So, apparently the community bindings were there, there just are really, really few of them. (Atleast, I kept checking Tales From the Borderlands and there were none). Other games have them.
Controller config is a clusterfuck at the moment. Each time I make manipulations and try to export it privately, it saves it as a new configuration; as some kind of versioning? Either way, what is the point of exporting privately? It used to be called 'saving', I think, which is a much better name since that's all it does. If I export it privately, will it only then be uploaded to the Steam cloud under my profile?
At random times, it will reset the name to "Controller configuration" (or is that when I start editing?) as well as once springing back to $$$autosave and being the default.
I'm a bit scared to create bindings now since I don't know what goes where. Reverting to the stable is not an option because I am a sucker for new features.