STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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irresponsible vagina leak
Weird, I bought Slain! and didn't receive my giftable copy. Was it for a limited time and I didn't know?

I believe it was supposed to be for the people that bought it before the patch. Some stores still had some old keys so those people that got them also got the free giftable copy or something along those lines. Im on what I think is the final boss unless there is more to it. >.>
You would have seen Gigli if you were given free tickets?
Well no, I happened to go with friends though and was already out the rest of the day.

I don't go to theaters for the movies, I go to hang out. If I wanted to watch movies it would be on Netflix at home without getting reamed by prices.


I believe it was supposed to be for the people that bought it before the patch. Some stores still had some old keys so those people that got them also got the free giftable copy or something along those lines. Im on what I think is the final boss unless there is more to it. >.>

I see, that would make sense. Pretty excited to get onto it, never been a fan of OG Castlevania but I'm a sucker for that artstyle.

Now I just need to find some free time between my daily Overwatch sessions to play new games, and now that I recently started rewatching LOST it'll only get worse :p
Went back to play a little Lego Batman 3. Forgot how glitchy that game is. It seems like TT Games' Lego titles are getting buggier over time. I've been having a lot of issues with essential characters re-spawning outside the play area and getting stuck forcing me to quit. I had that issue occasionally with Lego Marvel Superheroes but it wasn't as bad since save spots were at regular intervals. There are some levels in Lego batman 3 (like Brainacs Ship) that doesn't have any save points. That or the save point isn't spawning.
The amount of force it takes to snap a GPU into a motherboard will always give me butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

I cut my hand in about four spots pressing it in there. By the time I was done, my fingers were covered in bandages. And to top it off, after I finally got it in there I noticed a hidden cut, with some blood marking the GPU as mine for all eternity.

GPU installations are the literal worst.
Yeah I installed a 1070 in a buddies PC. Talk about flexible too. Thought it snapped!

I cut my hand in about four spots pressing it in there. By the time I was done, my fingers were covered in bandages. And to top it off, after I finally got it in there I noticed a hidden, with some blood marking the GPU as mine for all eternity.

GPU installations are the literal worst.

It always seems like they are going to break, I racked my knuckles a few times putting my CPU cooler on.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Went back to play a little Lego Batman 3. Forgot how glitchy that game is. It seems like TT Games' Lego titles are getting buggier over time. I've been having a lot of issues with essential characters re-spawning outside the play area and getting stuck forcing me to quit. I had that issue occasionally with Lego Marvel Superheroes but it wasn't as bad since save spots were at regular intervals. There are some levels in Lego batman 3 (like Brainacs Ship) that doesn't have any save points. That or the save point isn't spawning.

All levels have 1-2 save points, they just kinda blend in sometimes. The game is definitely glitchy.


It was so weird putting in my GPU in my first build, I thought I was putting enough force to break the motherboard but the thing just wouldn't get in there.


It was so weird putting in my GPU in my first build, I thought I was putting enough force to break the motherboard but the thing just wouldn't get in there.

Yeah some parts require more force than you'd think. Though some motherboards also have tabs you're supposed to hold back to let your card in, so be sure something like that isn't what's resisting.


Yeah some parts require more force than you'd think. Though some motherboards also have tabs you're supposed to hold back to let your card in, so be sure something like that isn't what's resisting.

I used to disassemble computers for my volunteer work before I ever built anything so I was somewhat familiar with that kinda thing, it just required a slight amount more force than I was using in the first place luckily to get into place.


I used to disassemble computers for my volunteer work before I ever built anything so I was somewhat familiar with that kinda thing, it just required a slight amount more force than I was using in the first place luckily to get into place.

No matter how many times I've done it, I always cringe a little when I have to give that extra bit of force. Computer parts seem like such delicate things that would break really easily.


Went back to play a little Lego Batman 3. Forgot how glitchy that game is. It seems like TT Games' Lego titles are getting buggier over time. I've been having a lot of issues with essential characters re-spawning outside the play area and getting stuck forcing me to quit. I had that issue occasionally with Lego Marvel Superheroes but it wasn't as bad since save spots were at regular intervals. There are some levels in Lego batman 3 (like Brainacs Ship) that doesn't have any save points. That or the save point isn't spawning.

