Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


with Life is Strange's price I guess I'm going to hold off until fall, was waiting for sub $10 to buy. Oh well, I guess I'll wait until I see tomorrow's deals to decide wether or not to buy The Walking Dead S2. Been hankering for a point-and-click.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Best day for me, evolve PC monster race edition, dying light, life is strange, zombie trio and euro truck sim 2.


with Life is Strange's price I guess I'm going to hold off until fall, was waiting for sub $10 to buy. Oh well, I guess I'll wait until I see tomorrow's deals to decide wether or not to buy The Walking Dead S2. Been hankering for a point-and-click.

It's $10 on Nuuvem, someone posted it earlier. If I wasn't mobile I'd quote.

Best day for me, evolve PC monster race edition, dying light, life is strange, zombie trio and euro truck sim 2.

I hope you didn't by Dying Light on Steam when it's cheaper on indiegala.


I have a problem. I think I need to step away from this thread and try to forget about Steam for the remainder of this sale.
Can the heroes in AOW3 be of any use or get really powerful?

I like HoMM4 for the reason of useful heroes .. even powerful enough to take on late tier creatures with right skills and items.

They start weak, but become the strongest units in the army by the end-game. The heroes level up and get abilities or find items that make them vastly stronger. Some also have party-wide auras that enhance the units that they lead, which can be a pretty big deal. Most importantly, heroes can cast their own spells with their own mana pool which can be a deciding factor in some battles.

AoW3 actually has a very interesting balance, in that more experienced units gain more abiliites/traits that can give them a huge leg up against stock troops. This makes experienced, high-tier units utter juggernauts, that even some high-level heroes will struggle to take down. It also leads to situations where an experienced, lower-tier party can become a real terror, without breaking the bank on upkeep.

Of course, magic is still the biggest threat overall. A single spell can decide everything, done properly. Again, this is what makes heroes so powerful.


What time is it?
I regret not buying Homeworld. Hopefully it is a repeat. I'm still purchase free this sale. :(

fake edit: up to level 30K in the Monster game already.


If I wouldn't be waiting for Resident Evil 4 and had enough money in my Steam wallet left, I'd go for Life is Strange even though I wanted to wait until it's finished.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I hope you didn't by Dying Light on Steam when it's cheaper on indiegala.

Don't use 3rd party key sellers, nothing against them but got burnt before. Sure it's fine but not my thing.

Had it on Ps4 love the game need it when I got my PC, sold ps4 version for $45 a few weeks ago so even swap.


Finally, a day where I'm considering multiple purchases.

Shovel Knight, Life is Strange, Titan Souls, and Freedom Planet. Maybe Jazzpunk.

A lot of money when I'm sure some if this will drop or be included in bundles, but I'm still debating...

Joey Ravn

I know I'm repeating myself like a skipping vinyl, but FFS I'm pissed at the lack of further discounts on Trails in the Sky and Grim Dawn :(

The fact that Trails is probably the only milestone that the community has missed so far makes the deal an ever tougher pill to swallow. Whoever thought that 10 billion clicks was an achievable number, even with auto-clickers, was nuts.

Don't use 3rd party key sellers, nothing against them but got burnt before. Sure it's fine but not my thing.

Had it on Ps4 love the game need it when I got my PC, sold ps4 version for $45 a few weeks ago so even swap.

IndieGala is totally legit. It's not a "grey market" operator like... some other sites.


whelp seems like steam doesn't want my money anymore.

Everytime I try to buy something :

An error was encountered while processing your request:

There was an error trying to load your shopping cart. Please try again later.

I get that error occasionally as well. I just delete the cookies related to my cart for the steam store. Then it works again, until I need to remove an item from my cart. Rinse and repeat.

I wouldn't suggest clearing all cookies though, so your not market restricted on that device, unless it is not an issue for you.

Edit: Of course this is assuming you are getting this error on a browser.


It's $10 on Nuuvem, someone posted it earlier. If I wasn't mobile I'd quote.

Thanks! Though, since I'm in Mexico, with the exchange rate $10 is more than what it costs in the steam store in the first place xD
If there's something I'm grateful for on Steam is regional pricing in MXN. That's a godsend with the rising of the peso. Oftentimes, the discounts are deeper too.


Don't use 3rd party key sellers, nothing against them but got burnt before. Sure it's fine but not my thing.

Had it on Ps4 love the game need it when I got my PC, sold ps4 version for $45 a few weeks ago so even swap.

Fine that that's your preference and you haven't lost out, but it's a legitimate site.
Don't use 3rd party key sellers, nothing against them but got burnt before. Sure it's fine but not my thing.

Had it on Ps4 love the game need it when I got my PC, sold ps4 version for $45 a few weeks ago so even swap.

Forgive me if im wrong but isnt indiegala an authorized reseller?


It's $10 on Nuuvem, someone posted it earlier. If I wasn't mobile I'd quote.

I hope you didn't by Dying Light on Steam when it's cheaper on indiegala.

i tried buying life is strange from Nuuvem month ago , can't do it any more
i think they figured up the Brazilian VPN thing


Don't use 3rd party key sellers, nothing against them but got burnt before. Sure it's fine but not my thing.

Had it on Ps4 love the game need it when I got my PC, sold ps4 version for $45 a few weeks ago so even swap.

I think Indiegala is legit.
i tried buying life is strange from Nuuvem month ago , can't do it any more
i think they figured up the Brazilian VIP thing
I bought it when episode 2 came out, and it worked without vpn.


Going to hold off until there's a better discount on the 1-5 of Life is Strange.

How is Hand of Fate for $12.50? I'm tempted.

I guess I will be still waiting on PoE and Divinity Original Sin. :/


Used up almost all my sale budget. It's either Ori now or Dark Souls 2 if it gets a 66% discount. Two sets of dailys left so I will wait for tomorrow and then decide.


Axiom Verge is a great Metroidvania minus the vania, though it's not on sale.

Guacamelee and Axiom Verge are two big ones you're missing. La Mulana to some degree, I hear good things about Escape Goat and Apotheon but I haven't played either.

Guacamelee, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Batman: Blackgate HD, heck even Steamworld Dig is sort of a Metroidvania which i had more fun with than Strider. That doesn't means strider is bad, it's just not the best option available. Axiom Verge is considered by many one of the best Metroidvanias out there right now so there's that too.

Origins has no Uplay, Legends i believe does. Both games are great and Uplay is much better these days.

Already have Guacamelee. It's nice. Batman is kind of shit.

Will check the rest, thanks guys. How about Dust Elysian Tail and Valdis Story?

Rebel Leader

Did the steam servers die or is comcast fucking me:



Life is Strange is totally worth it. Really good game and deserves support so we get more like it!
Oh I know. I finished episode one and was in awe the entire time. It's just I just promised myself that I wouldn't pay more than $10 for any single game this sale. That and I could've gotten it for ~$13 when it originally came out.


Neo Member
Is Arma 3 worth it for someone who casually likes Counter Strike ? I'm afraid that the learning curve will prevent me from enjoying it.


Neo Member
Decided to get Ori and Freedom Planet. Found out about Freedom Planet from the Super Best Friends playthrough and it looked damn good. It's time to find out the hard way whether Ori runs ok on my crappy laptop.
Edit: Getting too much slowdown playing Ori on this. That's fine, I'll be getting a proper computer before long and I'm happy enough with the price.
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