Not a daily deal or anything, but we're giving a 50% discount on out game It came from space, and ate our brains. It just got updated with a couple of nice features as well. Hope you like it!
You click too fast on the enemies, and the health bars stop going down.
I can't even start the Monster mini-game.
Pretty sure that's not how getting refunds works.
By the way, just to be sure (my first summer sale), everything that's discounted at this moment (besides the Daily and Flash sales) will at the very least keep its current pricing until the very last day (22nd June), and if we're lucky, it'll feature in a Daily or Flash and be even cheaper?
For example, BioShock 2 is 6,79 at this moment and it will won't get any higher than that until the end of the sale, and maybe even cheaper if it's featured in a Daily/Flash sale?
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition is 50% for $24.99, wow. Seems like a pretty deep cut for a title that's normally $50.
No. Notice that they've bundled an extra game (GTA4 or Max Payne 3) and some of their multiplayer currency (Tiger Shark Credit Cards or whatever) to jack up the price before "discounting" it back down.
No they raised the price just to make it look discounted.
By the way, just to be sure (my first summer sale), everything that's discounted at this moment (besides the Daily and Flash sales) will at the very least keep its current pricing until the very last day (22nd June), and if we're lucky, it'll feature in a Daily or Flash and be even cheaper?
If it isn't a daily or flash, it can go lower.
Yep.Well, one nice thing about being at work right now, by the time I get home and start in on this, the servers should be stabilized.
Embarrassing. So I might as well get it from GMG with a 20% off code if I wanted it then?
Embarrassing. So I might as well get it from GMG with a 20% off code if I wanted it then?
Cities Skylines...I look forward to you being a daily/flash...don't disappoint me.
Don't know if mentioned, but summer sale cards are only valid until 6/22/2015, 7:00:00 PM.
Which means you gotta be careful when crafting one whit recently bought normal cards because of the 7 day market restriction.
Has it been confirmed that the restriction applies to sale cards?
If you only want the game and dont mind a Social Club code yeah.
Pretty shitty of them.
Sure, just remember that GMG is not selling a Steamkey version though.
If you read the refund FAQ they will consider things outside of that period on a case by case basis.But it launched months ago, while the refund grace period is only 2 weeks.
Since that kind of refund request might take a lot longer (also considering increased voluem due to the sale) you might miss the sale window so your best bet would be buying a gift copy of the game for now, leaving it in your inventory and then:I suppose I'll see if I can get a refund on Valkyria Chronicles to get it on sale. I got it at launch (which is rare for me) and haven't touched it yet. :|
Oh thats unreal. I mean, Steam isn't really necessary right? Though is it harder to play with friends?
This was the one game I kinda wanted to get. Now? Im not even sure. Has Rockstar even commented on this yet?
Well, there you have it. GTAV's not on sale, and Rockstar will get no sale from me.
Don't understand what you mean tbh.
Thoughts on left for dead 2?????
Metro redux bundle on my i5 2500k/570
Should I go for it. Will it be worth it for me and my specs?
Some older LucasArts stuff is 33% off, I don't think they've done even that since 2012 or 2013. Maybe they'll actually get a daily this time.
LucasArts Adventure Pack
Thrillville: Off the Rails
Armed & Dangerous
LEGO Indiana Jones
LEGO Indiana Jones 2
this is what i grabbed today. nothing jumped out at me so i had to get creative
Fallout 3
Defy Gravity Extended
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
The Enchanted Cave 2
That monster mini game was designed in hell. It's abusive in design, corrupt in intention, and void of any redeeming feature. It's as if they decided they were no longer content in draining our wallets during sales, but also needed to suck our souls out of us through our fingertips.