Steam Holiday Sale 2011 | Valve Has Run Out Of 3rd Party Coupons/Games (Dec 19-Jan 2)

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Haul so far:
DOTA2 (Beta only?)
Shadowgrounds Survivor
1 coupon
5 coal

Not bad. I definitely don't plan on crafting any of my coals, if anything I'd trade them with people in the trading thread. But I want tons of contest entries hahaha.


Are all 3 STALKER games worth it?

Call of Pripyat is the newest one, and by far the best. Call of Pripyat was the first, and second-best.

You can ignore Clear Sky, unless you absolutely fall in love with the other two. You won't be missing out on much when it comes to story and such.


Are all 3 STALKER games worth it?
Some say Clear Sky is the least worthwhile, but I enjoyed all three of them personally. Clear Sky reuses a lot of the locations from the original, so the bundle is probably the best deal. They each have their own Complete mod, so be sure to download those from moddb.


PayDay The Heist 4pack:

1. Chesskid1

I am using YOUR paypal money to buy so won't buy till money from everyone. $7.50 each.

add me on steam while at it, makes it easier.
I received a coupon for 25% off Might and Magic Clash of Heroes.

The sale currently has it for 33% off...

I had to leave and rejoin the Steam group for the objective to unlock but I haven't gotten my reward for it yet.

Once we are able to use the coupons, will they stack if the item is currently on sale?


So, has anyone gotten a Golden Ticket at all yet?

And I think we need some kind of award for whomever ends up with the shittiest free game voucher.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops is totally a good game. Looks even better than Assassin's Brotherhood. Where's that other dude, I'm feeling charitable and am willing to take it off his hands in exchange for this masterpiece.

Another awesome bit.

dude, the game i won doesn't even have "real" graphics or gameplay, it's "excel the game" ;)





so be grateful!



So I read that to 100% Arkham City you need catwoman. Is this correct?

The catwoman DLC is not available to purchase on steam.
Guys need fast confirmation: If somebody gifts me the U.S version of the L4D Bundle (L4D1+2) it will be uncut for me right and there will be no problems with the DLCs and stuff?. Only cut version avaiable in my country.
Just bumping for new page (silver members). Anyone?
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