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Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)

Still undecided on New Vegas Ultimate Edition. Played through Vanilla back in the day. Is the DLC worth the price?
Old World Blues is absolutely worth playing. I haven't played the Lonesome Road but I think it wraps up the courier's story so that seems important also.


I assume since it's now Encore Time, it'll be safe to jump on anything I was still holding out for correct?

Also I'd like to ask SteamGAF for an opinion, out of:

Which one should I get if I can only get 1 out of the 3?
Already getting the Blackwell Bundle + one of these and that's the extent of my funds for this sale.

My heart is telling me Randal's since it's the lowest it's ever been, and according to isthereanydeal both Jade and Valdis have been 75% off before on Steam. (17 months ago for Valdis lmao)
What do you guys think?

*insert obligatory*
>Volvo pls
>y u do dis
>discounts lower than before
>worst Steam sale ever

Valdis Story is the best combat focused Metroidvania on Steam. I'd go for that.


I added up all the games I've bought during steams and gogs summer sales and it was a bit more than I thought... $420 :/


You know, I'm not sure I've even really played New Vegas despite owning it for years. I need to rectify that.

Edit: Yep, 0.8 hours played. I've got Courier's Stash and Dead Money so I also need to pick up the Blues DLC too.


My final haul:

Valkyria Chronicles
Planetary Annihilation
Hitman: Codename 47
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman Contracts
Dishonored GOTY
Space Hulk - Kraken Skin DLC
Space Hulk - Behemoth Skin DLC Steam Store and Retail Key
Space Hulk - Harbinger of Torment Campaign

Should keep me busy for a little while.


It's a shame that Ori and the Blind Forest has a multiple points where you are locked out of areas, preventing you from getting 100%. It's a great game other wise, the abilities are novel and interesting, it's a genuinely challenging platformer and looks beautiful. I'm thinking about going back for a couple runs to get the 100% and no dying achievements or trying out other games but either way I'm definitely going back to it.

Castle Crashers is kinda boring alone, it's a basic beat em up with a grindy RPG aspect to it.

Battleblock has some really great puzzle design and funny narrator to keep you going but playing solo I got bored. Despite the way they mixed it up with new elements, the game feels kinda bloated. I didn't regret my time (~5h) with it but I'm not really dying to go back.

Thanks, karma... cow? (Heh.) Think I would hold off my purchase then, though it's only 1.50 per piece. Tempted by the low price, really.
My Sale haul:

Lumino City
Hand Of Fate
The Talos Principle
The Long Dark
Alien: Isolation
Lakeview Cabin Collection
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West
Legend of Grimrock 2
Final haul:

Counter Strike Global Offensive.
The Legend of Korra.
Final Fantasy 7.
Ori and the Blind Forest.
State of Decay Year One Edition.
South Park Stick of Truth.
Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes.
Walking Dead Season 2.
Wolfenstein + The Old Blood.
Resident Evil 4.
..hm.. I guess there is no way to get to the original Doom 3 game anymore except for hunting down a retail copy? (It's still advertised on Steam with a summer sale percentage off)
Ended up with:
The Wolf Among Us
Sunless Sea
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Lili: Child of Geos
Five Nights at Freddy's
System Shock 2
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Zeno Clash 2
Rogue Legacy
Dishonored + All the DLC
How to Survive

All for around $70-80 total. Gonna be busy for quite a while lol

Almost done The Wolf Among Us, really enjoying it, I'll probably end up playing it again sometime in the future since there's so many different choices to make. Sunless Sea is also really good, even though the story is randomized they managed to make the narrative feel very cohesive, I thought people were overselling that in the reviews for the game but its true. Rogue Legacy kicked my ass for the first few gens but I think I'm getting a hang of it now. I was playing Fallout 3 at the beginning of the sale without the DLC and when I realized the story didn't end without all the DLC I kinda lost interest; I played a bit of the tutorial for New Vegas and it seems good, will get into it after the shorter games are done. Haven't touched Wolfenstein or Dishonored yet but I expect them both to be fantastic. And Skull Girls I tried a while ago during a free weekend and its one of the few fighting games I've enjoyed playing, so I'll definitely be playing it again at some point. System Shock 2, Five Nights at Freddy's, How to Survive and Lili: Child of Geos were each like $1 so I figured why not; Child of Geos seems like it'll be a good pallet cleanser after FNAF lol. I played the first Zeno Clash a million years ago and I enjoyed the combat, so looking forward to Zeno Clash 2 at some point.

First sale I've bought games from in a while!


Only grabbed Dreadout. Couldn't pull the trigger on the quake games, even though I have steam wallet money left from card sales.


My final haul:

Valkyria Chronicles
Double Dragon Neon
Metal Slug 3
Resident Evil 4
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Also gifted Super Meat Boy to a friend. Would have also gotten Ys. Oath in Felghana but I didn't took the risk when it was on flash sale because I wanted Resi 4. Hoped for it in the encore sale but can wait for winter.

Otherwise I'm pleased with this sale. Bought some things but not too much.




My hoard

Grand Theft Auto V

Darksiders Franchise Pack
Metro Redux Bundle
Sniper Elite 3
Mount and Blade: Warband
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
This War of Mine
Outcast 1.1
Road Redemption
How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon
Star Ruler 2
Plants vs. Zombies
Killer is Dead
The Banner Saga
Shadowrun Returns
Dishonored GOTY
Lichdom: Battlemage
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown
Hero Siege
Pillars of Eternity - Champion Edition
The Walking Dead Season 2
Hand Of Fate
Hand of Fate - First Expansion
Gothic Universe Edition
Postal 2
Infested Planet - Deluxe Edition
Titan Quest Gold
One Finger Death Punch
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Age of Wonders Shadow Magic
Valkyria Chronicles™
Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Edition
Dungeon of the Endless - Deep Freeze Add-on

Theme Hospital
Theme Park
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
The Witcher 3

I've never been this irresponsible with my money before when it comes to games, don't think I'll ever do it again.


I was going to say I was disappointed by this year's sale but reviewing my purchases, this is the most I have bought in a long time and I've purposely avoided some games for the next sale because of this.


I bought Resident Evil 6 & Nidhogg for myself and gifted Speedrunners to a friend.

I was also gifted these fine games during the sale:

Orion Prelude
Payday 2 GOTY edition
Metro 2033 Redux

Red Hood

For those interested in buying Arkham Origins, the Humble Store has the base game for even cheaper (€3,49).

I'm thinking of buying it myself, played it on the PS3 and enjoyed it. Flawed though, definitely not in the range of Asylum and City, but enjoyable nonetheless. Too bad the season pass is still pretty expensive, I haven't played the DLC yet.


I was hoping for a Chronicles of Mystara discount... doesn't seem like that happened.

Spent about 20$, so it could've been worse. Seems like there wasn't a huge change in discounts compared to this winter.


I don't no where else to put this, but I think(if I'm reading right) GOG is going to give away Shadow Warrior 2 for free for signing up on their Galaxy service. Might be wrong though.


I'm getting this error.
There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
Anyone getting the same? Happens right after I click checkout. Was working fine yesterday.
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