Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Nom Nom Galaxy
Age of Wonders III

Good variety of games for me today. Have been able to pick up a lot throughout this sale, happy with the offerings so far.


Double Agent is the 360/PS3/PC version which is apparently a downgrade from the Double Agent on Xbox/GC/PS2. The latter was actually developed by the same team behind Chaos Theory.

Yes, the only way to truly play the Double Agent is the Xbox/GC/PS2 way. The PC version is really not worth it, and personally I would have skipped it, if I would have known.

e: Chaos Theory -> Double Agent


You DON'T autoclick. And you DON'T nuke. As weird as it sounds, the less DPS a room has, the higher its level is going to be, because scripts spam wormholes like madmen on gold helm levels, because they stack and are 10 level jumps instead of 1 level jumps.

Upgrading auto-cannon, using autoclicker and nukes will actually mess up the progress.

the problem is i don't have wormholes


Maybe this will make developers put out demos more?
Nah, the only way this rather generous refund system works is if Valve eats the loss. There are way too many publishers with way too many different agendas involved for anything else to make sense. Like does anyone really believe that Activision would agree to something that generous? Kotick would probably suggest charging the customer a processing fee for the refund or some shit. The only way a company like that agreed to it is if Valve promised they wouldn't lose money.

Hence, they won't give a fuck and nothing will change.
Grief, is Double Agent worth it? I've only played the PS2 one.

It's a terrible port, so don't buy it. Shadows not working properly and save issues are some of the problems.

The game itself is great and worth playing. I actually prefer it over the "last gen" version.


the problem is i don't have wormholes

The game's been going on for a week, to be perfectly honest it's almost too late to become useful. Quite the opposite, doing the wrong things will sabotage rooms going for high levels. You could try leveling up to be able to buy wormholes tomorrow but you missed the starting gun today too. I suggest trying to get in a room, do nothing and hope for the best.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I honestly have no idea what you've been going on about.

I'm thinking you aren't looking hard enough. I've bought 6 games today (Ori, Rayman Origins, and Rainbow Six Collection) and I've been using Steam for 10 years.

This is one of the better days of the sale as well.

Tom Clancy Franchise sale. Do you have Chaos Theory? No? Buy it.
Life is Strange
Shovel Knight
Age of Wonders
Sim City 4/Banished/Anno are awesome city builders
Spec Ops
Arma III (go look up Frankie's Altis life mod videos)
Euro Truck 2
Pillars of Eternity
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

All of these games are awesome and all on the front page in one form or another.

It may have more to do with the games that I actually want at the prices I actually want (generally below $10).

I've played and finished most of the Splinter Cell games (played through a bunch of Chaos Theory)
The city builders I'm not interested in
Spec Ops I've beaten
Vampire I've beaten
Pillars of Eternity is $30, which is too expensive

I'll grant you that Ori, Rayman, Shovel Knight, and FTL look pretty good as far as sales go. However I have a bunch of platformers on my backlog (Guacamelee, Giana Sisters, Sly Cooper, Puppeteer) that I don't think buying more platformers is a great idea.

I'm not trying to be edgy and cool by saying the sale is lackluster. I would have grabbed Life is Strange if it was sub-$10. It is on Nuuvem, so I'm gonna get it there. I would have jumped on Divinity OS if it was $10-$15, but it was $26. There were a lot of games I would have bought had they been cheaper, but they weren't. Just because you think something's a good deal, doesn't mean I do.

Great, thanks.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
In case someone didn't notice, Anno 1404 is on sale as well, 75% off. If you don't want the sci-fi setting, like me, here's your chance!


I have a question about refunds:
If i buy a game, and i share my library with someone else.
Does it mean that he can play that game for as long as he wants and it still won't count towards my 2h played refund limitation?


I'll grant you that Ori, Rayman, Shovel Knight, and FTL look pretty good as far as sales go. However I have a bunch of platformers on my backlog (Guacamelee, Giana Sisters, Sly Cooper, Puppeteer) that I don't think buying more platformers is a great idea.

FYI: FTL isn't a platformer, it's a roguelike, although more accurately it's a top-down real-time-with-pause spaceship battle strategy game.

I have a question about refunds:
If i buy a game, and i share my library with someone else.
Does it mean that he can play that game for as long as he wants and it still won't count towards my 2h played refund limitation?

I'm guessing they could probably track that. You could always make a request, it's up to them to approve or refuse it.


Man Shovel Knight and Ori with those measly discounts. I was really hoping for sub 10 on both of those.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Man Shovel Knight and Ori with those measly discounts. I was really hoping for sub 10 on both of those.

Yeah Shovel Knight is what, one year old, i was hoping for at least 50% off. So it'll have to wait until next big sale.

