I was chuckling hard when I booted a guy off the stairs at the very beginning. A foot to the back and he just went flying.
How is Rochard? Looks surprisingly good, but I've never heard of it before.
You really thought they had unlimited gifts? Really?
Blame all the people that raped the system with alts.
So no more games even by achievements or does that apply only to crafted coal?
And do they still give out Valve games or just coupons?
I can't understand why that game didn't get more traction on GAF. I figured we still had an Old Man Murray contingent here.Serious Sam 3 is seriously (hurr) making me rethink my top games of the year, and just about everyone is sleeping on it. Naturally.
They do have to produce something. The activation keys. Which are provided from the publishers. There's no way that the publishers would allow them to give away unlimited copies of their games. Just because it's digital doesn't mean it's a limitless resource.
It's the same way that games ran out of copies available during previous sales. Not enough keys were generated/allocated for the sale.
Because all game publishers love giving away games for free. Yeah. Uh-huh. Makes sense.
It has a worse start than Duke Nukem Forever, and people don't have patience. It doesn't help that some people were getting mico stuttering, like me. Messing with the custom settings got rid of it, but some people won't make that effort.I can't understand why that game didn't get more traction on GAF. I figured we still had an Old Man Murray contingent here.
Whatever, it's a legitimately great pure action FPS and we get so few of them these days.
2 part question
Does Devil May Cry 4 PC support a Xbox 360 gamepad? (Store pad doesn't say anything)
If it does, does it have onscreen Xbox button prompts?
I am really liking S.P.A.Z. I have a feeling there are other games just like it but I have never played them. Any suggestions?
is that the copy you got from me? if soIf not Still,
Anybody making a thread on the hidden/cheap fun games in Steam? Or should we start posting them here?
Anybody making a thread on the hidden/cheap fun games in Steam? Or should we start posting them here?
Bulletstorm is perfect. GT review
I enjoyed the hell out of it and am not even a big FPS fan. Get it if you don't have it!
What if the gifts were depleted half way through?
Anybody else unable to connect to the Ubi servers inside Heroes 6?
If someone could do that, please. Looking for some great last-minute stuff to pick up on Steam. Any deals to add to my collection would be more than welcome.
Yeah, I mean its not like they have to produce anything. All they give you is the game to download and that apparently can be done an infinite number of times. But apparently they only had a specific number of 3rd party games that they were allowed to give away.
Dark Void Zero is 59p, and well worth a crack.
Hope they ban everyone who farmed gifts and ruined the experience for everyone else.
I thought they did?
I can't understand why that game didn't get more traction on GAF. I figured we still had an Old Man Murray contingent here.
Whatever, it's a legitimately great pure action FPS and we get so few of them these days.
No, no one should buy that game, since it has had Securom since it´s release and still has. That Capcom choosed to implement DRM with activation limits in a budget game is just plain arrogance. I wouldn´t accept it if they gave it away for free.
UPlay is the worst thing. GFWL is the messiah compared to that.
Abusing the Humble Bundle.Gift farming? People were doing this? How would that even work, with trading?
Okay, seriously, this Dark Messiah game is gold. Best $2.50 I've spent in who knows how long. I kicked a guy right into a bonfire and he instantly lit up. Kicked another guy's face into some spikes too, Bulletstorm would be proud. Everything has these wacky physics applied, which just makes it all so hilarious, and there's so much you can pick up and throw about (or kick). Why, yes, I do believe I'd like to chuck a bottle at some guard's head and then watch him fumble around in agony. This is just great. Comedy!
My dude.
Gift farming? People were doing this? How would that even work, with trading?
How did they not anticipate gift farming alt accounts?
GFWL games still work when Live is offline so that right there is a win. The GFWL save corruption thing is miserable though but at least I can manually back them up.gwfl is a piece of garbage, uplay is infinitley better. its just recently that their servers went down over christmas so it took a while to get them back up
UPlay is the worst thing. GFWL is the messiah compared to that.