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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


that's the interesting thing.

Sweet Baby CEO's premise is that the demographic for video games is dominated by "white straight males".

now, this game (regardless of quality) is going to be held as a beacon of hope and the online support is going to be incredibly strong.

so...assuming reaches the 80s on MC

is this game going to perform like a niche game (Nier Automata, Bayoneta) or is it going to perform closer to a Sony First party tentpole game?

it's going to be a glorious shit show either way.

but i think its commercial success or failure could send a strong message to Play Station and maybe the industry as a whole.

Fundamentally, Sweet Baby Inc's attitude - that permeates every decision they make - is this:

'Straight white dudes can fuck off'.

Now, whether a person agrees with this strategy or not is one thing, but if anyone at this stage is trying to argue that this isn't the way Sweet Baby Inc thinks (given all the evidence that's freely available) then they're being disingenuous at best, and fucking dumb at worst.

The worst thing about all of this is that they all pretend that this isn't the attitude they've all got. Of course it is. You hate all straight white dudes because of perceived injustices of the past, and you want to make them pay by excluding, ostracising and denigrating them.

Just have the female balls to say it outright. I'd honestly have more respect for them all if they just did that.

...only they can't do it of course, because the gaming audience is still predominantly straight white dudes.

What a gloriously fucking stupid situation.
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It SEEMS to not be as big a deal to have that webpage as a backup since valve seem to be allowing the group... but I still hope he did it himself or knows/trusts the person with all the website deets. It's not above these people to go undercover and pull the ladder out from under, deleting the web site for example. I was thinking he needed a backup web site and was going to offer but thought if he's smart he shouldn't accept help off a stranger.

He really needs to expand the list beyond just sweet baby. Someone posted at least 10 similar companies a good few pages back.

Boss Mog

Caucasians weren't even the only race to have slaves. Makes no sense.
White people didn't start slavery but they were the first to abolish it. Slavery dates as far back as ancient mesopotamia when white people didn't even exist. Sadly slavery still exists to this day in many countries, none of them with a white majority though.

Also when we talk about illegal drugs you always hear progressives say that the end user shouldn't be punished, that the manufacturers and traffickers are the real bad guys, they're the ones we should go after. In the case of the use of African slaves by white people, they were merely the end user. African warlords captured the men of enemy tribes and brought them north and sold/traded them to arab slave merchants who then sold/traded them to whites. It was very big business in Africa, but progressive types seem to not know this, when you hear them speak, it's as if they think whites showed up in Africa and threw nets over Africans and hauled them off.

If whites are so horrible and racist, while do so many non-whites want to move to white majority countries? It's because when it comes to human rights issues, white people have always been ahead of the curve and in my experience are the least tribal race most likely to accept and embrace outsiders. All the hate white people get these days is manufactured nonsense designed to help push an agenda.
The group was contacted by Valve

He should host a internet page.


these ppl are fucking mental

Will never visit again. Smelled this from a article I read recently. Retarded. Keep it about gaming without activism, hard to do these days.
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Gold Member
The industry is so weird. Imagine a gun manufacturer just going about their business.

Then 'Guns Weekly' - the most popular publication - starts to pontificate about how guns are bad and that they need to start having smaller magazines. Instead of appealing to people who want to hunt or require a firearm as home protection, they need to change and focus only on non lethal output, reduce the range of all weapons to 2 metres and people in poor neighborhoods don't need a license any more.

Then the gun manufacturer, out of nowhere, start to consult with the publication for other great ideas.

It would be interesting to see how many people get funding from these Baby Companies if they are 'diverse' but don't agree with the party mantra.
I always feel like if you could just get the ear of the people who actually bankroll these studios, this shit would get nipped in the bud quickly. 'Excuse me Warner Bros exec, do you know you invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a game that was doomed from the start because the writers who worked on the game cared more about political bs than the story and don't even much like the characters they're writing about? Don't you think that's batshit crazy?

'Comics, superheroes, sci-fi and fantasy have been created and enjoyed largely by men for decades - why are you turning all of these properties into feminist wokefests which turns off your audience?'

