that's the interesting thing.
Sweet Baby CEO's premise is that the demographic for video games is dominated by "white straight males".
now, this game (regardless of quality) is going to be held as a beacon of hope and the online support is going to be incredibly strong.
so...assuming reaches the 80s on MC
is this game going to perform like a niche game (Nier Automata, Bayoneta) or is it going to perform closer to a Sony First party tentpole game?
it's going to be a glorious shit show either way.
but i think its commercial success or failure could send a strong message to Play Station and maybe the industry as a whole.
Fundamentally, Sweet Baby Inc's attitude - that permeates every decision they make - is this:
'Straight white dudes can fuck off'.
Now, whether a person agrees with this strategy or not is one thing, but if anyone at this stage is trying to argue that this isn't the way Sweet Baby Inc thinks (given all the evidence that's freely available) then they're being disingenuous at best, and fucking dumb at worst.
The worst thing about all of this is that they all pretend that this isn't the attitude they've all got. Of course it is. You hate all straight white dudes because of perceived injustices of the past, and you want to make them pay by excluding, ostracising and denigrating them.
Just have the female balls to say it outright. I'd honestly have more respect for them all if they just did that.
...only they can't do it of course, because the gaming audience is still predominantly straight white dudes.
What a gloriously fucking stupid situation.
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