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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


The best way you can 'fight back' against a company or a product that company makes, is to not consume that product, and find something else to enjoy.

Whining on social media is not fighting back against anything. The only thing these companies care about is your money. Stop giving it to them. Stop engaging with them. Go do something else that makes you happy.
The key action to stopping the use of a product is to let the company know the why. If they don’t know that, they don’t know what the problem actually is.
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Star Wars. Dei'd
Marvel. Dei'd
Pixar. Dei'd
Comics in general. Dei'd
Gaming, most western devs. Dei'd.
Microsoft. Dei'd.
Sony. Dei'd (ish..)
Most films these days. Dei'd.
BBC. Dei'd.

The list is endless!


The list is endless!

You can't fight this, we just have to not buy in, hope they tank, then hope normality comes back in some form. But as it is, most institutions are indoctrinated.

That's why they're correct in the Tweet.

When you say "not buy in", it sounds like you're saying don't purchase these products. That is a form of fighting back and the most valid one. Whether or not it leads to a bigger change, it's still taking a stand and putting your money where your mouth is. There's a few companies I don't by games from, since the PS3 days. Those companies are still around, still scummy, but I've long held the opinion that I don't want to interact with stuff I fundamentally disagree with - even more so when I'd have to pay to do so.
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Dr. Claus

Nope. There is no 'making your voice heard'. They don't give a shit. They will never give a shit. Unless you have a platform big enough to deter others (very few do) from purchasing the product, you are screaming pointlessly into a void.

The only thing they ever care about is how many products they sell. If they sell lots, they'll continue with whatever they've been doing, no matter how much people scream about it on social media.

My biggest frustration in gaming and popular culture in general is when I see people complaining about wokeness and their favourite franchises being ruined... and yet they still continue to consume and discuss those franchises.

Move on. Find something else. Either the thing you love will come back to you, or it's dead to you.

Doctor Who, for instance. I adored that show from the age of 8.

Haven't watched it, or engaged with it in many years. It either succeeds with the new audience it's targeting or it dies. Either way, I'm not wasting my time moaning about it.

This is a defeatist attitude. Things don’t change because people like you refuse to speak up and out. Companies care about money, yes. And if they saw just how larger a profit they could be making by not ostracizing many people who refuse to buy the products; they will not change.

They cannot notice people who would buy their games if not for slacktivism if those people don’t let their voices be heard.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Star Wars. Dei'd
Marvel. Dei'd
Pixar. Dei'd
Comics in general. Dei'd
Gaming, most western devs. Dei'd.
Microsoft. Dei'd.
Sony. Dei'd (ish..)
Most films these days. Dei'd.
BBC. Dei'd.

The list is endless!
Quite grim when you put it that way. Good thing I still have my old movies, animes, books and videogames to keep me entertained for years to come.

I've also been meaning to learn and develop my own videogames, which will ofc be 100% free of any of that DEI stuff. Be the change you want to see.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Nope. There is no 'making your voice heard'. They don't give a shit. They will never give a shit. Unless you have a platform big enough to deter others (very few do) from purchasing the product, you are screaming pointlessly into a void.

The only thing they ever care about is how many products they sell. If they sell lots, they'll continue with whatever they've been doing, no matter how much people scream about it on social media.

My biggest frustration in gaming and popular culture in general is when I see people complaining about wokeness and their favourite franchises being ruined... and yet they still continue to consume and discuss those franchises.

Move on. Find something else. Either the thing you love will come back to you, or it's dead to you.

Doctor Who, for instance. I adored that show from the age of 8.

Haven't watched it, or engaged with it in many years. It either succeeds with the new audience it's targeting or it dies. Either way, I'm not wasting my time moaning about it.

Your tag should be "Depressingly Logical"
This is a defeatist attitude. Things don’t change because people like you refuse to speak up and out. Companies care about money, yes. And if they saw just how larger a profit they could be making by not ostracizing many people who refuse to buy the products; they will not change.

They cannot notice people who would buy their games if not for slacktivism if those people don’t let their voices be heard.
Any win would be temporary. Find new stuff or create new stuff. They want to replace us with a new audience - let them. I'll follow the talent.


This is a defeatist attitude. Things don’t change because people like you refuse to speak up and out. Companies care about money, yes. And if they saw just how larger a profit they could be making by not ostracizing many people who refuse to buy the products; they will not change.

They cannot notice people who would buy their games if not for slacktivism if those people don’t let their voices be heard.

Defeatist? Don't be ridiculous. Nothing defeatist about acknowledging how business functions, acting accordingly, and not getting angry and frustrated for no good reason!

And anyway, you seem to agree with me that not buying the product is the most important thing we can all do.

What you probably don't want to hear is that it's not up to anyone screaming on social media as to whether a product survives or not.