It's all so bizarre.
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Anyone starting to feel the tide is finally starting to turn against wokism and all the agenda drivel?. Been feeling like somethings changing for the last year os so, with woke Hollywood in the gutter, especially Disney, and stuff like this rising up.
I wouldnt be surprised if 30 years from now we look back at this period in human history and just laugh at the lunacy.
Anyone starting to feel the tide is finally starting to turn against wokism and all the agenda drivel?. Been feeling like somethings changing for the last year os so, with woke Hollywood in the gutter, especially Disney, and stuff like this rising up.
I wouldnt be surprised if 30 years from now we look back at this period in human history and just laugh at the lunacy.
Don't underestimate the impact of Musk freeing up Twitter - it is a major part of what's causing the tide to turn, because people are free to congregate, think and speak their mind without fear of censorship and control.

Also, the USA was the most propagandized place on the planet during the Trump presidency - just lie after lie after lie that is now getting exposed.

Aces High

If whites are so horrible and racist, while do so many non-whites want to move to white majority countries? It's because when it comes to human rights issues, white people have always been ahead of the curve and in my experience are the least tribal race most likely to accept and embrace outsiders. All the hate white people get these days is manufactured nonsense designed to help push an agenda.
White people are not horrible.

Horrible people are horrible. And they come in all kinds of flavours.

What's really frustrating is all the gaslighting that is happening lately.

Take God of War Ragnarök for example:

Sony Santa Monica, a US-based company, used Norse mythology for a commercial product.

In order to achieve financial success, Sony Santa Monica chose mass market appeal over cultural respect.

They decided to simplify, modify, or selectively choose aspects of norse culture that are deemed more "marketable".

They turned other people's culture into a product and used marketing in ways that striped away from its original meaning.

This process is nowadays called 'Cultural Appropriation'.

People who called them out on their practice got gaslighted and were labeled as racists even though some of these critics were from Scandinavia.

Sticking to the source material is not racist.

Having a different opinion is not racist.

Stop making feel people miserable because they don't fit in your agenda.


I always feel like if you could just get the ear of the people who actually bankroll these studios, this shit would get nipped in the bud quickly. 'Excuse me Warner Bros exec, do you know you invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a game that was doomed from the start because the writers who worked on the game cared more about political bs than the story and don't even much like the characters they're writing about? Don't you think that's batshit crazy?

'Comics, superheroes, sci-fi and fantasy have been created and enjoyed largely by men for decades - why are you turning all of these properties into feminist wokefests which turns off your audience?'

It's all so bizarre.
These execs have been put trough lvl 7 inception. They were made to think that woke print money by the loud minority. What i dont understand is how this trend lasted that many years.
So? It happened. Harley's speech happened too. What the fuck did you even try to debunk here?
Debunk? Sounds like you're having an entirely different conversation than I'm having; it's quick, painless and happens off-screen, absolutely not a worse death than what diana is subjected to, if you disagree then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
EXACTLY - it is brushed off as if he's INCONSEQUENTIAL, while he's literally one of the greatest people on the planet.
? Brushed off by who exactly? again the villains don't care, nor does waller, lois lane doesn't brush it off as she broadcasts his death and its impact to the entire city, but I digress because I wasn't even making this argument, only who's death was worse, he drops dead without fanfare like the others; not worse. Again agree to disagree if you disagree.
And she completely ignores the fact that the man who saved her life died, because she's too busy saluting Bumerang's dick size
So harley is an insane person, what else is new?
Oh, so now lore matters? Because it sure as hell didn't seem to matter when say, King Shark claimed ownership of the Ring, despite lore expressively saying that the RING chooses the wearer, not the other way around. Kng Shark should NOT be wearing the ring, period.
...There's nothing in the game that goes against any lore, the rings can and have been stolen many times before, hal jordan himself went insane and killed a bunch of green lanterns and stole their rings, amping his own power to crazy levels; even doomsday stole a green ring and used it after killing hundreds of green lanterns. The rings have also been taken off users that were still alive and used by someone else, though if the user is alive they can force the ring back if it's not in use because that puts it "in between" owners and the one with the stronger willpower wins; the only ring that canonically cannot be stolen is the black ring, since it wholly attaches itself to the corpses it reanimates.

