I worked/slept. Exciting lol
Sleeping is good.
Just been playing Monster Hunter Generations on my 3DS, the game is basically taking up all my gaming time nowadays. No time for any games on Steam, my poor backlog.
Also watched Suicide Squad over the weekend, I thought it was just OK. Better off waiting for a better cut of the movie to come out on blu-ray than pay for an expensive movie ticket to see it early IMO.
How was your weekend, mate?
All of the equipment I bought to record stuff, I really should find time somewhere to get more 3DS recordings going. RE: my weekend, I did nothing! It was so good. Though I am getting back into the habit of having a work week so right now weekends are desperately needed to unwind. It could also be that the amount of work I have to do now just to get things stable was/is unprecedented.
Still, slowing getting back into the groove of things.
Played way more Rocket League than I should have instead of finishing Wasteland 2 .___.
Well as long as you had fun
Summer weather has become incredibly nice. Sunny and warm but gone is unbearable heat and humidity. Just beautiful. Wish it stayed exactly like this the whole time.
Being on the east coast, we are subjected to most of the hot/humid stuff. I'm glad you can enjoy your days.
Regarding gaming: I forgot to cancel my preorder for the CE of No Man's Sky and they have a disclaimer that cancellations won't be allowed after May, sooo looks like I'm getting that soon. The good news is the code will be emailed a day before release so I won't have to wait for a physical shipment to redeem it. After seeing some of the early streams, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Sci-fi survival is pretty dope.
Edit: Catching up on the GPU talk, I also upgraded. Went from a 290 to a 1070 OC model (no FE tax

) and just being able to play with a card that is OC'd and have the fans be inaudible is delightful. I am also glad I took the plunge because my X5667 just can't keep up with my 1070. I am now CPU bottlenecked.
At this point I think I'll wait awhile and wait for the time to strike on DDR4 modules. Whenever I see the lowest dip for DDR4 prices is when I'll start locking in my rig. I was hoping to wait until 2018 but knowing me, I won't be able to make it.