If a product has a big enough appeal to a lot of people, it'll do well. Even if those people don't include you.

I despise Disney Star Wars, so I don't consume their product. But if it remains popular then it remains popular. That's fine. Plenty of other things I can be enjoying.
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While Not Buying the Products is most definitely the Best way by far to move the needle, there is still plenty of value in making our voices as loud and clear as possible. No I dont think the execs are smart enough to know why ...so we will endlessly remind them. Unfortunatly Integrity seems to be the largest hurdle when it comes to addicts...cough..cough.....I mean gamers.
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Nope. There is no 'making your voice heard'. They don't give a shit. They will never give a shit. Unless you have a platform big enough to deter others (very few do) from purchasing the product, you are screaming pointlessly into a void.

The only thing they ever care about is how many products they sell. If they sell lots, they'll continue with whatever they've been doing, no matter how much people scream about it on social media.

My biggest frustration in gaming and popular culture in general is when I see people complaining about wokeness and their favourite franchises being ruined... and yet they still continue to consume and discuss those franchises.

Move on. Find something else. Either the thing you love will come back to you, or it's dead to you.

Doctor Who, for instance. I adored that show from the age of 8.

Haven't watched it, or engaged with it in many years. It either succeeds with the new audience it's targeting or it dies. Either way, I'm not wasting my time moaning about it.

Reminds me of what this fellow said, which seemed right on the money to me.

At the same time, I don't see much harm in complaining about it. People need to vent. I agree that obsessing on it is pointless, and expecting these companies to respond to gamers' criticism is naive, but I think it's fine to have a place where people decry what is happening. In fact, with games journalism being what it is, and with other forums being "woke," I think it's imperative that we have those kinds of discussions.

Someone else said that you were being defeatist. I disagree with that. To me, you're just following the old stoic dictum: if you want peace of mind, don't get too wrapped up in things you can't control. Don't waste your energy battling this stuff. Withdraw your energy from it and put it someplace where it does you some good.

As far as "defeat" goes, I don't think that's how this plays out. I heard Quentin Tarentino talk about how this stuff comes in waves. There are eras of homogeneity and conformity (e.g., the 50s), and they are followed by eras of creative explosion (e.g., the late 60s and 70s). We are in an era of homogeneity/conformity right now, but it is not a permanent condition. We will have a creative resurgence eventually.

Here's that clip, if you're interested:

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Speaking about these things is more about letting other people that don't have past experience to know about them. Educate those unfortunate souls that only know about modern "entertainment".
People in those companies (from top to bottom) know very well what they are doing and don't give a crap about our voices. Judging by their social media posts quite a few in fact enjoy destroying our entertainment and hobies.

The only way to actually make change happens is to buy entertainment from people that care to actual make entertainment.

Especially in games there is really no excuse due to the fact there is, unlike other entertainment domains, a healthy indie game scene.
Support them and talk about them to other people instead just complain about the big studio crap!
For me for ex. AAA, or in some case even AA or A scene, is long dead. I only buy and play indie games.
AND stop believing in franchises! Enjoy each title as a separate thing!


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The thing that you have to remember is whether it is people mad at JK Rowling (who had nothing to do with the game), or Spider-Man 2, properties that popular are going to render the non-purchasers to a rounding error. 97% of people buying either game aren't remotely aware of the tertiary discussions surrounding those games. There is a certain amount of Kevlar on popular, long running franchises. I don't think it is an area where you see much impact from either side.

Where I do see an impact being made is among the more "mid tier" (objective sales success, not subjective game quality) titles. The proportion of "would be" purchasers are going to have a much higher impact here than on games that will sell on brand name alone. Alan Wake II could be a good example of this - I don't know what Remedy's internal targets were, but it certainly doesn't seem like it exceeded expectations. Having played Alan Wake and American Nightmare, I haven't read too specifically into what is turning people off with Alan Wake II (avoiding spoilers in case I were to ever somehow tackle the backlog and make my way around to purchasing that game). But I've noticed from the number threads about the game and Remedy general, that there is a lot of smoke, which means there is at least some fire. That said, while people "voting with their wallet" is more likely to work better here, there is still not any exact way for Remedy to be sure why some players of the previous game and spin off didn't pick it up - System requirements? Lack of availability on Steam? No physical console editions costing them some holiday gift purchases? They will never really know for sure. But it is definitely the sort of game where the developer is going to have to pay closer attention to what the audience is saying, if they want to survive in the long run. This type of game, along with Suicide Squad (which was just down to $34.99 in the spring Xbox sale, a whopping two months after release) are where the Steam curator group are going to have the most impact. It's getting slightly difficult to "boycott" AAA releases, because at the rate they are being published, you're almost inadvertently "boycotting" certain publishers for upwards of a year at time. Nobody can deliberately avoid buying a product that isn't actively available.

