Is Papers, Please any good? It looks fantastic and the price is extremely tempting.
The feel is entirely different than any game I have played. The gameplay is simple, but the rules subtly change over time and it starts to require a bit of patient examination. I really liked the whole feel of the constant fear that stems from making basic bureaucratic decisions as a apparatchik in an oppressive corrupt system that heavily impact your family or the innocent or "guilty" people you are dealing with. Do you use the corruption inherent in the system to survive in that system, to help other innocent people at the expense of yourself or your family? Oh the perpetual guilt of successfully functioning as that apparatchik.
The first time I tried playing it, it felt a bit odd and strange and it didn't click. The second time I tried playing it I finally got over the initial learning curve and put in several hours at once. If you decide to buy it, you might think about playing on easy to start with, it gives you a little extra cash that really helps you out. Growing up during the cold war and being a student of history really made this game resonate with me. I recommend it!