Anyone else having issues getting Fallout 3 to start? I'm on Windows 8.1. Seems like an issue that I don't have GFWL installed but I thought that was no longer needed?
Anyone else having issues getting Fallout 3 to start? I'm on Windows 8.1. Seems like an issue that I don't have GFWL installed but I thought that was no longer needed?
Go back a couple pages. I posted some things. Most gfw games require it to be installed before it can launch.Anyone else having issues getting Fallout 3 to start? I'm on Windows 8.1. Seems like an issue that I don't have GFWL installed but I thought that was no longer needed?
Any opionions on Hand of Fate? The game looks really cool and seems to get some quite positive reviews. Yay or nay for 11?
I used an Xbox controller. The game is terrible. It felt seriously clunky and like they just threw it over to the pc
I liked it early but then it got a bit repetitive. The combat was embarrassingly easy which contributed to that repetitive feeling early on.
Spread Trails again today.![]()
...I think I'm going to request a refundthis game is for the kind of people who enjoy watching movies so bad they are good, isn't it?![]()
That's Swery's audience all right.
Killer is Dead is Suda51, not Swery.
It is for people who appreciate the romance of LIVE and KILL.Uh. So I played Killer is Dead's first 3 missions or so.
...I think I'm going to request a refundthis game is for the kind of people who enjoy watching movies so bad they are good, isn't it?![]()
Forgot to add to my last post: I'd like to craft a Monster Summer Sale badge, and am missing 2 cards: Sigmond and Dire Frog. I have several duplicates and since I just want a regular level 1 badge, I'd be willing to give em all away for those two.
Anyone with some spares up for a trade?
Post your trade offer link and I'm sure someone will be willing to help. http://steamcommunity.com/my/tradeoffers/privacy
Huh, never tried that. Is this it? https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=35094820&token=amBLRO8R
Nope, only via badge points when you start or join a game.Do Wormholes ever drop as loot in the Monster game?
Yup. Encore day.
Sad times.
Is it me or the prices have gone up with the Encore Sale ? Wtf ?
Is it me or the prices have gone up with the Encore Sale ? Wtf ?
Is it me or the prices have gone up with the Encore Sale ? Wtf ?
Always seems to take 10-15 minutes after they go up for the prices to be adjusted.
Is it me or the prices have gone up with the Encore Sale ? Wtf ?
My damage...
Crypt of the Necrodancer - £5.49
Metro Bundle - £6.79
One Finger Death Punch - £0.99
Time to revisit missed deals.
Is it me or the prices have gone up with the Encore Sale ? Wtf ?
Calm down. They always take time to reflect the real discount, just like its been every day of the sale.yep, it's showing as that for me too :-
Nope, only via badge points when you start or join a game.
And wow, took FOREVER to claim all my badges to finally start in a new group. Already up to 314k. Finished at 80m earlier, hoping to finally hit 100m tomorrow.
I'm sure this isn't the right ratio or whatever but I'm not doing the script stuff - just trying to help when I can play.
Welp. Dark Souls 2 for $25 it is then. Sucks but oh well.
Yup. And if you actually click on a game which is showing a lower discount, once you get to the actual store page it should (usually) reflect the actual true full discount. The main front page just takes a while to reflect the prices. Been like this forever...Calm down. They always take time to reflect the real discount, just like its been every day of the sale.
Ah, well that's good to know. Luckily I'm not playing much then, lol.But if you're not using scripts you are helping more by doing nothing at all. Manually using wormholes and stuff messes up progress way easier then you may think.
How long does it take to get a refund? Refunded Revengeance and am waiting to get the money in my Steam wallet before I get anything else.