That said, nothing is 100% bulletproof: "Disney Star Wars" looked unstoppable coming out of "The Force Awakens", and that has become a disaster outside of the TV shows. "The Last Jedi" made $300 less just in the US, $700 million less globally. "The Rise Of Skywalker" made $400 million less in the US, $1 billion less globally (and it had a full three months before every theater started closing due to Covid-19). If Star Wars can piss people off to the point of indifference, anything can. And I don't think anyone can spin this - we went from five consecutive calendar years with a Star Wars movie in theaters (2015-2019), to what will likely be six consecutive calendar years with zero Star Wars movies in theaters. If you think that was Disney's plan when they bought Lucas Film, check your local craigslist to which bridges are on sale.

The best you can do is buy high quality games where the publisher or developer do not exhibit noxious attitudes toward customers, whether that be through monetization schemes or grade school behavior on social media. Buy games from publishers and developers that appreciate their customers, and realize there is no "game industry" without customers. Companies without the (as of now) "bullet proof brands", and rely on customers providing good work of mouth of positive product reviews, are going to have to decide if the agenda is more import, or if actually selling their product is more important. The "middle ground" of game releases is where a genuine impact can be made.


Defeatist? Don't be ridiculous. Nothing defeatist about acknowledging how business functions, acting accordingly, and not getting angry and frustrated for no good reason!

And anyway, you seem to agree with me that not buying the product is the most important thing we can all do.

What you probably don't want to hear is that it's not up to anyone screaming on social media as to whether a product survives or not.

If a product has a big enough appeal to a lot of people, it'll do well. Even if those people don't include you.

I despise Disney Star Wars, so I don't consume their product. But if it remains popular then it remains popular. That's fine. Plenty of other things I can be enjoying.
I agree with you..100%.. but you chose a bad example.. Star Wars is a perfect example on how DEI can ruin a profitable franchise/business... from movies with decreasing revenue to flatly loosing money, series bombing on streaming and merchandising piling on shelfs Star Wars today as a product is a shadow of its former self, never in the history of entertainment something so popular was greatly mishandled and is baffling to me how the command at Lucas Films stayed exactly the same .... I wonder how the fuck shareholders allowed that... I can only imagine the rumors about KK contract are true and she just cant get fired.


I agree with you..100%.. but you chose a bad example.. Star Wars is a perfect example on how DEI can ruin a profitable franchise/business... from movies with decreasing revenue to flatly loosing money, series bombing on streaming and merchandising piling on shelfs Star Wars today as a product is a shadow of its former self, never in the history of entertainment something so popular was greatly mishandled and is baffling to me how the command at Lucas Films stayed exactly the same .... I wonder how the fuck shareholders allowed that... I can only imagine the rumors about KK contract are true and she just cant get fired.

You miss my point. Which is that I do not care if it remains popular or not. I have moved on to something better suited to me. And if it still draws in an audience without me, then so be it. Star Wars has certainly dropped off in popularity, but clearly not to the point of people being fired.
Why do people believe you can be a mother and a CEO at the same time? You literally cannot. Has this person ever tried being a parent? It's quite literally a full-time job, assuming you want to actually parent. It's difficult enough to be a mother and work part-time at Tim Horton's.
Those people just want to be CEO but at the same time being told how good of a parent they are even though the Nanny is taking care of the kids. Both being a capable CEO and a good parent are full time jobs. It’s not physically possible to be both and it’s time for us to stop pretending like it is.


Why do people believe you can be a mother and a CEO at the same time? You literally cannot. Has this person ever tried being a parent? It's quite literally a full-time job, assuming you want to actually parent. It's difficult enough to be a mother and work part-time at Tim Horton's.

I know a woman who's a CEO and has one child. She has family (her husband and her mom) who help care for the child many hours a week and also daycare/private school ($$$$$). She just doesn't spend as many hours with the child as a mother who works less, or one a stay-at-home mom.

Does that mean she's not a parent? I guess that's up to how you define being a parent. But where is the line? If a dad only sees his kids every other weekend after a divorce, is he "not actually a dad" anymore? What's the difference?

I know what you mean in spirit. But in practice, I think it's a bad idea to judge people for this sort of choice. I think it's up to the kid to grow up and decide how they feel about the choices their parent made. They'll be the better judge of how it all works out in the end.


