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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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Card Boy

C&C3 easily. RA3 is where the series started to seriously go downhill, despite looking awesome. If you want C&C3 make sure to get Kane's Wrath (the expansion) too.

yeah RA3 might be a miss. A shame i miss out on the Tim Curry and Jenny McCarthy cutscenes. Dolphin units sound stupid as fuck.



Hell yeah!

I wish that was to me, that game looks great and I've been eyeing it before!


lol have any of you read the system requirements for the Dungeons of Dremor: You Have To Name The Expansion Pack?


I really laughed out loud xD

Also, I haven't played Dungeon's of Dredmor, but I own it. The paid expansion pack is $1.19 and I want to buy it lol. Should I? Is it worth it for those of you who have played it?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Played a bunch of Day Z. Never met another human (besides when there were hackers warping us). Still have yet to find a gun.

This game may be just a bit too survivory for me.

It's very luck based like that. Sometimes you'll find an amazing shotgun and a can of beans, other times not so much.

Btw, number one rule of DayZ: Don't get attached to your gear!
lol have any of you read the system requirements for the Dungeons of Dremor: You Have To Name The Expansion Pack?


I really laughed out loud xD

Also, I haven't played Dungeon's of Dredmor, but I own it. The paid expansion pack is $1.19 and I want to buy it lol. Should I? Is it worth it for those of you who have played it?


Processor:Do not install game in any computer haunted by the vengeful spirit of Steve Jobs. It still walks the earth, thirsting for blood.
I'm tempted by Arma II CO;I reeeeeaaally want to DayZ, but I'm super-broke ATM and can't afford it, especially considering it's a mod that's kinda funky. The lag may be an issue as well, as I live in the middle of Canada and my connection to other players is not always fantastic. And I've already over-spent on this sale...

...but it looks so cooooool :(


actually it was on Valve's court until they (Valve) decided to bring regional pricing and other curencies to Steam (making games over 40% more expensive to me and other EU citizens)

I have not bought a single new fullprice game on Steam since this 1$=1€ betrayal

fuck valve

Does this happen with Valve games as well? If it only happens with games not made by Valve then you know it was the publishers that pressured Valve to do it.
Added :) I've gone from 0 to 24 friends on Steam in just 2 days. I look forward to joining the world of PC gaming when I get my PC in a few days.

Well steam sales are a great time to join pc gaming, I joined at Christmas and have so many games already.

I also love that of all the friends I now have only one is playing a game, sums up steam pretty well


Okay so I've been trying to write some sort of recommendation for Analogue:A Hate Story or at least one of the other Christine Love games, but it's difficult because I only ever played one of the games.

But I'll still try to get a few people to at least check out the first two free games she released, because everybody likes free stuff!

Digital: A Love Story (for 0 moneys here) is pretty much a text only affair and clocks in at about an hour long. It's a "computer mystery/romance" which has you scouring the BBSes of the world in pursuit of who might be the girl of your dreams.
That's the one I played and liked quite a bunch. Kieron Gillen on RPS had the following to say:
Attention-getting top line: right now, I can’t think of a better love story in the western medium.

The proviso on that statement is the “right now”. I’m in a jetlagged state, so there’s all sorts of things I’m missing – like full control of my limbs, and eyes which see an unblurred world – so I’m not going to give it a GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER WITH KISSES AND HUGS AND FLOWERS AND SPECIAL HOLDING award. But it’s a game which I played a couple of weeks back, and has stuck with me ever since.

Don’t Take It Personally, Babe, It Just Ain’t Your Story (here for the price of only your time) is edging closer to the classical VN, in fact it's pretty much one of them with a japanese style look and dialog boxes.
Not having played it yet, I can only let RPS speak for me again, this time Alec Meer
It’s a game about love, sex and the internet, as was its forerunner Digital: A Love Story. This spiritual sequel takes the form of a visual novel, told with text and very occasionally animated anime art. The latter means it’s an instant turn off for some, but quite frankly I suspect anyone with so stubborn a reaction was never going to take all that well to an only semi-interactive tale of emotional drama and catastrophe anyway.
While I can’t help but feel it’s a slightly lesser game than the starkly affecting anonymity of Digital, none of this undoes the powerful tragic-comic horror of watching young lives collapse and rebuild and collapse and rebuild. It’s happened to us all: errant crushes, unflinching belief that you know love, utter devastation following rejection, fear to act, the sick of thrill of knowledge you shouldn’t have…

Visual novel it may loosely be, but this isn’t simply an observation – it’s direct action. Through your control of Rook’s occasional decisions and persistent digital voyeurism, you are made very much a part of these events. You will feel like they’re your fault. Don’t take it personally, but this is your story.

