spikes. for that reason i recommend going to moscow first and doing rome and taipei later
- hope around freely between cities, there's no penalty for doing that and there's actually some cool color dialogue about it
- no matter what you do get the pistol skill tree maxed out or at least get two points into chain shot. that basically guarantee that you can get unstuck of any rough encounter in the game

that's it!

go play it!

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I was fine with my 256gb until WoW ballooned from 30gb to 50gb overnight and now I feel constrained. I sort of wish I had grabbed one of the prime day deals but I'm sure I can make due until holiday deals start showing up.
Yep. The longer we wait, the better the situation gets. I'm sitting pretty happy at 256gb now, anyway. I'm not even delusional about it. I only play a few games at a time. Right now, my main hurdle is all my Vive games being installed. I keep them all on there since those are short experiences and you don't just play them through like traditional games.


Wow I can't remember the last time I had a broken game experience quite on the level of TellTale's Batman. Researched multiple fixes for the black screen and none of them stuck. The game worked fine on launch day, but seemed to be rendering at way lower than 4K. Also Telltale is trying to place the blame on drivers with the newly added "have you updated your drivers" launch warning. Truly a special experience. With relatively limited gaming time and a long work week of looking forward to it, thanks! At least Abzu worked, even if the performance was sketchy at times (at 1080p on a 1080 wtf).

Turning off Steam Cloud and deleting prefs.prop in Documents\Telltale Games\Batman The Telltale Series did it for me.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Turning off Steam Cloud and deleting prefs.prop in Documents\Telltale Games\Batman The Telltale Series did it for me.

Neither worked for me unfortunately. Also tried unplugging controller and starting off in Win 7 mode after deleting the entire My Docs folder. Worked temporarily and reverted to black screen on next launch.
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