Gold Member
And then everyone stood and clapped. It's absolute lunacy being proud of yourself for speaking to someone just trying to do their job like shit. Shouting and swearing at them and then posting this diatribe as if this is some win. Everyone has had to speak to a manager at some point and the same would have been achieved by being firm but polite, yet she is so deluded and narcissistic to think that this was the result of being a cunt. I honestly cannot believe some of the shite these weirdos post, like who gives a fuck if you got what you wanted while being nasty and likely ruining som e poorly paid person in customer services day!?
The funny bit about that "story" is she just acted like a Karen until a MAN fixed her tech problem. It reinforces sooooo many stereotypes!
I know a woman who's a CEO and has one child. She has family (her husband and her mom) who help care for the child many hours a week and also daycare/private school ($$$$$). She just doesn't spend as many hours with the child as a mother who works less, or one a stay-at-home mom.

Does that mean she's not a parent? I guess that's up to how you define being a parent. But where is the line? If a dad only sees his kids every other weekend after a divorce, is he "not actually a dad" anymore? What's the difference?

I know what you mean in spirit. But in practice, I think it's a bad idea to judge people for this sort of choice. I think it's up to the kid to grow up and decide how they feel about the choices their parent made. They'll be the better judge of how it all works out in the end.
A kid won't grow up and have a rational judgement of how they were brought up.

I don't think high powered careers and kids mix. At least not in the first few years of a child's life. Putting your career on equal footing with them is cruel.


Star wars looked unstoppable after the force awaken? Is this what people think? Or we are just talking about how much money they made?

I thought it was a gigantic turd only obscured by how much of an intergalactic turd the 2 sequels are.
Force awakens was a generic hollywood movie made to cash in on a famous IP. Neither good nor bad, just serviceable enough to bring people to the cinema.

If it continued being just that, they might just have had become an unstoppable force since the IP was so strong. But noooo, they had to be 'subversive'.
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I know a woman who's a CEO and has one child. She has family (her husband and her mom) who help care for the child many hours a week and also daycare/private school ($$$$$). She just doesn't spend as many hours with the child as a mother who works less, or one a stay-at-home mom.

Does that mean she's not a parent? I guess that's up to how you define being a parent. But where is the line? If a dad only sees his kids every other weekend after a divorce, is he "not actually a dad" anymore? What's the difference?

I know what you mean in spirit. But in practice, I think it's a bad idea to judge people for this sort of choice. I think it's up to the kid to grow up and decide how they feel about the choices their parent made. They'll be the better judge of how it all works out in the end.
A parent she is but I somewhat doubt she is a good one.
he "not actually a dad" anymore? What's the difference?
I’m only going to respond to this topic once.

There is a difference between “being a parent” and “parenting”. So yeah, the “dad” in your example is a parent, but he is no longer parenting. The mother is.
Not really surprising, but confirmation that Inwokeniac is using Sweet Baby for Wolverine


It's weird to me that Sony is even allowing Insomniac to hire this company. Their budgets are ballooning. They should be looking to cut cost any way they can, not hiring outside DEI companies which aren't needed. Hopefully this is the kind of wasteful spending the CEO is talking about and will look into getting rid of them.
It's weird to me that Sony is even allowing Insomniac to hire this company. Their budgets are ballooning. They should be looking to cut cost any way they can, not hiring outside DEI companies which aren't needed. Hopefully this is the kind of wasteful spending the CEO is talking about and will look into getting rid of them.

Contract for work was already done and possibly paid for in full. Their work is already baked into the development to some degree.

Now moving forward, DEI is something of a lawsuit liability for employment cases and unpopular with a portion of the fanbase, they probably will not or at the very least significantly decrease their footprint. But there is no proof for this, just reasonable speculation based on how risk aversed most corporations are. Also, as you stated, it's an easy thing to cut cost from to save money on development.

With that all said, still not touching an insomniac project for the foreseeable future. Won't be particularly hard for me since I can't stomach capeshit.
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Gold Member
It's weird to me that Sony is even allowing Insomniac to hire this company. Their budgets are ballooning. They should be looking to cut cost any way they can, not hiring outside DEI companies which aren't needed. Hopefully this is the kind of wasteful spending the CEO is talking about and will look into getting rid of them.
They get money to include this shit, that's the whole point.
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It's weird to me that Sony is even allowing Insomniac to hire this company. Their budgets are ballooning. They should be looking to cut cost any way they can, not hiring outside DEI companies which aren't needed. Hopefully this is the kind of wasteful spending the CEO is talking about and will look into getting rid of them.
Insomniac has been woke for a while now sadly. No surprise here.


They have to stop saying "unrealistic expectations" in conjunction with people/characters who are fit.
To many, seeing fit, skinny, attractive characters in games, movies, ads and billboards are an inspiration to help people strive to be their best selves.
Just like in singing competition shows, they let the good ones go onto the next level. Do they they let the contestants who can't sing in tune or have shitty timing go onto the next level? No.
The ones that don't make it have to try harder, put in the effort/work and come back next year to try again.

Well fortunately for us, every game has forced "squeeze through this crack in the wall to hide loading screen"... so hopefully that should limit the number of fat characters in games.
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