And finally the steamy Analogue: A Hate Story. Directly from its page:
Back in the 25th century, Earth launched a generation ship into deep space, with the goal of establishing the first interstellar colony. It dropped out of contact and disappeared, never reaching its destination.

Thousands of years later, it has finally been found.

You can find NeoGAFs slightly underpopulated OT here. There is also a demo available either on Steam or from it's homepage here. One last time RPS's Alec Meer shall have the word:

You could technically call Analogue: A Hate Story a visual novel, but that would be a little like saying a panther was ‘just a cat.’ Analogue doesn’t so much evolve the largely linear, information drip-feed structure of visual novels as mutate it wildly, chop it up into chunks then offer it up to you in a tin you can pluck the parts out of as you like. It’s a detective story first and foremost, with you as the detective. A sort of space-Poirot if you like, but one whose only forms of communication are picking a left or a right answer to someone else’s questions, rather than Belgian bon-mots and moustache-stroking.
Analogue is the missing link between visual novels and adventure games, with a touch of RPG-style NPC relationship-juggling thrown in, and while I suspect it’s more a glorious aberration than a watershed moment for a genre many gamers have quite understandably struggled to understand the appeal of, it’s certainly a great leap forwards for Christine Love. Yes, I do personally question the wisdom of using that visual style, on both a commercial level and in terms of atmosphere, but, putting that aside, Analogue is a sit-up-and-take-notice achievement in storytelling, in interface, in research, in mechanics and in moral ambiguity.

It got into my head, and I suspect it’s going to stay there for a while. I don’t ask much more from a game.

If you are put off by the visual style, or simply want to have a little laugh, also check out this little fun RPS put up for the game: This assumes you say you don't want to play with that artstyle


That took longer and became more of a wall of text than I wanted, so~rry ♥


someone sell me on Rayman , it looks funny but how good is it? and yes i have played and loved Rayman 1-3

Very good. It looks and plays fantastic. $14.99 is a bit steep in my opinion though. It has some really fun levels and if I had to choose between it and NSMB I would choose Rayman.


If he won't, would someone else? :lol
Driver SF is a fantastic driving game with the best car feel I've ever experienced, wrapped in a fun story with some pretty awesome special abilities. It's just a really fun game that should have gotten much more attention.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Bastion should've been called Satisfaction
Would a trusted member of the Steam GAF Community mind doing me a solid? I have a $20 gift voucher, but as Ive made aware, Steam has shut down my ability to purchase games. I'd like Civ 5 and Divinity II, was hoping I could give the voucher to someone to make the purchases and gift me the games, keep the remaining $2.50 as a tip.

Hey sorry to hear about the account lock, it's a pretty shitty thing for steam to start doing in cases which you could hardly call 'high volume trading for profit' (especially in I H8 memes case who has also been at a loss at times)... come on valve take a look at why this is occuring instead of simply taking punitive measures and painting yourself as the bad guy let's find a solution that makes everyone happy (like creating an age check for adults to get uncensored versions, and fighting a bit harder to get more equal regional pricing).

For anyone wanting some more steam friends of the Aussie variety feel free to add MrTeachwell. I just saw someone's post about how cool it is to have personal reviews on games and think that along with having more friends in games to play with would be awesome.


If he won't, would someone else? :lol

Yeah, I've seen a lot of recommendations for it. Driver will probably be the last "major" thing I buy from this sale. Probably going to pull the trigger on it, but I'm trying to recall any other recent must-haves that have been mentioned. I picked up Deus Ex, Shogun 2, etc. during the winter sale. I don't think I'm hardcore enough for DayZ, lol.

Here's what I've picked up from this sale so far:
- Ys Origin
- Rayman Origins
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Walking Dead
- Magicka DLC
- Binding of Isaac DLC
- Legend of Grimrock

I bought CKII from Amazon right before the sale started.

So, GAF, am I missing anything critical or should I just go with Driver?