Still debating on picking up Ori but 12€ is a bit much.


Heard a notable number of positive impressions regarding Hand of Fate over the course the last few months. I love the inventive deck mechanics that it seems to use (from watching a few videos and stuff). It feels deliciously table-top-ey, mechanics-wise. I read the Tom Chick review and his observation of what differentiates card-game RNG from 'true' RNG was very astute.

A card exists. It cannot be denied. It will flip up by the time you’ve gone through the deck and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. It’s a matter of when, not if.

This is different from a die roll. A die roll, which is always an if, doesn’t exist until it happens. It is only a possibility. A six is no more inevitable than a lottery win or a lucky guess. You could theoretically roll a six-sided die all day and never conjure a six into existence.

Computer games, conjured forth from the stored possibilities of 1s and 0s, are usually die rolls. The very 1s and 0s are coin flips, which is really just a two-sided die. So when a videogame like Hand of Fate comes along and really gets the point of cards, I can’t help but notice.

Any Gaffers have any thoughts on the game? Sadly at this point, any videogame needs titanium strong levels of justification for my dismally limited disposable income to be thrown its way.


I just realized the steam store page only shows half of the flash sales by default and you have to click to expand the list to the full 30. I've probably missed a bunch of game because of that. Oh well, at least I noticed Jazzpunk on sale today, I've been meaning to get that at a good price.


So am I correct in thinking that the general consensus of Lords of Shadow 2 and Strider are not really worth playing through? I tried the demo for Lords of Shadow 2 and it seemed decent.
You know how in Lords of Shadow 2 you are
and you're thinking, "I'm powerful as fuck, now! I'm gonna tear shit up!"?

Doesn't happen til the end. You actually spend the game
getting your powers back.

But, if you really want to play the game, check uneven. I was able to get lords of shadow 1 and 2 and mirrors of fate for about $15 earlier this year.


I just realized the steam store page only shows half of the flash sales by default and you have to click to expand the list to the full 30. I've probably missed a bunch of game because of that. Oh well, at least I noticed Jazzpunk on sale today, I've been meaning to get that at a good price.

The lower ones are the ones from 12hrs ago.


I knew ARK: Survival Evolved would be unoptimized but DAAAAAAMNNN

It's almost unacceptably bad even for Early Access.

Getting refund right away after messing with settings for an hour.


Man Shovel Knight and Ori with those measly discounts. I was really hoping for sub 10 on both of those.

Ori was only released 3 months ago. 40% is very generous. That is as good as it will ever get unless a game tanked in sales or something.
The DLC not being on sale for Origins is a damn mess

I really liked Cold Cold Heart, picked it up in the Batman sale a few weeks ago for a few £. I recommended it to my friend but when the base game is £3.74 the DLC which is about 1-2 hours being £7 doesn't make much sense.


Is Dead State actually a good game? I remember being interested in it way back when it was on Kickstarter but there was a thread when it came on Early access with some pretty negative impressions.


It may have more to do with the games that I actually want at the prices I actually want (generally below $10).

I've played and finished most of the Splinter Cell games (played through a bunch of Chaos Theory)
The city builders I'm not interested in
Spec Ops I've beaten
Vampire I've beaten
Pillars of Eternity is $30, which is too expensive

I'll grant you that Ori, Rayman, Shovel Knight, and FTL look pretty good as far as sales go. However I have a bunch of platformers on my backlog (Guacamelee, Giana Sisters, Sly Cooper, Puppeteer) that I don't think buying more platformers is a great idea.

I'm not trying to be edgy and cool by saying the sale is lackluster. I would have grabbed Life is Strange if it was sub-$10. It is on Nuuvem, so I'm gonna get it there. I would have jumped on Divinity OS if it was $10-$15, but it was $26. There were a lot of games I would have bought had they been cheaper, but they weren't. Just because you think something's a good deal, doesn't mean I do.

The sale is solid, you just want things that aren't within your price quota.

It's good to have a realistic budget, but that doesn't mean this is a lackluster sale by any stretch of the imagination.

In fact, it's one of the best sales in years. Valve has obviously been listening to the laundry list of criticisms from the last few sales.

I just realized the steam store page only shows half of the flash sales by default and you have to click to expand the list to the full 30. I've probably missed a bunch of game because of that. Oh well, at least I noticed Jazzpunk on sale today, I've been meaning to get that at a good price.

The flash sales not being displayed are those that are about to expire. The reality is, you most likely didn't miss anything.
just bought all 3 previous Batman games for a total of 14,97 € :D and next week Arkham Knight for 26€ thanks to Nuveem^^ Love the Bat

+ Back to the future (4,59€)

dont know most of the other games so no clue if they are worth spending my money on.
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