I know I've mentioned this before, but how is this for creative math:
The Enemy Within DLC is 24,99 on the store page, but as part of the sale it's now 29,99. What a treat!
Shady, yet very good deal.
I know I've mentioned this before, but how is this for creative math:
The Enemy Within DLC is 24,99 on the store page, but as part of the sale it's now 29,99. What a treat!
Even with steam it require the Social Club account and program, its just downloaded, installed and patched via steam. Everything else is the same.
Friends needs to be added via Social Club as well to invite them, as there are no steam support of any sorts.
That monster mini game was designed in hell. It's abusive in design, corrupt in intention, and void of any redeeming feature. It's as if they decided they were no longer content in draining our wallets during sales, but also needed to suck our souls out of us through our fingertips.
I don't think listing what you bought is allowed, might be wrong.
Q: I've exhausted my budget/purchased everything on my wishlist and I'd like to post my--
A: Hold your horses! Someone will presumably make a dedicated damage list thread as the end of the sale draws near. Please wait until then to post your haul as doing so in this thread is liable to set off a chain reaction.
lol it's a promotion for people who buy during the Steam sale instead of discounting a game that has steady legs and has been in the Steam top seller chart for weeks. They have no reason to put it on sale at all right now, it's nice that their GTA sale is more than just 3 through 4 bundled together. Calling that evil and disgusting is just so hyperbolic I can't even.
Anyone play Pandora? I usually only buy 4X games if Rob Zacny gives them a good review, but it doesn't look like he reviewed this one? Is it Eternal Legend-tier or is it Warlock-tier?
Wishlisted! That looks fun I really enjoy twin stick shooters and hit up a couple youtube videos.
Cities Skylines...I look forward to you being a daily/flash...don't disappoint me.
On this monster game, I just click shit until it dies. However, eventually the clicking stops depleting their health bars and it is as if every click or ability purchase does nothing. I'm confused...
I know I've mentioned this before, but how is this for creative math:
The Enemy Within DLC is 24,99 on the store page, but as part of the sale it's now 29,99. What a treat!
I agree the language there is hyperbolic, but his reasoning to being upset is just. It's very bad practice to artificially create a sale by raising the price of the base game and adding in superfluous content to round out the package. If they didn't want to have the game on sale, give that front page spot to someone who could use it. It's also deceptive to the casual user, making them believe they're getting a significant amount off of the game itself.
I know I've mentioned this before, but how is this for creative math:
The Enemy Within DLC is 24,99 on the store page, but as part of the sale it's now 29,99. What a treat!
Not sure if a price mistake but if you like sims the playway sim bundle is 95% off
Car Mechanic 2014 (not 2015), Construction Machines 2014, Farm Machine 2014, and Helicopter Rescue 2014.
That is a very weird set of games lol
In case anyone is interested, I am working on our traditional yearly Indie game steam sale thread now. Still need a while, but I'll also need your help to hunt down some good deals later on.
If the Xcom DLC was ever a decent price I would actually buy it!
Ahh, so it doesn't really matter? Might as well get it on GMG then, no?
Just dropped around 60 bucks for:
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising
Don't Starve
Freedom Planet
Papers, Please
I went a little nuts![]()
How did I never hear of Ziggurat before this day?!?!?!?
Worth buying Metro right now? Probably won't play it for quite a while and it seems like the kind of game that's always on sale.
(I've played them both but only the original version and only one time each.)
Grabbed Fable Anniversary for 50% off / $17.50 since I doubt it could get any cheaper...
Steam Sales are amazing!
Just dropped around 60 bucks for:
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising
Don't Starve
Freedom Planet
Papers, Please
I went a little nuts![]()
Grabbed Fable Anniversary for 50% off / $17.50 since I doubt it could get any cheaper...
Steam Sales are amazing!
Just dropped around 60 bucks for:
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising
Don't Starve
Freedom Planet
Papers, Please
I went a little nuts![]()
Grabbed Fable Anniversary for 50% off / $17.50 since I doubt it could get any cheaper...
Steam Sales are amazing!
Just dropped around 60 bucks for:
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising
Don't Starve
Freedom Planet
Papers, Please
I went a little nuts![]()
Just dropped around 60 bucks for:
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising
Don't Starve
Freedom Planet
Papers, Please
I went a little nuts![]()
I'm asking if someone has crafted a badge using restricted cards to see if the usual market/trading cooldown applies to the resulting sale card. If the restriction is in place, then everybody who crafts a badge after a few days will have virtually useless sale cards, so I wouldn't be surprised if Valve's made them exempt.
this is what i grabbed today. nothing jumped out at me so i had to get creative
Fallout 3
Defy Gravity Extended
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
The Enchanted Cave 2
It's a little amazing that every time Valkyria goes on sale it creeps up to Top Sellers really fast. At $5 it's keeping pace with GTAV, that's nuts.