Okay so I've been trying to write some sort of recommendation for Analogue:A Hate Story or at least one of the other Christine Love games, but it's difficult because I only ever played one of the games.

But I'll still try to get a few people to at least check out the first two free games she released, because everybody likes free stuff!

Digital: A Love Story (for 0 moneys here) is pretty much a text only affair and clocks in at about an hour long. It's a "computer mystery/romance" which has you scouring the BBSes of the world in pursuit of who might be the girl of your dreams.
That's the one I played and liked quite a bunch. Kieron Gillen on RPS had the following to say:

Don’t Take It Personally, Babe, It Just Ain’t Your Story (here for the price of only your time) is edging closer to the classical VN, in fact it's pretty much one of them with a japanese style look and dialog boxes.
Not having played it yet, I can only let RPS speak for me again, this time Alec Meer

And finally the steamy Analogue: A Hate Story. Directly from its page:

You can find NeoGAFs slightly underpopulated OT here. There is also a demo available either on Steam or from it's homepage here. One last time RPS's Alec Meer shall have the word:

If you are put off by the visual style, or simply want to have a little laugh, also check out this little fun RPS put up for the game: This assumes you say you don't want to play with that artstyle


That took longer and became more of a wall of text than I wanted, so~rry ♥

Downloading Don't Take It Personally right now, seems more like my type of game (though a friend from school did get Analogue for me)
Was Alpha Protocol on flash sale / daily deal at all? One of the games I was interested in that hasn't shown up.
I played digtal (really liked it) and don't take it personally(less so)... is analogue worth picking up? How does it compare?


Driver SF is a fantastic driving game with the best car feel I've ever experienced, wrapped in a fun story with some pretty awesome special abilities. It's just a really fun game that should have gotten much more attention.

Thats sounds good enough for 5 bucks. Thanks! :)


Would a trusted member of the Steam GAF Community mind doing me a solid? I have a $20 gift voucher, but as Ive made aware, Steam has shut down my ability to purchase games. I'd like Civ 5 and Divinity II, was hoping I could give the voucher to someone to make the purchases and gift me the games, keep the remaining $2.50 as a tip.

Would I be able to pay directly with the voucher? I wouldn't mind helping you out.

Thats sounds good enough for 5 bucks. Thanks! :)

It's $7.50, unless I'm missing something.


Bastion should've been called Satisfaction

Completely agree, except for one of the weapon challenges. I got it on 360 about a year ago, and the hammer challenge was apparently bugged because I never got credit for winning despite beating it 3 times. Maybe that's been patched by now.


Alright this will be my final question about Driver before I buy it. Does the game have the capability for some hilarious/wacky stuff to happen? Is the multiplayer any good?


Ouch about the GFWL save file corruption. My DRM philosophy on Steam is as follows:

GFWL: This may make me rage as I spend an hour or two getting a game working, though I haven't had a save file corrupted yet. Currently I put up with it while grumbling loudly.

Tages 3-activation limit: I avoid this like the plague and hopefully haven't bought any games with it. I don't know if there's a license revocation tool though.

Ubisoft always-online/online requirement (Forgotten Sands): Will not buy. I got every Prince of Persia game except the latest because of this. *shrug*

Same story here. The only POP games missing from my collection were Prince of Persia and Forgotten Sands. I had both in my cart, but decided to do a quick DRM check before buying and once I did Forgotten Sands was gone from my cart. What a shame as I really wanted this game.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Analogue is such a fun (if a little short) VN. I highly recommend it if you enjoy the genre or have never tried a visual novel.


Would I be able to pay directly with the voucher? I wouldn't mind helping you out.

It's $7.50, unless I'm missing something.

In Germany its 4.99 EUR or 8.74 EUR for the Deluxe Edition.

Alright this will be my final question about Driver before I buy it. Does the game have the capability for some hilarious/wacky stuff to happen? Is the multiplayer any good?

Not a big spoiler, I hope (frome the Giant Bomb quick look):
I think you can jump in every car and become the driver at any point and hear some hilarious conversations or something along those lines.


Alright this will be my final question about Driver before I buy it. Does the game have the capability for some hilarious/wacky stuff to happen? Is the multiplayer any good?
Multiplayer is great, except it's currently broken. The story is pretty funny. There's also plenty of crazy car crashes.
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