Had lots of bugs with the game not recognizing the second controller all of sudden .... and most of the time the fix was like going to controllers menu and changing from keyboard to controller o_O


the funny thing is that I'm not even trolling

League is uglier to look at than HOTS

and fuck it's the number one moba in the world but doesn't have money for professionals?

the game sucks it only gets plays cause it's an anime toaster game
don't shitpost, it only makes you look bad

i'm cool if you wanna do some fun teasing but when you're just gonna shitpost that just hurts you more than it hurts me
ModBot said:
Instructions for Rockin' Ranger:
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Journey-like -- MB-C97D5A63F2ECC5D5 - Taken by Anteater. 10 entrants total.


One more for overnight crowd.


Hm, that preorder button looks more and more appealing... must... resist... preordering... games...

It is what it is, I'll preorder games when I'm satisfied with what has been shown or I know I can refund a game if the worst situation comes to pass, and I'll pretty much only pre-order games on 3DS or Vita because I know of the quality of the game since it already released in Japan.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
AP is a good time, though it has some jank to it. Dive in!

You should play Alpha Protocol. I played it for a few minutes and it felt really great, but I was in the middle of exams and I ended up forgetting about it. Picked it thanks to a recommendation from a fellow gaffer.

i'll also throw a recommendation of alpha protocol

game's really rough around the edges but it's some of the greatest choice and consequence i've seen. i've beaten it like 6 times and i kept finding new, surprising stuff on playthrough 6

the game's really transparent about it too so it's really enjoyable to have like a sandbox that lets you play with its story in a way that the telltale stuff or other cinematic rpgs like mass effect and the witcher don't. you can shape the story a whole bunch (within a general set narrative, ofc) so you end up betraying people or getting betrayed, you meet a lot of fun characters, your decisions have repercussions on which passive effects you get going into missions, into what dialogue options you get, or what stuff vendors sell, it's awesome

also if u play it some disclaimers:
- for most people the early parts are kind of boring. i can see that being the case, but stick with it cos after the first chapter the game opens up and becomes super duper good
- some parts of the game have some pretty weird difficulty spikes. for that reason i recommend going to moscow first and doing rome and taipei later
- hope around freely between cities, there's no penalty for doing that and there's actually some cool color dialogue about it
- no matter what you do get the pistol skill tree maxed out or at least get two points into chain shot. that basically guarantee that you can get unstuck of any rough encounter in the game

that's it!

go play it!

Thanks all, Alpha Protocol will now be my next game. I'd read about the pistols upgrades being the best before, I'll take that to heart.


It is what it is, I'll preorder games when I'm satisfied with what has been shown or I know I can refund a game if the worst situation comes to pass, and I'll pretty much only pre-order games on 3DS or Vita because I know of the quality of the game since it already released in Japan.

I've preordered only one game in my entire life, and that was Diablo 3 >_>
So yeah, i've been avoiding preorders since. But this game looks right up my alley in terms of gameplay, and there are also those bonus costumes i may or may not want, and now it's also confirmed to run @60fps :p
The only problem left is, none of the people i usually play with on steam are interested in this game, so i'll probably be stuck with single player.

Ah, who am i kidding, it's a game with waifus, and i'm addicted to profiting from those by now, time to hit that button i guess.


I've preordered only one game in my entire life, and that was Diablo 3 >_>
So yeah, i've been avoiding preorders since. But this game looks right up my alley in terms of gameplay, and there are also those bonus costumes i may or may not want, and now it's also confirmed to run @60fps :p
The only problem left is, none of the people i usually play with on steam are interested in this game, so i'll probably be stuck with single player.

Ah, who am i kidding, it's a game with waifus, and i'm addicted to profiting from those by now, time to hit that button i guess.

I-I'll play with you, and anyone else on SteamGAF who wants to play tbh.
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