I believe Ubi began "language-locking" its games in response to Valve not really taking much of a stand against "rest-of-world" users using VPNs to activate gifts locked with the ACRTAG flag, but it's not necessary now that doing so also imposes a runtime-level restriction and Valve is presumably keeping a closer eye on things (the new message that appears when activating a region-locked gift categorically states that using a VPN is against the SSA). When Valve tightened the noose so, I was hoping Ubi would stop heavily region-locking its games in favour of just letting Steam handle it automatically, but alas, as you say, that hasn't happened -- AssCreed Syndicate, R6 Siege and even the upcoming Might & Magic game are all limited to Russian if bought in Eastern Europe. As a matter of fact, Acti and Ubi are the only two publishers that still impose unnecessary restrictions on its RU subs for whatever reason, although at least Acti limits onlyallowrunincountries to Call of Duty whereas Ubi language-locks all of its full-price games.