Killing ANYONE isn't an OPTION for Diana.
Absolute nonsense, diana has killed for decades now, she's never had a no-kill rule and will absolutely kill if she needs to, her kill of maxwell lord is very much in line with how she acts in suicide squad even, she tries everything to break his mind control, but then max compelled by the lasso of truth tells her the only way to break his control is to kill him, and she snaps his neck without hesitation. This is exactly what happens in the game as well, since barry, compelled by the lasso of truth, tells her there's no breaking it (duh it's braniac, nobody breaks his mind control) and the only option is to kill them, and even then she doesn't kill flash; she only in the end attempts a kill because she was losing and about to die herself, this is completely in line with all iterations of diana everywhere.

But that's a massive tangent, so it doesn't matter because that wasn't what I was discussing in the first place; diana gets subjected to the worst death, agree to disagree if you feel otherwise.


Debunk? Sounds like you're having an entirely different conversation than I'm having; it's quick, painless and happens off-screen, absolutely not a worse death than what diana is subjected to, if you disagree then we'll just have to agree to disagree.

? Brushed off by who exactly? again the villains don't care, nor does waller, lois lane doesn't brush it off as she broadcasts his death and its impact to the entire city, but I digress because I wasn't even making this argument, only who's death was worse, he drops dead without fanfare like the others; not worse. Again agree to disagree if you disagree.

So harley is an insane person, what else is new?

...There's nothing in the game that goes against any lore, the rings can and have been stolen many times before, hal jordan himself went insane and killed a bunch of green lanterns and stole their rings, amping his own power to crazy levels; even doomsday stole a green ring and used it after killing hundreds of green lanterns. The rings have also been taken off users that were still alive and used by someone else, though if the user is alive they can force the ring back if it's not in use because that puts it "in between" owners and the one with the stronger willpower wins; the only ring that canonically cannot be stolen is the black ring, since it wholly attaches itself to the corpses it reanimates.

Absolute nonsense, diana has killed for decades now, she's never had a no-kill rule and will absolutely kill if she needs to, her kill of maxwell lord is very much in line with how she acts in suicide squad even, she tries everything to break his mind control, but then max compelled by the lasso of truth tells her the only way to break his control is to kill him, and she snaps his neck without hesitation. This is exactly what happens in the game as well, since barry, compelled by the lasso of truth, tells her there's no breaking it (duh it's braniac, nobody breaks his mind control) and the only option is to kill them, and even then she doesn't kill flash; she only in the end attempts a kill because she was losing and about to die herself, this is completely in line with all iterations of diana everywhere.

But that's a massive tangent, so it doesn't matter because that wasn't what I was discussing in the first place; diana gets subjected to the worst death, agree to disagree if you feel otherwise.
Okay, let's try one more time:

Wonder Woman's death is supposed to be the most pain inducing, because the writers want to present her as a martyr in order to move your heart strings. It's purposeful emotional manipulation. There's no way in hell that someone who plays SQ:KtJL will be more emotionally moved with say, Flash's death, compared to Diana's. That is because the writers want the player to empathize with Wonder Woman, because she is the only JL member they wish to highlight. And the only reason they do this is because she is the only female member in the Justice League. Not only is she presented as the only JL member who wasn't controlled by Brainiac throughout the entire game, she's also the ONLY JL member who the SQ genuinely feel sad about for her death. Even the 'completely insane' Harley Quinn.

Wonder Woman being killed in such a graphic manner is not torture porn. It is meant to be a 'Diana - NOOOOO!!!' moment for the player.

The rest of the JL are dispatched quickly and without any fanfare because the writers. Don't. Care. About. Them.
because the writers want to present
It really doesn't matter what you believe is the driving force, the others fall over like video game bosses in the most soft display of "death" possible, they are visually no different than falling unconscious; diana gets a mortal kombat fatality, it's the worst death period. Agree to disagree and don't bother quoting me again.


It really doesn't matter what you believe is the driving force, the others fall over like video game bosses in the most soft display of "death" possible, they are visually no different than falling unconscious; diana gets a mortal kombat fatality, it's the worst death period. Agree to disagree and don't bother quoting me again.
Then we aren't disagreeing, but we're talking about completely different things.
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